Who are you?

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Taeyeon's POV:

"Miss Taeyeon! Do you know how to go to the school? Do you need me to call the chauffeur?" My housekeeper called out to me. I'm already wearing my shoes. It's already 7.30am already and I don't want to be late on the first day of school. I know how slow my chauffeur can go so I've decided to go to school myself. And since my chauffeur showed me the way to the school before, I rather go there myself, with my car. 

"It's fine. I'll go there myself. I know the way." I called back and made my way out of the door. "Bye bye!" I quickly rush for the car parked outside my house. I'm living alone now after moving back to Korea. My parents are still in America doing their business, I came back just for someone. Someone I love for 12 years. I hopped into my car and drove at a speed of 100km/h to my school, SoNyuh High School. Well, it's already stated in the name. It's an all-girls school. As soon as I reached the school I drove straight for the car park and yes, I was on time. Just on time. I stepped out of my car just to notice all the girls staring at me. I gave them a look and walk straight for the building. I've to report before I could go to the class. On my way there, I can hear whispers (loud enough for me to hear).

"Omo, who is she? She's so beautiful!" 

"She's stunning!"

"Gorgeous! I think I already fall for her"

My head was getting dizzy from all the comments. Gosh, can't they just stop staring? And I didn't know they will fall for a girl. Well, I fell for a girl too but that's totally different. I love her for like 12 years and they are saying they love me when they just saw me for a second? What's wrong with the world now? I rubbed my temples before going into the office.

"Good morning, I'm here to report." I told the person before the desk.

"Oh, you must be Kim Taeyeon right?" She asked.


"You'll be in senior class..."

"Yes, I know already. My housekeeper told me all this yesterday." I said impatiently, at this rate, I'm going to be late.

"Oh, ok..." She looked and smiled at me embarrassed. 

Just as the bell struck, I was outside the class and I was met with our homeroom teacher, Ms Sunny. "Hello, you're our new student right?" I nodded and look at her. She looks kind, i thought to myself. "Come in." She signaled me to follow her and I did. I walked into the class with my head low. I hate being the new students. That means you'll get stared at by people in the class. 

"Class, this is our new student. Kim Taeyeon. Would you like to introduce yourself?" She addressed the class and then asked me. I nodded and stood in front of the class.

"Dang it..." I silently muttered under my breath. "Annyeonghasaeyo. I'm Kim Taeyeon. Please take care of me." I nodded before stepping aside.

"Taeyeon-ssi... Please sit beside..." While the teacher is looking for an empty seat, I saw Jessica smiling at me. I smiled back. It's good to see a familiar face. Dad purposely opted for this class after knowing Jessica and Tiffany is in it. I'm glad. "Tiffany."

"What?" I turned to look at the teacher when I heard Tiffany's name. 

"Please sit beside Tiffany." Oh, great. I haven't seen her for a long time. But it's sure awkward and I never smile to anyone except for Jessica and my family members. I didn't even smile to Tiffany before. I nodded and walked to the table beside Tiffany. My heart beating faster. I sighed, I haven't seen her for 12 years but I still get the feeling whenever I see her. I guess it's love. I sighed again. I sit down and saw her smiling at me. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo! I'm Tiffany." She flashed me an eye smile. I missed that eye smile too much. I don't know what to do and I just nodded and looked away. I'm too nervous around her. 

Tiffany's POV:

What's wrong with that girl, I thought to myself. I said hi to her but she just ignored it. I turn to Jessica and said, "Sica-ah, that girl is so rude. I said hi and she didn't say hi back." 

"Just ignore her," she smiled at me.

"Ok..." I smiled back clinging on to her arm. Since we are sitting at the last row with Sooyoung and that girl who is rude... The teacher hardly notices us. Jessica is the girl I have a crush on. I've know her since I was 11. I'm 21 this year. The whole lesson I was sitting close to Jessica since it's super awkward sitting with the newcomer. She hardly smiles. She has this expressionless face that seriously bores me. Can't she at least smile? What does she think she's doing now? Playing poker? Seriously... As the bell rang to signal the end of lessons, I stood up and said to Sooyoung.

"Yah, shikshin! Let's go to the canteen! I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry too!" Typical Sooyoung. I laughed and dragged both Jessica and Sooyoung out.

Taeyeon's POV:

I went to the park and dialed Jessica's number. I looked at the canteen and I saw Jessica, Tiffany and her friend sitting by the glass. I smiled and suddenly.


"Hello Sica!" I said.

"Missy! It's you!" She exclaimed and I clearly saw Tiffany and her friend staring at her. Oh no, they should not know about Jessica and I.

"Sica, you're screaming."

"Sorry, I'm just too excited to hear your voice." Where's the ice princess I normally know of?

"I just talked to you yesterday."


"Anyways, come to the park, I need to tell you something."

"Neh neh, I'll be there in a minute." After saying that, she took off running out of the canteen. I smiled to myself as I see Jessica running. Sure enough, a minute later, Jessica came running to me. I dragged her and hid behind a tree.

"Yah, did Tiffany and your friend know about you seeing me?" I asked cautiously, making sure no one is around since I've picked a quiet corner of the park.

"Nope, I don't think they know. I just said I need to go to the toilet."

"... Anyways, my dad told me that Tiffany is moving in with me today."

"Omo, are you sure?"

"Yes, I can't believe that. He told me that Tiffany's parents are going to America for quite some time to discuss about the on-going project with him... So he say Tiffany's parents are entrusting me to take care of Tiffany..." I looked down at my phone that is in my hand.

"Yah, missy! You should be happy." 

"But... She hates me."

"... No, she don't."

"Yes, she does. From the way she looks at me in class, it's undeniable."


I gave her the see-I-told-you face. "Anyways, good to see you finally." I gave her a hug. She's been my childhood friend since 5. Well, actually, she's actually a girl whom is staying with me since I'm 5. My dad says she's my personal maid and I was like, "What?" We are only 5 and she's my personal maid? I chose not to hear that statement, I prefer her to be my friend but I don't know why she keeps calling me "Missy". I guess she really thought she's my maid. I've been telling her to call me Taeyeon but since she insisted, I can't change anything too.

"Hey, I've to go back now. If not, Tiffany and Sooyoung will suspect something."


"Call me when you need help ok, Missy?"

"Yes, I'll."

"Good luck when she moves in." She laughs and ran off.

"Yah!" I didn't get to finish my sentence after she ran off. I just smiled to myself when I'm still recalling what Jessica had said to me. But when the thought that Tiffany is moving in... The nervousness get back inside me again. I sighed and walked towards the canteen. As I entered the canteen and got my food. I sat down alone and I didn't realise I chose the table behind Jessica, Tiffany and her friend, Sooyoung. I stared at Tiffany's back which is facing me, it looks so beautiful. Then I caught myself actually gawking at her backview, I snapped back to reality and ate my food. When the bell finally struck and signaled for lessons. I stood and left with a sigh. It's gonna be a long day.

Jessica's POV:

Somethings really on Missy's mind. Why does she look so gloomy? She don't seem like her usual self today. She's always emotionless but now she has a worried face... What's wrong? I thought to myself as I made my way back to the class with Tiffany and Sooyoung.

"Sica... Sica..." Tiffany nudged me but I didn't realise it.

"JESSICA!" Tiffany screamed.

"OMO!" I jumped and look at Tiffany.

"Yah, what are you thinking about?!" 

"Nothing..." I flashed her a smile and took her arm. I feel kinda bad... I've feelings for Tiffany even though I know Missy loves Tiffany but Missy said it's ok. I guess so, but... Still, and they're living together now... Well, soon. Missy said she's going to work hard for Tiffany's heart. I hope so, but I guess I don't really feel much towards Tiffany. I'm in a dilemma now... I've some feelings for Sooyoung... And Tiffany... "AHHH!" I screamed out loud in frustration as my mind got bombarded by thoughts of the complicated relationship.

"Are you ok...?" Sooyoung looked at me with worried eyes.

"Yes," I smiled at her. She smiled back. Even though I know she loves food more than people, I still know she's a warm-hearted and a girl who knows how to love. She put her hand around my waist and my heart skipped a beat. Why am I feeling this whenever I'm around Sooyoung and why don't I feel this whenever I'm around Tiffany...? Am I falling in love with Sooyoung? Sooyoung had been with me for 12 years... She's like my very very best childhood friend, so I'm falling for her after 12 years? Woah... I thought. We reached the class and we took our seats. Our teacher is not here yet so I've decided to check out my phone. And there's a new message. I open it and it reads.

"Sica-ah, I just wanna know, do you still like Tiffany?" It's from Taeyeon. Great timing to ask that Taeyeon. I turned around and saw her looking at me. She smiled and I turned and look at my phone.

"I didn't answer her directly but asked, 'Hey, if your heart skipped a beat when someone touches you... What does that mean?" A few seconds later, I felt my phone vibrate. Wow, she's a fast texter. I opened the message.

"It's either you're shock or you're in love with that person. Well, mostly the both of them. If you feel your body heating up after your heart skipped a beat, then it's you're in love. ^^ You still haven't answer my first question." The message says.

"Well, I don't think I feel the same for Tiffany. Now, she feels more like someone I can't live without in my life. More like someone very important in terms of family." I simply replied. I thus confirm that I'm falling for Sooyoung. That's confusing...

I didn't tell Tiffany I like her before, never. It's just what I feel.

"Fany-ah..." I turned to Tiffany.


"Uhm... Nothing."

"You're weird." She said with a laugh. You'll be hating me soon, but I still hope we can be friends.

Sooyoung looked at me with a weird expression on her face, could it be...? No, I don't think she knows... I sighed and time seems to be slower that day as the bell finally struck to signal the end of school. "Anyone wants to go out for lunch?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the confusing feelings. 

"Count me in!" Shikshin said.

"Me too." Tiffany added in.

"Well, let's go. I'm craving for ramen!" Shikshin shouted.

"Are you pregnant or something? Why do you have to use the word crave?" I muttered but loud enough for Sooyoung to hear.

"Yah, you! The word crave doesn't mean you're pregnant! I haven't been eating ramen for years!" Sooyoung smacked my forehead.  I punched her and she punched back.

"Guys... It's embarrassing..." Tiffany said with an impatient tone. 

I gave Sooyoung an icy stare before jogging to catch up with Tiffany who is now in front. 

Taeyeon's POV:

"Well, I don't think I feel the same for Tiffany. Now, she feels more like someone I can't live without in my life. More like someone very important in terms of family." I stared at the message Jessica sent. Jessica likes Tiffany. She told me everything, without concealing anything. She's that honest. But I'm jealous of her cos she can be with Tiffany all the time. Well, since Tiffany is living with me soon, I guess that's even. But I don't open up easily, even if it's Tiffany.

I stood up from my seat and walked out of the classroom after grabbing my bag. As I was walking towards the carpark, I noticed the girls staring at me. I don't know why they do this but I'm kinda uncomfortable. Suddenly, a girl came up to me.

"Uhm, are you Taeyeon?" She asked me, looking at me shyly.

"Yes? What's up?" I looked at her blankly.

"Can I... Can I... Go out with you?" I stared at her in disbelief. Are girls so direct nowadays?! 

"Sorry, I'm kinda busy with something right now. Next time." I said next time even though I don't mean it. I left the girl standing there awkwardly as I made my way to my car. I hopped in and drove off. I headed to the ramen shop which my uncle owns. I told dad about wanting to help out there and he agreed. Sometimes he doesn't allow me to do work myself but I don't really like being protected just because I'm from a rich family...

"Uncle!" I shouted.

"Aigoo, Taeyeon-ah. You're back!" Uncle hugged me. 

"I helping out here and don't say no cos my dad agreed to it already!" I announced, smiling at him. 

"Ok ok, as you wished. Help me with that three bowls of ramen and give it to table 10." He pointed to the tray on the table and I nodded. I headed out to the restaurant with the tray and made my way to table 10 and I saw Jessica, Tiffany and Sooyoung sitting there. I widened my eyes and stopped moving forward. Oh dear... What a perfect timing. I grabbed hold of myself and walked towards the table.

"Here is your ramen." I said and laid down the tray before passing them the bowl with a hand.

"Thank y-" Tiffany said before gasping. "Omo! Aren't you Taeyeon? Who are you and why do you keep appearing in front of me?"

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163 streak #2
Lol the comments acting surprised like 5 years ago but what about now?! 💀 it’s been ages hehe
UltimateSwag #3
Chapter 2: Holy , people be reading this because it's hella old
kasterian #5
Chapter 3: It'd be so nice if you updated soon Author! It's a great story so far and I definitely enjoy it^^ Please update soon!
Laboli #6
Chapter 3: Aagggghhhhh please update soon author