Confused City Bunnies: Part III

City Bunnies


Zelo rolled over in his sleep. His eyes moved quickly back and forth under his closed lids.


Hyung? What are you doing, hyung? Zelo watched in slow motion as Yongguk leaned forward to kiss him. What? Why are you doing this? If I had known that you liked me…if I had known how you felt… Zelo suddenly stood up and started jogging in place. Hyung, I have to go for a jog. I need run. See you later. As Zelo jogged through the park, it rolled passed him like he was standing still. Trees seemed to pass by him continuously. Someone was standing in the middle of the path. As the trees continued to pass, the person seemed to be pulled closer as if they were on an invisible conveyor belt. Zelo stopped jogging when he realized it was Jongup. The trees slowed down then stopped moving. Jonguppie-hyung. Zelo wrapped his arms around Jongup. Warmth heated his throat making Zelo aware of Jongup’s face pressed into his throat. He loosened his hold on the shorter one. He looked down at Jongup and the other moved his lips. Zelo knew that Jongup was asking what was wrong even though no sound came out of his mouth. Yongguk-hyung…he…did this. Zelo leaned down and kissed Jongup. He pulled back to see the other moving his lips saying something to Zelo. This time Zelo didn’t understand what Jongup was saying. He started to move his mouth faster and faster. He grabbed Jongup’s shoulder and shook him. Hyung, slow down, I can’t understand. You’re talking-


“-too fast!” Zelo yelled sitting up in bed. Jongup rolled over forcing his eyes open.

“Wha…?” Jongup yawned then rubbed his eyes to get a better look at Zelo. “What’s wrong?”

Zelo blinked as the dream faded, “Sorry, just a weird dream.”   

“Okay…” Jongup rolled back onto his stomach. A few minutes past then Zelo heard the shallow breathing of a sleeping Jongup. Zelo shifted on to his side and bit his lip. That was a really weird dream… Zelo felt his eyelids get heavy and let sleep quickly pull him under.



As Zelo and Jongup sat eating breakfast together a phone rang. Zelo ran to the couch searching for his phone. He could hear Jongup running to his bedroom. The ringing grew louder as Zelo pushed the cushions around. He spotted his phone under one of them and scooped it up.

“My mom,” Zelo yelled to Jongup as he pushed the talk button. 



Zelo yawned as he walked out of Jongup’s building. It’s gonna take so much longer to walk home. I wish I brought my skateboard with me. Zelo stopped and rubbed a hand over his neck. Where did I leave it? He started walking again as he tried to remember where the skateboard was. Is it in my room? No, I used it to get to the park…but…

“Oh, !”

An old woman walking in front of Zelo turned around to glare at him.

“Ah, oh, sorry.” Zelo bowed at the woman. I can’t believe I left it there. It probably got stolen. He groaned as he turned the corner towards the park. Maybe I’ll get lucky.



Yongguk sat on the same bench where he had kissed Zelo. He was hoping to see Zelo and try to explain what had happen yesterday. I have no idea what happened myself but…if I can’t explain it, I can at least apologize. Yongguk looked up as some girls walked by him. Where is he? He always comes here. He grabbed his head in hands and bent over groaning. Did I freak him out so much that he won’t even come here anymore? Maybe I should go to his house…if I knew where he lived. I could call, but what if he doesn’t answer? Yongguk sighed, I’ll just wait here, and if that doesn’t work then I’ll try calling.

He glanced sideways through his hands at the skateboard sitting on the bench next to him. He’d come for that, won’t he? Yeah, it’s probably expensive. He’ll want it back. I can call and leave a message saying I have it and then we can meet and I can talk to him then…good, a back-up plan. Yongguk turned his head back so he could look at the ground. He stared at it intently until a pair of brightly colored shoes stopped in front of him. Yongguk was about to look up when a hand rested on the back of his head forcing him to continue looking down. He was about to jump up and yell at the person when he heard Zelo’s voice.

“Hyung,” Zelo spoke quietly.

Yongguk waited to see if he was going to say anything else.

“H-h-hyung…” He stammered trying to think of something else to say to Yongguk.

“I have your skateboard. You left it behind yesterday.” Yongguk twisted his head slightly looking at the skateboard. Zelo removed his hand from Yongguk and sat on the other side of the skateboard.

“Thanks, I thought it might have gotten stolen.”

Yongguk nodded as he planned what he was going to say next to Zelo. I should apologize. He started to turn to face Zelo but stopped himself when Zelo scooted away.

“I-I’m sorry.” Yongguk forced the words out quickly before he lost the nerve to talk.

“Hyung…it just that…I didn’t know you felt that way.”

Yongguk’s brow knit together tightly. What is he talking about? He was going to ask but Zelo spoke again.

“If I had known that you felt that way…maybe I wouldn’t have run away. No, I think I would have bolted no matter what if you had kissed me, but I think it would have been less shocking if you had said how you felt about me.”

Yongguk eyes went wide as he realized what Zelo was saying. He continued to stare wide-eyed at the ground. He thinks I like him? Which I do but not in that way? No. He’s Zelo…I can’t think of him like that…but I did kiss him…What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe if he was older like Himchan then I would…What? If he was older like Himchan? Older like Himchan? Himchan? Himchan. I need to talk to Himchan.

Zelo looked over at Yongguk to see how he was taking everything. What he saw was scary. Yongguk looked like he was trying to burn a hole in the ground. Oh, man. I pissed him off. I have to find a better way to let him down. Zelo looked away from Yongguk and down the path. What do I say? It’s not you but me? A short girl with a camera around her neck was walking towards them. It’s too bad I don’t have a girlfriend. I could totally use her as an excuse. The girl stopped to take a photo of a tree. Yeah, hyung, sorry. It’s not you, it just that I have a girlfriend. The girl began to circle the tree her finger continuously pushing the button. See that girl over there, hyung? I’m dating her. Yeah, that would work if I had a girlfriend. If only I had a girlfriend. Zelo jumped up suddenly.

“Hyung, you see that girl over there?” Zelo motioned towards a short girl photographing a tree.

“Huh? What?” Yongguk looked up from the ground shakily.

“That girl, I’m dating her, so you see, I’m sorry…”

“Zelo, I don’t-”

Zelo bit his lip, He doesn’t believe me.

“Hyung, let me introduce you.” Zelo ran toward the girl.

“-like you.” Yongguk finished to himself. “I’m not quite sure why I did that to you but I know I don’t like you in that way. I sure glad I was able to tell you that before you ran off again.”



Zelo was going to yell out to the girl but realized screaming ‘Hey, miss, wanna be my girlfriend for a minute?’ would work against him trying to convince Yongguk that they were dating. He slowed to a walk as he got closer. I should probably face Yongguk-hyung so he can’t see her face, in case she looks shocked when I randomly ask her to…will this even work? Zelo walked around the tree so that the girl would have to turn to look at him.

“Uh, excuse me,” Zelo started. “Could I possible ask you a favor?”

The girl blinked at him a few times, “Depends on the favor?”

“Uh, well…” He cleared his throat, “It’s a bit complex but to simplify as much as possible…I need you to pretend to be my girl.”

The girl’s eyes grew small and she stared at him like that for a while.

“Your girl, huh?”

“Yes, exactly.” Zelo nodded intensely. Play it cool, play it cool. I don’t want hyung to think something is up.

“Hmmm…what do I get in return, that is, if I agree to do this for you?”

“Uh…” Zelo touched his hand to his back pocket. “I think I have 30,000 won.”

This isn’t considered ion, is it? Though it still seems kind of wrong…here I’ll give you some money to pretend to be my girlfriend…it’s not like she has to do anything physical…

The girl squinted at him for a second then smiled, “Alright, you got yourself a deal.”

Zelo felt like crying. Holy crap, she actually agreed. He felt so happy actually he started to jump up and down while laughing. The girl quickly brought her camera up her face and took a picture of the giddy Zelo.

“Hey…” He whined.

“So…I think we should lay out a story.”

“Yeah, good idea but my hyung is right over there so we need to hurry. He’s the reason why I need you.”

“Ah, what?” The girl looked confused. “Is he teasing you about not having a girlfriend or something?”

“Ha, no. He likes me so I need a very persuasive but nice reason not to return his feelings.”

“So you decided to fabricate a girlfriend.”

“A smart one, apparently.”

She laughed, “Okay, our story, we met a few days ago when you came into the store I work at. Heh, I think we’re forgetting something important though. My name is Kim Eunjae but call me EJ.”

“EJ,” Zelo had the urge to bow but forced himself not to when he saw Yongguk looking over at them. “I’m Choi Junhong, but I go by Zelo.”

“Zelo, are you my oppa or am I your noona?”

“Ah, right…I was born October 15 1996.”

“Damn it.” EJ scrunched up her nose. “You’re my oppa.”

Zelo laughed, “Okay, we should go over there now.”

“Wait, one of us needs to be the default.”

“Huh?” He cocked his head at her.

“In case he asks any questions we don’t have answers to. We don’t want to answer at the same time and have different answers thus getting caught in our lie, so one of us will always answer the questions.”

“Okay, you should be the default.”

“What? Why?”

“Because you’re smart and I’m paying you.”

“Fine, Zelo-oppa.” EJ smiled cutely at him.

Zelo blushed but hid it by walking towards Yongguk and announcing loudly, “Come on, come meet my hyung.”



Himchan sat in his new office staring intently at the black refrigerator. What the hell is going on…she didn’t punish me...and she turned my office into a bachelor pad…though she did tell my employees about Yongguk. I said I wasn’t going to tell anyone but what happens…Noona and her big mouth…maybe that was my punishment. No, that’s not quite evil enough.

There were several knocks on the open office door. Youngjae stood just outside the door looking in at Himchan. Why is he standing out there?

“You can come in.” Himchan invited.

“Ah, no, it’s fine.” 

“What’d she do, lock you in here?” He asked jokingly.

Youngjae’s eyes went wide for a second then returned to normal, “Haha, no, hyung. Noona would never do something like that.”

Oh, wow, she did.

“Did she make you do something before you could come out?” He tried to keep the concern out of his voice.

“More like someone…” Youngjae whispered but Himchan caught it.

“What!” He sat up on the couch. “She made you have in here?”

“No, it didn’t get that far. Honestly, it wasn’t anywhere close to that. It wasn’t Noona’s idea. Daehyun thought if we put on a show for her she would let us out.”

“With Daehyun! She locked you in here with Daehyun?” Himchan rubbed a hand across his forehead. “Of course…”

“Well, the whole thing wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t…eh, never mind, it’s nothing important.” Youngjae shook his head, Why was I telling Himchan-hyung that part? Something touched Youngjae’s arm. Daehyun had quietly walked down the hall and was standing next to him looking in the office.

“We should tell him.”

Youngjae glared at Daehyun, What are you a ninja?

“We know what happened between him and Yongguk. Wouldn’t it be fair to share?”

“Tell me what?” Himchan leaned forward curiously.

“About how Youngjae forced himself on me and said it would only hurt for a second and then he would give me all the pleasure in th-”

“How I what?” Youngjae grabbed Daehyun by the front of his shirt.

Daehyun laughed, “Just kidding.”

“Ah,” Himchan flopped back on the couch. “Just when I thought we were going to have a bonding moment.”

“Well, I guess I could tell you that other thing.” Daehyun went into the office pulling a soda out of the fridge before he sat down next to Himchan.

“Eh?” Himchan perked up.

Am I having déjà vu? Youngjae scratched his head. Didn’t he bounce carefree into this office before? And didn’t something bad happen? I try to avoid danger but he just skips right up to it.

“Do you remember that other kid that came with Yongguk and Zelo to lunch?”

“You mean tokki?” He answered immediately.

“Ah, so you do remember,” Daehyun laughed. “Youngjae come in here, there are certain parts of the story I don’t know as well as you.”


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!! Imma jerk but there’s 21 pgs in Word & I did y’all a solid and wrote some . No teasing, K maybe a little. Enjoy!


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Chapter 18: Ooooo snap! This just keeps getting better and better! And I think I know who guppies aunt is hmmmm ^_-
Chapter 17: Aw dae see what happens when you giggle XD
i think im gonna run a store like store. eveeerrrrrrr!
Noona!!! Three boys are in there; lock them up NOW!! Lol
Seriously, you update so quickly and I had to catch up with three updates. Not complaining. It was enjoyable!
Aww Gukkie kissed our Zelo~ Perhaps he did that because he wanted to confirm if he likes boys?
Zelo is so cute confusing Guk for liking him<3
Oh god you don't know how glad I was when Zelo met a nice girl. What if that girl wants something 'different' in return?!
/pats my back
Oh zelo lol your plan is genius! Good luck with it XD
~uppddaattee soooon~
Uh-oh I think youngjae is planning something o.O
Woohoo jongup and daehyun are going on a daaaatttteeee!!!!!!
As for zelo....poor poor little confused zelo tsk I don't know about you but good luck^^
Whaaa an update! Woohoo! Ok so bang thinks he likes himchan and so he kisses zelo...yeah that seems a bit right XD this is the best please update soon!!!!!!