In A Moment


In which Kyuhyun has murderous thoughts about Siwon but comes to value the perfection of precious moments and Yesung goes to Kyuhyun's musical.


This is my 26th story.....yeah actually made it to 26....hard to believe.

This is part of my No Words Needed Continuum and would technically be set after Kyuusng Day, so just about a week less than 5 months into the relation. This one examines, the Shanghai concert and Yeusng's visit to the musical, but must be warmed that it is sort of weird as I wrote it rather disjointedly and in the middle of studying. It was supposed to be like 8K words but ended up being around 16K...why that happens to me I will never know. As usual, can be read as a oneshot, its long so if prevailed upon to read, do so when you have time and concentration. Cheers!

Comments are Appreciated :)


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Chapter 1: And this story is perfect, and it always will be : ) Gosh you always manage to make me feel warm and fuzzy inside with all the wonderful Kyusung. Gosh I love them too much >_<. And one of the main reasons I adore them is your lovely fics that are just so real, never rushed. Thank u for this <3 “I am late. I have to go…..Stop pouting! I will call you later. Behave okay?” haha I love that Kyuhyun is such a child that he needs to be talked to like this from Yesung XD.
Chapter 1: this was just..... awesome!!!!!! i love this. kyuhyun was so kyute being all happy cause yesung watched his play!! XD
lalilula413 #3
hi! I actually have read your stories for a long time, but I couldn't( and still can't) find the right words to say, so, I'm sorry I didn't comment earlier =(
as I've said before, I can't give you a great comment about your story, because commenting is never my speciality, but so I will simply say it. I really love your stories. it's feels so natural and real. and I hope the best for your exams ^^
rhenny #4
Ok here I go^^

First of all... I think you already know that I have read (and spazzed over) all your fics^^ I'm sorry I wasn't able to show my support by silently reading and appreciating them without telling my thoughts and comments about it. so now, I'll do my best to comment properly to show how much I love and adore your fics^^

I really like how you describe every moment, thought and everything in this story. it makes things clearer and more effective! I especially love how their thoughts contradict or tease them! hahahaha!

Kyu's being tired and all but what he only needs is his Yesung for him to be recharge his energy. the boys truly have a very hectic schedule and all....

I had been anticipating when will Yesung watch Kyu since the start of his musical^^ and he really did!
I'd been thinking too of how you will do this... and the result was really great! it even surpass my expectations! you did an exceptional job!

I really felt happy when I learned Jongwoon watched catch me if you can (I'm not even affected by the fact that Sungmin also watched it... you know what I mean)
lol at pink and orange! but it is true when Kyu said he still looks handsome whatever he wears... (maybe next time we should have him try on rags to really prove it!)

I will not mention the name of S**** for it might piss Kyu! hahahahaha! why is our baby so jealous of him?

Their interaction is really sweet! I THINK I GOT KYUSUNG CAVITIES!!!!!! I'm dying of KyuSung sweetness!

(pretends I didn't see the KyuMin pic)

There is really something on the way you write that draws me deeper and deeper...
I love how you would analyze and scrutinize every single detail to make it very realistic, to the point that you got us, the readers, to believe that what happened in/on the fics is really true.
reading your fics makes me more KyuSung obsessed to the point that I truly hope that every single part of this fic is real..

really good! as in! I'm not even exaggerating!
ice420 #5
Finally finish! Yey. I don't know why you say it's not your best coz' it's actually one of my favorite :D (Well, I love all that you've written so far so...) It's okay to cover three RL occurrences, you made it happen. I love how all three came together and just.. clicked. Honest :D

The Highs and the Lows... Musical was the High while Shanghai, well, 'low' might be tame, blood boiling, apt. I can just see the green monster poking at Kyu's head *lol* Oh the torture!! And you made us see all that. Nice. But you know, YeWon, YeHae, YeHyuk, YeWook, even YeTeuk and YeMin aside, that brief moment in the dark topped all of them. Not fanservice!!! How could it be?

I was asked in tumblr why I ship KyuSung and not YeWon or YeWook. I answered, "Coz' they seem more real". And that's what I honestly see. I mean, look at some of their interactions. They don't hug or do anything that makes the fans squeal but there is something there, you know? And no, it's not the shipper in me talking. I saw little actions, esp in Sukira where SuJu guested, and then Shimshimtapa, you could see they're close. Bromance? okay.. why not? Maybe they're close because of KRY but they seem 'caring' towards one another. There is one moment in Sukira, which is my favorite, where Yesung was talking and Kyu was looking at him, quite intently I might add, then Kyu extended a finger and run it on the side of Yesung's face :D He did it again but with a tissue (guess he was wiping Yesung's sweat). It was really sweet!!! I grin like a loon whenever I watch it. After that, I ship KyuSung ♥ And then I found KyuSung Crossroad and so forth and so on..

That is why I LOVE all your stories. You make my shipping heart flutter coz' you make my fantasies about them, REAL. Well, my fantasies don't include Siwon but hey, I'm fine with it :D I know you have to study so GO. Leave KyuSung for a while.

I wish you success in your studies. Good thing I'm done with that ^^
rhenny #6
I shall comment something long... to show how much I appreciate your stories^^
ClockwiseStir #7
"The Milky way paled greatly in comparison to almond shaped eyes, freakishly small hands, a warm touch , a blinding smile and a heart purer than distilled water, [which may be a unromantic comparator, but it is technically the purest substance on earth] and the melodious voice, a gift from the heavens." <3

"Kyuhyun was recognizing steadily that life really was in the moments." <3

Wae no kiss? Not even a peck? hahaha. Great chapter as always. I would be on Kyu's side this time, what the heck was Siwon doing? It was all odd, he and his derp face and odd hip dance. At least Yesung was smiling all the way through. And I'm glad you agree that Kyu's costume in his musical look too insane. Good luck with studying (I'm slaving here too, sad life)!
Aie Aie Aie! :D Siwon is always here to make Kyu jealous! And I like this side of Kyunnie hihi even if he deny it xD
Another successful story :D I'm so proud! All this KyuSung moments are so cute *o* I just love them when they hug each other and talk... awww so sweet <3
But I was expecting at least a 'I love you' from Yesung or a Kiss from Kyu '^^ ... Okay, never maid this is still awesome <3
Thank you for sharing it :)
Wow this was exellent but you should really go Study!great job!!:)