Billet Doux




By: Angelo Joshua Menisis Andeo

Dedicated To: Gale Anne Caspe Alquitran




“When you’re ready flap your wings, defy the gravity, race upon the winds, dance with the stars, when you hear an echo, a whisper, I am there, wishing for you.

Do you hear it? Can’t you hear it?

Do you still see my feet on the ground? no? 

Now you've got the best feeling in this world, you're in love.”


'lub dub, lub dub, lub dub",your heart sounds okay Ma'am.

the nurse boy took off his stethoscope from his ears.

""Oh...Ok just a bit of interview mam" said the nurse with a blush in his cheeks as she asked the beautiful lady.

"Anyway, you're perfectly fine, results are normal, Ms... What's your name again?"

The young lady has a long shiny black hair, 5'4 in height, flawless morena, medium sized body, has sky blue braces that's so attractive, when she smiles, loves to play ping pong but boyish like getting near her could rush you to the floor any minute.

"I a...m and you...are?" said the young lady with afraid voice, eyes are teary and probably having the brokenest heart that is so difficult not to notice.

"I am Josh. I am a heart nurse.  Are you a writer and karate black belter? And good table tennis player too?." said the young nurse

"Yes and soon to be a nun, yes a sister"

"What a sister? With your beauty and age you're planning entering the convent? May I know why?"

"What the hell do you care? You want a broken neck? Anyway, since you're a nurse I'll tell you. My boyfriend dumped me, He cheated me. I find it out. It was true.

        This life is worthless, full of pains and wounds. Nothing is fair. I don’t want to get hurt anymore, I don’t want to be cheated, I guess entering the convent will be the best way to escape these unfairness of life. I live to defend others who are mistreated but I found myself in the situation that it is so hard to defend myself .It's a great idea, don’t you think?" as the young lady started to sob.

"I don’t know Mam and you’re a famous writer at the age of 17? Wow! What do you usually write?"

"I write romantic stories, so many girls I made laugh and cry, not to mention those who had deviated nose when I am angry hahaha! they deserve my strong legs if they are mean"



"Oh. I'm afraid messing up with you, but that's so good!” as Josh smiles.

"Thank you. I went for check up because of the condition of my heart, I was in deep depression lately as what I told you about what happened. I want to check my physical condition of my heart because I have heart failure since I was a child. Can you help me men?"

"So clever of you for checking up immediately" said Josh. 

"I am coming back next week Josh and thanks dude"

"Sure, you’re welcome, be well Jojo" he can’t look directly in girl's beautiful dark eyes.

the young lady smiles and went to the door and went out from the clinic.

Silently, Josh smiled to himself. These words keep on playing in his mind.

"Why is she so lovely? Boyishly lovely. her dark hair so attractive and my eyes cant stop to follow when it moves, her beauty is refreshing, so refreshing, a type that you ca stare whether day or night"

Josh went to the files and check the patient's data and search for Jojo's Nursing History.

                                 Nursing History

I. Vital Information

Name: Joanna Noelle Bradgen

Nickname: Jojo

Age: 17

: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Status: Major in English

Occupation: Writer/Jouralist/Novelist

Chief Complaints: For heart check up

Medical Diagnosis: Heart failure


Josh skipped other information and returned the data back to the file holders.

Poor Jojo, whenever she's depressed her heart decreases pumping blood to all parts of her body, worse of it, it will stopped. It worse than receiving karate kick from 5000 lbs karate man.

He arranged things properly and put the keys in his pocket. And went to his car and drove home safely.

Josh ate his dinner and went to his room, open his diary and started writing. His diary is waiting for his entry. He softly filled the spaces of his diary...



Hey Mr. Diary,

How are you my heart listener? Oh...Day at clinic is quite the same but hey there's someone special I met! There's a truth in what I say if you want a handsome nurse you must be patient! haha! Her name is Jojo, boyish but pretty, seriously pretty. She’s a writer and black belter?! waaaah! She went for check up in my clinic for her heart failure she has depression with her break up with her ex and guess what? Ok fine! I have crush in her. It's between me and you Mr. Diary ok? haha. A sudden sugar rush in my body happened when she talked to me; I felt the shiver in my spine when she said my name. It's like music in my ears!! Hey Beethoven and Mozart why are you guys interfering? hmphmmp! hahaha!

        Diary Dude! Why is she that beautiful? I look into her eyes, I could her heart. I guess I could hear my heart beats even louder when I heard her, her humble heart beats, it beats with beauty. I heard it beats normally; I took off my stethoscope and talked to her. As she starts talking and saying my name, I could her heart more. I wonder why I have a secret stethoscope with her. I hope she will not know this or else I will find myself with broken neck.

          As I write now, I could see stars in my window's pane, but her eyes shine even brighter than those sweet gems in the sky, I wonder really as we talk why can’t she hear the beating of mine?

                                                                                                          with Love,



Then Josh slept with smile in his heart. His heart is now being grown by the love he has planted.


He followed her through social sites. He found out that she has a lot of suitors yet not later than month they found themselves crying, I don’t know if it is with brokenhearted or swelling of cheeks due to kicks of Jojo. 

Jojo went back to the clinic. Josh took care of his heart professionally assist her with the medications prescribed to her by her physician. They were happy together, it’s effortless relationship. As if fate is taking care of everything...


Josh took care of her heart. Repeated sentence? No, this time…

 Josh took care of her heart in his heart.


Jojo little by little fell in love.

her hard heart learns to love.

They both in love with each other, the cake to its icing, the photographer to his camera, baker to his breads and cookies, meant for each other, like left fingers to right fingers, perfectly for each other.


Their love became even lovelier as calendar and clock walk in and do their jobs.


They decided for an out of town vacation, a sweet overnight vacation. They build a tent underneath the stars and later found themselves sitting under the palm tree with fine soft pebbles around. Did I mention they saw a starfish? Yes they did! So what's the point? No just for trivia! Hahaha


What are your favorite books you've wrote?

oh! Many!


Like "Heartstrings", "You can turn the world with love”, “How boys make the girls stupid"

I beg your pardon? Why is that last book of yours so against of us boys? hahaha

You know I cursed boys........before……before… I met you.

and guess what dude?.


You made me ate my words!

is it delicious? hahaha!


Anyway, Read this Billet Doux for you I've written this especially for you

What's Billet Doux? It’s French word for "love letter" 

Jojo picked the pink envelope with glowing pink lace on it.

There are small script sentences written in the lower part of it.

It reads:

"The guy who can only open this is the guy who records my nursing history and got the pen to someone's hands and continue writing my story for the rest my life. oh and haven't still received any black eyes from me :)"


Josh smiled and opened it.



My precious Josh,


My heart nurse, what do you want my love or my flying kick? hahaha


         I am a writer, writing the stories of others, playing with my imagination, moving people with the thought in my mind but since I've met you my heart moved my fingers to write and pour every word of my heart with the ink of my ballpen to the paper with satisfaction and truth. You are a distraction! You made me even forget that i am supposed to enter the convent!

          If you are lonely and sad because your destiny hasn’t come to you. Don’t be sad. Because even her, she's not that happy because you are not still in her life.

     But now it's different. Did I tell you that's it's all because of you?

                                                                                   with tons of love,


Thank you Jojo.

Oh! There's more!

what?! hahaha!

that was just an appetizer. Here's the real



You stupid nurse boy! my heart nurse. I want to sleep next to you, manipulate the hands of the clock, and get its battery to stop the time with you. To make coffee with you at morning and share it with you, kiss you goodnight pray with you to our Creator, our insecurities and happiness.

Really jo?

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooo!” as if imitates the howling of wolves if they see ghosts.

Jojo jumped out of fear and shocked!

“oh josh! Don’t be like that! You know I’m scared of ghosts!!”


Josh hold her arms, look straightly into her two eyes and said,


  You want serious? here it is: 

               I want to love you forever, but i know forever is a lie so I want to love you as long as i live. Now do you believe me when I say I love you?


Now, say you feel this.

When you’re ready flap your wings, defy the gravity, race upon the winds, dance with the stars, when you hear an echo, a whisper, I am there, wishing for you.

Do you hear it? Can’t you hear it?

Do you still see my feet on the ground? no? 

Now you've got the best feeling in this world, you're in love.



Say you feel it, because…

 I do.“When you’re ready flap your wings, defy the gravity, race upon the winds, dance with the stars, when you hear an echo, a whisper, I am there, wishing for you.

Do you hear it? Can’t you hear it?

Do you still see my feet on the ground? no? 

Now you've got the best feeling in this world, you're in love.”


'lub dub, lub dub, lub dub",your heart sounds okay Ma'am.

the nurse boy took off his stethoscope from his ears.

""Oh...Ok just a bit of interview mam" said the nurse with a blush in his cheeks as she asked the beautiful lady.

"Anyway, you're perfectly fine, results are normal, Ms... What's your name again?"

The young lady has a long shiny black hair, 5'4 in height, flawless morena, medium sized body, has sky blue braces that's so attractive, when she smiles, loves to play ping pong but boyish like getting near her could rush you to the floor any minute.

"I a...m and you...are?" said the young lady with afraid voice, eyes are teary and probably having the brokenest heart that is so difficult not to notice.

"I am Josh. I am a heart nurse.  Are you a writer and karate black belter? And good table tennis player too?." said the young nurse

"Yes and soon to be a nun, yes a sister"

"What a sister? With your beauty and age you're planning entering the convent? May I know why?"

"What the hell do you care? You want a broken neck? Anyway, since you're a nurse I'll tell you. My boyfriend dumped me, He cheated me. I find it out. It was true.

        This life is worthless, full of pains and wounds. Nothing is fair. I don’t want to get hurt anymore, I don’t want to be cheated, I guess entering the convent will be the best way to escape these unfairness of life. I live to defend others who are mistreated but I found myself in the situation that it is so hard to defend myself .It's a great idea, don’t you think?" as the young lady started to sob.

"I don’t know Mam and you’re a famous writer at the age of 17? Wow! What do you usually write?"

"I write romantic stories, so many girls I made laugh and cry, not to mention those who had deviated nose when I am angry hahaha! they deserve my strong legs if they are mean"



"Oh. I'm afraid messing up with you, but that's so good!” as Josh smiles.

"Thank you. I went for check up because of the condition of my heart, I was in deep depression lately as what I told you about what happened. I want to check my physical condition of my heart because I have heart failure since I was a child. Can you help me men?"

"So clever of you for checking up immediately" said Josh. 

"I am coming back next week Josh and thanks dude"

"Sure, you’re welcome, be well Jojo" he can’t look directly in girl's beautiful dark eyes.

the young lady smiles and went to the door and went out from the clinic.

Silently, Josh smiled to himself. These words keep on playing in his mind.

"Why is she so lovely? Boyishly lovely. her dark hair so attractive and my eyes cant stop to follow when it moves, her beauty is refreshing, so refreshing, a type that you ca stare whether day or night"

Josh went to the files and check the patient's data and search for Jojo's Nursing History.

                                 Nursing History

I. Vital Information

Name: Joanna Noelle Bradgen

Nickname: Jojo

Age: 17

: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Status: Major in English

Occupation: Writer/Jouralist/Novelist

Chief Complaints: For heart check up

Medical Diagnosis: Heart failure


Josh skipped other information and returned the data back to the file holders.

Poor Jojo, whenever she's depressed her heart decreases pumping blood to all parts of her body, worse of it, it will stopped. It worse than receiving karate kick from 5000 lbs karate man.

He arranged things properly and put the keys in his pocket. And went to his car and drove home safely.

Josh ate his dinner and went to his room, open his diary and started writing. His diary is waiting for his entry. He softly filled the spaces of his diary...



Hey Mr. Diary,

How are you my heart listener? Oh...Day at clinic is quite the same but hey there's someone special I met! There's a truth in what I say if you want a handsome nurse you must be patient! haha! Her name is Jojo, boyish but pretty, seriously pretty. She’s a writer and black belter?! waaaah! She went for check up in my clinic for her heart failure she has depression with her break up with her ex and guess what? Ok fine! I have crush in her. It's between me and you Mr. Diary ok? haha. A sudden sugar rush in my body happened when she talked to me; I felt the shiver in my spine when she said my name. It's like music in my ears!! Hey Beethoven and Mozart why are you guys interfering? hmphmmp! hahaha!

        Diary Dude! Why is she that beautiful? I look into her eyes, I could her heart. I guess I could hear my heart beats even louder when I heard her, her humble heart beats, it beats with beauty. I heard it beats normally; I took off my stethoscope and talked to her. As she starts talking and saying my name, I could her heart more. I wonder why I have a secret stethoscope with her. I hope she will not know this or else I will find myself with broken neck.

          As I write now, I could see stars in my window's pane, but her eyes shine even brighter than those sweet gems in the sky, I wonder really as we talk why can’t she hear the beating of mine?

                                                                                                          with Love,



Then Josh slept with smile in his heart. His heart is now being grown by the love he has planted.


He followed her through social sites. He found out that she has a lot of suitors yet not later than month they found themselves crying, I don’t know if it is with brokenhearted or swelling of cheeks due to kicks of Jojo. 

Jojo went back to the clinic. Josh took care of his heart professionally assist her with the medications prescribed to her by her physician. They were happy together, it’s effortless relationship. As if fate is taking care of everything...


Josh took care of her heart. Repeated sentence? No, this time…

 Josh took care of her heart in his heart.


Jojo little by little fell in love.

her hard heart learns to love.

They both in love with each other, the cake to its icing, the photographer to his camera, baker to his breads and cookies, meant for each other, like left fingers to right fingers, perfectly for each other.


Their love became even lovelier as calendar and clock walk in and do their jobs.


Any comment is appreciated ;)


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CutieWay #1
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
ZhangAoeka #3
Very interesting!
Loved the concept! :)