Thinking about Tiffany.

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Taeyeon's POV

"Thank y-" Tiffany said before gasping. "Omo! Aren't you Taeyeon? Who are you and why do you keep appearing in front of me?"

"Didn't you just say my name?" I stated as I handed each of them the ramen.

"You. You!" She shouted.

"What about me?" I stood there arm crossed.

"Idiot." She simply stated.

"Same to you." I said as I turned and walked back to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and looked outside and saw Tiffany angrily talking to Sooyoung and Jessica. I smiled to myself, she's so cute but she's really making me going to have split personality soon... I stayed till 6 and bidded my uncle goodbye before driving home. I heard from my parents in America that Tiffany is coming to my house to stay today. As soon as I've reached home, I bathed and tidied the room and not long after, the doorbell rang.

"Coming..." I shouted as I made my way to the door.

Tiffany's POV

I pressed the doorbell and I heard a faint reply, "Coming..." from the inside. Then the door opened and I got a shock out of my life. "NOT YOU AGAIN?!" I shouted.

"Oh, it's you." She said calmly.

"You... You're not my fiance right?" Please say no, please say no, I thought.

"Yes, jackpot, I am." She said it, calmly yet again.

I stared at her in disbelief, she looked like she knew it all along. So she knew it in school already...? As if she could read my mind, she said, "Yes, I knew it all along." I stared at her again. 

"Will you stop staring? I know I'm pretty but I don't need such an affection." She stated. Oh my, she's really driving my crazy.

"Pardon me?!" I asked.

"Nothing." She grabbed my pink luggage and walked into the house. "Come in." I followed her into the big house. I looked around. High ceilings, carpeted floors, wide living room with the latest plasma TV... Even though we all came from rich families... But her house was too grand... I looked around and my thoughts got interrupted with her voice, "This is your room.' She pointed into a room nearest to the living room. I looked inside, the room in a mix colour of light blue and purple. 

"It looks occupied..." I mumbled.

"It IS occupied." She answered.

"Bwoh?" I asked her, shocked by her answer.

"This is MY room." She emphasized on the 'my'.

I stared at her but she calmly answer, "We'll be husband and wife soon... So I don't see what's the problem with us sleeping in the same room..." 

"But I don't even know you yet!" 

"You'll get to know me, slowly." She said, for the first time, I saw her smile. She looks nice when she smiles but she looks exceptionally annoying when she grins or smirks. "You can feel free to do anything. It's your house now." She said before moving towards the kitchen.

"You stay alone?" I looked around.

"No, I stay with my housekeeper." As if on cue the door opened and a girl stepped in.

"Miss Taeyeon! I'm back!" She shouted.

"Ahhh, I see Miss Tiffany is here." She rushed over to me and bow, "Hi, my name is Seohyun. Nice to meet you." 

"Hi Seohyun, nice to meet you too. But you can call me Tiffany. It's ok." I smiled.

"No no, according to the rules of the Kim Household, I've to refer to anyone in the house as Miss or Mis-" The girl talked at bullet speed leaving me with my mouth wide open.

"Uh, Seohyun-ah, you don't have to explain that." Kim Taeyeon stated. Seohyun bowed and left me alone in the living room sitting and looking around.

"You know Avatar is showing now on TV. You can watch it. Just feel free like I've said." Kim Taeyeon said again.

"How do you know-"

"I like it too." She said as if she knew what I'm going to ask beforehand. I'm starting to get freaked out by this person, she's so scary.

I reached out for the remote control and switched it on, truly, Avatar is showing and I sat there watching. Later, a plate was placed on the coffee table in front of me. I looked at it, half-expecting it to be food. I was right but it was my favourite food. Hamburger! I looked at her. She is wearing a pink apron over it. I've to admit, she looked rather cute now, but why will she serve me hamburger? 

"Here's your hamburger, extra cheese." She said. I stared at her for a long time. "I know I'm pretty, you don't have to stare." She said again, after noticing that I'm looking at her.

"Extra... Ch... Chee... Cheese...?" I stammered.

"Why? You don't want extra cheese? It's fine, I can change it." She reached out her hands for the plate but I grabbed her wrist.

"No, it's fine. I love cheese, but how on earth do you know I like hamburgers with extra cheese?" I asked.

"I don't know, I made this according to my OWN preference..." She said. 

"Oh..." I looked away, not remembering that I'm still holding on to her hand.

"Tiffany Hwang, can you let go of my hands?" She asked, half-ordering. I was shocked and quickly let go.

"Sorry..." I apologized, looking away in embarrassment. She smiled, and walked away. What's with that smile...

Taeyeon's POV

So, she's wondering why I know so much about her... Thank you Sica, without you, i don't know what will I do when she's at my house. I thought to myself. Jessica had been hanging out with her for a lot of years, surely she knew a lot about her, so she'll email me when she found something new about Tiffany, but I feel very bad for using her... I went into my room and took my cellphone and dialed Jessica's number.

"Hello?" I said as soon as I heard Sica's voice.

"Hello?" It's sleepy. I bet she's sleepy. Aigoo, that sleepy head.

"Sica, it's me." I lowered my voice and I walked out of my room and into the living room before sitting down on the sofa with TIffany.

"Missy! So how's your first day with her?!" She exclaimed after realising it's me.

"Are you sleeping?" I asked, ignoring her question,

"Yea, but you called and it woke me up." 

"Oh, I'm sorry." 

"It's ok, missy. Tell me about your day with Tiff!" She pressed on. I looked towards Tiffany's direction and thought for awhile. 

"I'll tell you tomorrow." I stated.


"I can't really say it right now..." 

"Oh, ok then, tell me tomorrow. See you!" She understood what I meant.

"See you, goodnight, sleep tight and remember to wake up tomorrow morning." I stated laughing into the phone.

"Yah! Ok, goodnight missy!" We both hung up the phone and I looked at the TV, the show is still showing. But I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. I turned at saw Tiffany staring at me. This girl sure love to stare...

"What are you staring at?" I asked her.

"Did you just laugh?" She asked me in shock.

"I did, so what?" 

"Nothing..." She said. Seriously, she's weird. But I still love her. 

Tiffany's POV

Oh my. she just laughed and her laughter is so cute. She laughed like an ahjumma! Oh gosh, why am I thinking about this? I like Sica, not this weird person. I thought to myself.

Taeyeon's POV

An hour or so later, the movie ended and I found Tiffany asleep on the sofa. I gently pushed her, trying to wake her up but instead she tightly wrapped her arms around my neck. I instantly became hot, cos I'm kinda shock with the sudden skinship. 

"Jessica..." She mumbled and my heart sank. Oh ya, she liked Sica... I gently lifted her from the sofa and carried her into my room. Well, when I said that we're sleeping together, I don't really mean it. I placed her onto my bed and covered her with the blanket. I took another blanket and pillow from the closet and left the room. I headed for the sofa and made it my 'bed'. Truthfully, the sofa was kinda comfy. Soon later, I drifted off to sleep, thinking about Tiffany.

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154 streak #2
Lol the comments acting surprised like 5 years ago but what about now?! 💀 it’s been ages hehe
UltimateSwag #3
Chapter 2: Holy , people be reading this because it's hella old
kasterian #5
Chapter 3: It'd be so nice if you updated soon Author! It's a great story so far and I definitely enjoy it^^ Please update soon!
Laboli #6
Chapter 3: Aagggghhhhh please update soon author