Love Is Forever

JiYong writes

Heechul's POV

Il couldn't believe it. This coward treated my brother like my brother isn't more than .
'This ing coward isn't good enough for being such a popular singer' I thought
Normaly Il should sleep because its already 11.30pm but I just couldn't sleep right now.
I could hear GDs calm breath beside me and smiled.
My best friend since our childhood is GD.
I know that Sungmin hates  dislikes GD but never mind what I do it never changed so I just decided to accept it.

"Heechul. Can't you sleep?" I was shocked to hear my best friend. I looked at GD and smiled.

"I will sleep soon don't worry GD and go back to sleep."

"Heechul." was all GD sayed then I could feel that GD cuddles into my arms.
I know that I am gay since I kissed GD one time but I never felt for GD.
I felt for someone else.



I woke up because I noticed that Heechul doesn't sleep beside me.

I watched Heechul then I asked.

"Heechul. Can't you sleep?" I was worried. I know my friend has insomnia.

"I will sleep soon don't worry GD and go back to sleep."

I wanted to argue but I decided not to and just sayed  "Heechul."

I couldn't help but I cuddled into Heechul and smeeled his skin.
Even if we are just friends. I love to cuddle into Heechuls arms.
I felt back in to sleep and I smiled when I sleeped.
I dreamed about my carrer as singer with my band.
It was a awesome dream and when I woke up in the morning I felt wonderful.
I stood up and walked in to the bathroom.
I took a short shower and walked down in to the kittchen.
In the kittchen I met Sungmin.
'Oh the cutie is awake already.' I thought.

"Good morning Sungmin."

"Morning GD hyung." I never knew why Sungmin was that cold with me but I learned to accept it.

"Did you slept well Sungmin?"

"I did."

"Thats good." I smiled then I looked at the clock.

"Sungmin is Heechul awake already?"

"He is outside and waits for you."
I took my  sandwich and runed outside.
Damned I will be late for school.



So sorry it is short again >_______<




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ThisLonerLovesEunhae #1
lol the awesome GD slapped the awesome TOP xD good one
ThisLonerLovesEunhae #2
update soon ^^ ne? fighting!~
ThisLonerLovesEunhae #3
lol "This f***ing little beast,slimy disgusting little gggaaahh!" xD sounds so funny ^^