Throwing Things


Eunhyuk, purposely or not, often throwing things. It made Yesung annoyed, because all the things Eunhyuk throwed would hit him.


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Chapter 1: soo cute, I love it
thank you so much for sharing
Ari666 #2
Chapter 1: I love it! Its just too cute <3 and the video hahahhahahh poor Yeye xD thanks for writing about Yesung and Eunhyuk, I really love them together so much :D ^^
darkshoumy #3
Chapter 1: hey hi i just love your fic!!! i really like yesung/eunhyuk pairing a lot but can't find lots of fics about them! >_< so i was really happy to find your and it's really perfect and great so thank you!!!! :-)

and can i ask you to write more or at least one more fic about yesung/eunhyuk? if you can and if you have time!!! ^^

thank you! :D
kyaaaaaaa...super duper cuuuteee
I-I... I found that trully adorable! So cute with what Yeye said to Hyukkie ^^ I rarely see this couple but it's one of my fave things ever!! ^O^
awwwwww that finla part was so cuuute *---*
yuyumunaw #7
Haha too funny xD lmao at this!!
And this is also sweet aw <3
Woooow so funny! I really love this story xDDD
You know what!! My Yesungie cutely clumsy *o* He don't even Hyukie to trow things on him xDDDD
I saw the video and I was like 'awww so cute my Yeye and so awesome my Hyukie' ^o^ <3 They are really unique! :D
Thank you so much for writing this! I enjoyed reading it :D
Ya know, I missed you!!! >.< *always searching for new Yesung's fics hehe and I find this so sweet, funny adorable story! <3 It's really good! Well done ;)
That was funny!!!
it so funny!!! i love your stories!!!