Tip #2

Idea POP {Story Tips and Idea Shop}



Most all of my best ideas come to me when I am in the bathroom. Whether I’m showering, taking a bath, or (TMI ABBY) using the restroom, all of the ideas seem to come to me. So if it works for me, maybe it will work for you. I think that because you are thinking back on the days’ events (if you shower at night) then your subconscious is very active at those moments. This might be a reason. I’ll look into it. :3

(PS: also think about how you feel in the shower. Think about the temperature of the water. I'll be talking about sensory in the next chapter ;D)

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Hi~ I submitted another idea. ^^
KPossible12 #2
Is 8 taken? To love purely
Yey~ <3 Thanks author-nim! ^^
Yulhoe #4
Thank you :D
Yulhoe #5
Submitted one =]
I submitted a character and story idea. I hope I will be mentioned in the chapter~ ^^v

Fighting! <3
GreasyCucumber #7
great idea :D i'm sure this will help many writers here on AFF, including me ^-^ thank you~
this is such a good idea! I can't wait to see your ideas, and you've described how i feel sometimes perfectly!
I'm caught between submitting ideas and using ones i see here though... i can do both, right?