Women Like This

The Mask of Sanity:

Back with chapter 6 which is focusing on Taeyeon and Tiffany. Although there's not much romance interaction between them yet, I assure, there'll be alot after the funeral of a certain somebody. Also, I decided to put Soosun in this chapter to because I want to explain their condition.

Thank you for the comments and please continue commenting! I have your replies below! (:



Chapter 6: Tiffany & Sunny

Women Like This

Many things have happened ever since Taeyeon was admitted into the Madhouse. I could’ve never thought I would’ve stepped foot in such an unpredictable place like the Madhouse and I never would’ve thought I gotten close to anyone here except for Taeyeon. I guess I underestimated the power of the Madhouse.

This place truly brought out the real in people.

It took time before Taeyeon could finally look me in the eye again and I didn’t mind that she was so cold and closed off from me. I understood what she was going through because I was there and part of the reason she was what she was now.

I remembered what had happened, how it happened, and why it had affected Taeyeon.

We were all friends, all three of us.

I would’ve described us as sisters if it weren’t for the feelings between us that made us more than simple best friends.

She was in love with Taeyeon and I was the one supporting her goal to make Taeyeon hers, even though I was silently hoping deep inside of me that Taeyeon didn’t feel the same. Taeyeon was oblivious of the obvious flirting given off from her and she was clueless about how we both felt towards her and her dorky heart. I wasn’t even aware of my own feelings then either, so when she had came up to me to confess that she liked Taeyeon more than just a friend, I was happy to help her become Taeyeon’s lover.

Or so, I thought I was happy.

Her name isn’t important anymore, because she was never who we thought she was. Living a fake life…I guess Taeyeon and I felt used in such ways that made us feel so dirty.

We both felt regret.

She was diagnosed with a very rare disease; she only had a few months left before she would disappear. That’s probably why she thought it wouldn’t matter if she took her own short life from herself anyway. Taeyeon unfortunate enough to be the one who walked in the room during the activity and it was…gruesome. On the same day before the tragic happening, the girl had finally found the guts to confess to Taeyeon and Taeyeon had rejected her apologetically. Then, I remember her running up to me, slapping me hard on the face before stomping away, saying how it was my fault that Taeyeon didn’t feel the same way.

I guess I deserved it. I mean, even though I said to her that I would pray for her and Taeyeon, my prayers weren’t sincere enough.

The rejection had triggered something awful inside of her and Taeyeon had walked into her room that one night at the worst time.

I don’t think I want to remember what happened after that.

But after that, both Taeyeon and that girl was rushed to the hospital and I received a call in the middle of the night confirming that that girl had lied to us about not being sick. She had ran away from a hospital far from Seoul and she’s been missing ever since before the doctors confirmed to the police that this was the missing girl from the country side.

The name we used to always call her wasn’t even her actual name.

She had two months to live and Taeyeon would be admitted into the Madhouse due to the trauma she experienced during the almost death of the girl who we prefer not to name.

They said Taeyeon would never be the same.

But I was still determined to help her.

I stared at the piece of paper before crushing it up and throwing it in the bin beside my bed. I lay back onto my pillow and gazed up at the ceiling of my bedroom, thinking deeply. I exhaled through my nose.

“So she’s finally passed on…”

I to my side and opened up the cabinet beside my bed. I took out a pen and a sheet of paper. I tapped my pen lightly on the wood before I started to write.

Dear family of your beloved daughter,
I will attend the funeral in respect for your daughter and I’ll be glad to pay my regards to her.

I paused, biting my lip as I slowly started to write a response.

As for Taeyeon, I’ll be sure to ask her soon and I’ll contact you once she has an answer.

I placed down the paper and pen and switched off the lamp. The room turned dark instantly and I tugged my covers up towards my face.

I shivered.

It was slightly cold for June but I guess it wasn’t the weather that had gotten to me.


I didn’t know what to say. How could you react when one of your friends just went up to you and announced to you that they are pregnant? That was a slap of reality thrown right at your face.

Sunny looked to the ground, almost ashamed. I saw her bit her lip, waiting for me to respond. I wonder why she had decided to seek advice from me. I would’ve thought Hyoyeon would’ve been a better choice for comforting talks than me.

I shook myself out of my shock and brought her into an embrace. She was a bit surprised of the sudden action, but soon, she started to tremble and I held her tight as she sobbed openly in my arms.

“Have you told Sooyoung yet?” I asked softly, bringing her out to the garden behind the building. We both sat down on a nearby wooden bench.

She nodded her head, lifting her face to look at me. Tear streaks were streaming down her red cheeks and she jerked up and down a bit, hiccups taking control of her body as she tried to explain everything to me through her chokes.

“S-she was so s-shock that she couldn’t e-even say a-anything!” Sunny’s voice cracked. “S-she just nodded her h-head a-and, a-and said we needed to back to w-work.” Sunny tightened her hold on my hands. “I think s-she was so confused. I don’t t-think she knew how it h-happened.”

I gulped deeply and wrapped my arms around Sunny’s tiny shoulders.

Sunny was a strong woman but it was obvious she needed protection too. Everyone did, whether they seem like they can handle things like this or not. She was so independent and barely needed help from anyone else, it was frightening to see her need comfort so suddenly. I tried my best to force the question I’ve been holding in ever since Sunny announced her condition out.

“Sunny, please tell me and please answer me truthfully,” I was serious when I turned towards her. Sunny looked at me confusingly, an emotion that rarely showed in her eyes. “I won’t judge you okay?” I rubbed her shoulder.

“What do you mean? Just ask me already!” Sunny exploded at me and I flinched back.

I understood she had plenty of stress on her shoulders already. She didn’t need anymore questions to ask herself and I stalling was frustrating her.

“Did you…” I hesitated. “Cheat on Sooyoung?”

Everything was silent.

I watched as she face flashed from shock to confusion to realization. Then, anger took over her face and I almost didn’t see what happened next. Everything was moving in slow motion, Sunny was suddenly rising onto her feet, her shoulder length blonde hair flying around her face like a tornado slowed down ten times. I watched as her lips curved into a snarl like frown, noticing that her blood-shot eyes shown with disbelief. I found myself getting up too before I was pushed back onto the bench, collapsing heavily. My back knocked hard onto the bench.

Everything went back to its normal speed and I felt heat in my face. I reached up to touch my right cheek, feeling a sting burn there. My eyes were widen and I could feel tears developing in my eyes as I stared up into Sunny’s eyes, seeing the emotion I felt at the moment reflect in her own eyes.

We were astonished.

I guess I went too far.

I felt like crying at the moment. Even after going back home to get an ice pack for my face, the immense pain had finally kicked in and I could already see a dark, purple bruise forming under the side of my right eye. Sunny was so sorry and I didn’t blame here for slapping me like that. She was in the heat, broken and confused with herself, I should’ve known better to than push her over the edge with my thoughtless question.

After placing the ice on my face, I grabbed my keys off the counter top and slipped on my shoes. I had yet to ask Taeyeon about the funeral and if I didn’t ask soon, there probably wouldn’t be any chance for her to come.

I quickly locked the door behind me and ran down the stairs of my small apartment complex. I searched for my car and soon found it parked in the corner of the lot. I got in and started the engine, leaving the parking lot and making my way straight to the Madhouse.

I glanced at my digital clock installed inside my car.

It was late, almost 10 pm, and I was completely sure that visitors weren’t allowed at this time. I’m glad I was close friends with the workers there.

Once I arrived at the Madhouse, I rushed towards the glass doors, only to find them locked. I cursed to myself. The lights were still let so I was informed that there should still be a few employees around. I knocked loudly on the glass.

“Open up!” I yelled.

Suddenly, I spotted a familiar silhouette in the corner of the lobby. My eyes lit up excitedly and I started to knock furiously on the glass, jumping up and down to get her attention.

“Yoona! Yoona!”

She turned towards me, her face relaxing when she saw me. Yoona placed down her broom and made her way towards me. She searched her pockets and finally, took out a key. She unlocked the door and I flung myself inside.

“Oh Yoona! Thanks!” I exclaimed cheerfully.

She grinned at me and shushed me with her finger.

“Quiet, some patients are sleeping right now.”

I nodded and looked around in anticipation. I hopped up and down on my toes.

Yoona raised a brow at me in question.

“You need something here Fany-unnie?”

I nodded and pointed to the 300 hallway which right now was closed off by the big double doors that were usually kept open during visiting hours. Yoona seemed to know what I needed and she grinned at me.

“Wait here a minute. I’m going to go ask Sooyoung for permission.”

I pouted.

“But I can’t wait! Can’t you just play dumb and let me sneak in?” I gave Yoona my biggest puppy face and I pleaded using my hands.

It didn’t work and she shook her head, amused.

“Sorry. But if I let you do that and you get caught, I’ll be fired.” Yoona said, crossing her arms across her chest. She started to laugh.

“What?” She asked, pointing to my face.

I was slightly surprised.

“You work here now?” I asked, motioning around me.

Yoona nodded.

“Yup. So do me a favour and not get me fired on my first week.”

I smiled and waved her off.

“Fine fine. Hurry up and ask for permission.” I snapped my fingers to signal her to be quick. Yoona gave a loud laugh and started to walk off.

She soon came back and told me it was fine with Sooyoung, who I was still wondering if she had talked with Sunny yet. It seemed like Sooyoung hasn’t, since she was still here ‘working’ during closing times.

I opened the door to Taeyeon’s room and found her staring out the window again.


I froze at my name and she turned towards me, her eyes glazed.

“You’re here.”

I smiled guiltily, closing the door behind me lightly as I started to walk towards her.

“Sorry for not coming earlier. You probably were about to sleep.”

We both knew that wasn’t true. Taeyeon almost barely slept and that explained her growing bags under her eyes and why she never really got out of bed.
She had no energy in her.

“Don’t joke around.”

I nodded and slid a chair in front of her bed. I stared at her face as she looked outside into the moonlight. Her baby face was growing slimmer now and she looked beautiful in this kind of light. Almost like the princess of the moon, forever alone as she looks down at the world below her.

I exhaled.

“You can’t sleep?” I asked tiredly, leaning down to place my head on the bed. I looked up at her.

Taeyeon shook her head and sighed.


During the night was when Taeyeon was a bit weaker and a little bit more vulnerable. I never really took visits to her when the sun started to fade into the horizontal. I knew those was the times when she just wanted to be left alone.

My eyes started to droop.

Taeyeon turned towards me and she rolled onto her side, staring at me.

I felt my breathe get caught in my throat.

She used to always do this when we were younger, considering we’ve known each other ever since freshman year of high school. But now that we’ve gotten older, we didn’t sleep over at each others houses anymore, meaning she couldn’t stare at me like this. It’s been so long since we’ve made actual eye contact.

She reached out to touch my face carefully.

“What happened?” She asked softly, rubbing her thumb lightly on my bruising skin.

I leaned slightly into the touch.

I took advantage of her kind actions she was doing right now, knowing that the next day, she would return back to her closed off self, refusing to show vulnerability. Although she’s opening up, I’ve felt like it wasn’t enough for me yet. I needed more.

“Sunny slapped me.”

I replied just as softly.

Taeyeon nodded and took her hand off my face.

“Oh.” She said simply before rolling back onto her back.

I was disappointed. I had been hoping she would have held my face a bit longer. I loved the warmth her hand provided and the touch had just made me want so much more of Taeyeon’s warmth. I wished she wouldn’t be so shy sometimes.

“Taeyeon-ah…” I started, suddenly remembering why I was here in the first place.


“She passed away a few days ago.” I whispered, waiting for the worst.

I saw Taeyeon freeze, her figure stiffening as her chest started to rise up and down quickly. I reached over to take her limp hand in mine, gripping it reassuringly.

“Taeyeon…” I didn’t know what to say in this tough atmosphere. I didn’t want to trigger anything inside Taeyeon and cause her to have a panic attack during the middle of the night.

Taeyeon took in a deep breath and looked towards me, lips pursed tightly together.

“Yeah. I heard.”

“From Hyoyeon?”

She nodded and I could feel her body loosing up and relaxing just by the way her hand shifted slightly.

“Tae.” I leaned up to look directly into her face and Taeyeon turned her face away from me. “I want you to go to the funeral.”

I was holding my breath, waiting for Taeyeon’s answer anxiously as I watched her face twist into unknown emotions. Was it curiosity I saw? Or was it fright that flashed through her eyes? I didn’t know.

Taeyeon was just too good at hiding.


“Taeyeon?” I tried again after silence was all I got.

“…Will you go with me?” She turned towards me again, her eyes boring into mine. I felt my body go weak at her pleading look and I was melting under her gaze.

What Taeyeon could do to me…was something only I could understand. Taeyeon wasn’t even aware of what she could do to me. Even though she didn’t know it herself, Taeyeon had me in the palm of her hand. I was hers and she didn’t even know it.

Warmth rose in my body and I felt like I was about to faint soon. Everything was dizzy and my eyelids drooped, not because of exhaustion, but instead because I was swooning over her all over again.

“Of course Taeyeon.”

I whispered huskily and when I saw her eyes shine in relief and her lips curve up into a small timid smile, I was falling all over again.

What Taeyeon could do to me, was something that was dangerous.

I heard her mumble through her blanket.

“Stay with me tonight.”

I raised my head up from the bed and gaped at her.


She looked a bit uncomfortable and she cleared , bringing the covers down away from her face.

“It’s late. You should stay.”

I was transformed into a puddle of mush right then and there. I giggled.

She was bashful and she looked away.

“You don’t need t-“

I stopped her with my hand and smiled warmly, my eye-smile escaping me.

She took that as my answer and I fell asleep right beside her bed in the large chair that night, only to wake up with a blanket placed right over my shoulders, and to see Taeyeon wide awake as she stared at me.

I swore through my sleepy half-opened eyes and my blurry vision, a saw the slightest content smile on her face before I fell back asleep unknowingly.

Yuri grinned like a fool and brought me into a tight hug, patting me on the back. I wacked her lightly on the arm and scolded at her heatedly.

“Yah! You’re still injured.”

Yuri shook her head and waved her long finger at me teasingly.

“Miyoung-ah, it was just a bump on the head. No biggie.”

I felt anger rise up in me and I glared at her like a mother would.

“Kwon Yuri, you think glass cutting straight through your skull is just a bump?” I flicked her on the forehead and felt tears weld up in my eyes. “Do you know how worried I was? How scared I was when that happened?!” A tear fell from my eyes and Yuri looked at me, ashamed.

“I’m sorry Fany. I shouldn’t have joked around like that.” She patted my head. “Forgive me?”

I flicked her forehead again; careful not to hit anything near the wrap she had around her head. “Remember I’m your unnie.”

She withdrew her hand with a scared chuckle.

Yuri was so stupid sometimes. Even when I almost get her killed, she shrugs it off like she just roughed up a little bit and immediately starts to joke around again, smiling and grinning like an idiot. It was frustrating for me. She should be angry at me but no, instead, she pats my head like I’m the younger one here and treats me like nothing ever happened.

She was such a child yet such a grown up at the same time.

I heard the infirmary door slide open behind me and Yuri’s eyes lit up excitedly. Yuri sat up, her arms spread out.


I turned around and sure enough, the famous ice princess stood there, awkwardly shifting from leg to leg. I took this time to leave, standing up from the chair.

Yuri looked at me confusingly.


I nodded.

“Aww…” Yuri whined and pouted at me.

I was aware that Jessica was standing right behind me, waiting for me to leave so she could have her opportunity to talk to Yuri so I shook my head at her with an amused face, secretly pointing back at Jessica.

“You want some alone time with Jessica don’t you?” I whispered loud enough so that only too of us could hear.

A blush painted over Yuri’s cheeks and she whined at me again.


I laughed and ruffled her hair carefully.


I passed Jessica, shooting her a quick friendly smile before making my way out. She gave me a small smile and began to make her way to Yuri’s bed.

As I closed the door, I could hear chatters from the couple.

“Sica! You’re here!”

“Yah. Don’t call me that.”

“But I’m hurt…”

I giggled to myself and silently gave Yuri my prayers. She was going to need it if she was going to try to melt the ice princess’s heart. Jessica was the only person in the Madhouse I’ve never exactly gotten close to and with Yuri’s attempts of hitting on the girl, I gave my prayers to Jessica too.


Lord, please bless the Yulsic couple.

It’s been almost a week since we’ve actually talked to each other. Other than brief greetings, we’ve pretty much avoided each other at all cost. Even at home, the aura around us was cold and depressing and Sooyoung had moved out of our bedroom to sleep on the couch in the living room instead. I was growing anxious for her attention.

We’ve always been a close couple, spending every of our breaks together eating lunch or going out for a walk. When I first met Sooyoung, I was in my junior year of high school and she one of the newer kids that just got into high school. Basically, she was fresh meat for us older students.

Although, unlike other students who tried to stay out of contact with the older students, Sooyoung had naturally walked into the junior’s section of the school, easily asking where the lunchroom was. No matter how hard people tried to get rid of her, Sooyoung stood her ground and was pushing for details for everything she wanted.
I was unfortunate enough to be the one who had to become her tour since apparently, the girl was terrible with directions and the teachers gave up on giving her a map.

Loud-mouthed, noisy, way too hyper; she was like this even before we got together.

I would like to think we became a couple naturally after getting to each other and like in the movies, unconsciously falling for one another. But in reality, it kind of a forced relationship ever since the start. I don’t think the teachers noticed it, but they were practically match-making us as a couple.

I guess I have to thank them for that because I didn’t mind one bit that I fell in love with this idiot.

Being a year older, I graduated before Sooyoung and being the loud girl she is, she confessed her feelings for me right in the middle of the campus after the ceremony was finished. As embarrassing as it was, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alive in my life.

After she finally got out of high school, we moved in together, made a life with each other, got a job together. It felt like a dream. The Madhouse was judging us that we were a couple and they didn’t say anything about it; it was like the perfect job to be able to work together with.

Sooyoung, even though she could have her stupid moments, graduated college two years earlier than she should have with top honors and was able to get the job as the doctor here. I on the other hand, decided not to go to college but due to the lack of nurses there, I was given the job as an assistant nurse, which soon changed into a main nurse.

Everything was just right.

Until I started to feel sick in my stomach.

I threw my keys down on the counter top and switched on the kitchen lights. I placed my purse down and pulled the hair tie out of my hair, sending my golden locks to come tumbling down on my shoulders. I walked around to the sink and grabbed a cup, filling it with water.

I gulped down the cool liquid and walked over to the living room where I spotted Sooyoung’s motionless body laid across the couch.

I quickly put down my cup and made my way closer to her. I glanced at the cartoon that was still playing on the T.V. before turning it off.

Sooyoung must’ve come home early today.

I looked over her sleeping body and felt my eyes sting from forming tears. Quietly, I pulled up the slipping blanket up to her neck and tucked her in, leaning it to place a chaste kiss on her cheek. I missed her but it was obvious she needed some space right now.

As I was getting up, I suddenly spotted something spilled on the coffee table. I crouched down.

It was pills.

I furrowed my eyes.

Was Sooyoung sick?

Carefully, I poured all the pills back into the container and brought it to the kitchen. I opened the top cabinet and placed it on the shelf, closing it softly. I didn’t want to wake up Sooyoung.

I started to walk to the bathroom in the bedroom.

Once I got in front of the mirror, I removed my make up and washed up, deciding to freshen up before bed. I opened the mirror’s side and searched for my cleansing cream. Suddenly, I saw the pregnancy test.

Sooyoung and I were no innocent. We did fool around with each other here and there, depending if it was a special day or we just felt…needy for each other’s attention. But as we were both girls, it was impossible for us to create a child together. My head went back to when I had my meeting with Tiffany who I still felt regret towards for sudeenly slapping her.

“Did you cheat on Sooyoung?”

I clenched my teeth together and shook my head.

No, I would never use Sooyoung like that. I touched my stomach lightly.

I hesitated.

The why did I feel like something was forming in me?

Something in me urged me to grab the stick and I brought the test to my face.

I was planning to take it with Sooyoung but if I waited to long, we wouldn’t be as prepared. We needed to sort this out soon.

I carefully started to tear the wrapping.

My heart raced inside my chest, suffocating me as it thump back and forth in against my rib cage. I was finding it hard to breath. I sent a quick prayer to the heavens above and wished for the best.

Three minutes.

All it took was three minutes.

Waiting seemed like forever and I was starting to sweat as I clenched the stick in my hand.

I heard a bang behind me and I jerked around, frightened at the sudden sound. My body trembled as I stared wide-eyed at Sooyoung. Her hand was flat against the wood of the door and it seemed she just woken up now. Her hair was sticking up in random places and her eyes were half opened. I spotted dark bags under her eyes.

I heard a ding and I looked below me at the test. I looked back at Sooyoung gaping.

Sooyoung breathed deeply through her nose as she gazed at me with a blank expression.

She was monotone.

“Is it positive?”

I tried to balance the bags in my hands I pushed the door open with my foot, stumbling inside. Because of the sudden noise, Taeyeon looked up from her lunch and turned towards me, frowning.

“Tippani, mind your manners.” She said, placing the tray next to her on the table.

I grinned sheepishly, my eye-smile showing as I put the bags down with a plump. I quickly skipped towards Taeyeon and pulled a chair beside her bed.

Taeyeon raised a brow at me.

“Where’d you go?”

I smiled happily and replied.

“Shopping! You need something to wear for the funeral right?”

Taeyeon made a look of disgust and shook her head.

“I can just go in some jeans or something…”

I pouted at her and looked at her pointedly.

“Annnd, no. We need to show respect,” I lowered my voice and fiddled with my bracelet. I always wore it since Taeyeon was the one who made it. She had one too but she hasn’t been wearing it these days. I wasn’t going to push her about it. “She was our friend.”

Taeyeon looked down and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply.


The mood of the room suddenly got gloomy and dark and I found myself staring at the colorful bracelet which contained many different kinds of beads. I smiled vaguely.

“You still wear it?”

I jerked my head upwards.

Taeyeon was gazing at my wrist, her hand reaching out to point at it, slightly grazing the beads.

I nodded, smiling.

“Of course.”

Taeyeon bit her lip and pulled back her hand. She rubbed her wrist unconsciously.

I decided it was time to lighten up the mood again so I got up from my seat, making my way to the fallen bags. I heard Taeyeon groan knowingly behind me.

I rolled my eyes.

I lifted the first bag up and pulled the contexts out. I turned back to Taeyeon, who was staring at me in horror as I rose up two outfits in both of my hands.

I raised an eyebrow to her.

“So,” I pushed them towards her, “School girl or business?”

I pursed my lips in determination as my hands tried to fix the collar around Taeyeon’s neck.


I stepped back to admire my work.

Taeyeon was dressed in a fitted black dress that reached just above her knees, the fabric of the dress being patterned and layered where you could see a little bit of white peeking through the front. At her waist, was a thin red belt. Her hair was tied up into a pony tail and her blonde hair was combed to the side, her bangs out of her face. She looked so beautiful.

I clapped my hands and nodded.

“Good. Now we just need the make-up.”

Taeyeon frowned as she patted the dress down.

“I don’t think this is what you’re supposed to wear to a funeral…” She mumbled while she pulled on the dress.

“It isn’t a traditional Korean funeral Tae. It’s fine.” I replied as I brought out my make up bag. I pointed to the chair beside her. “Sit.”

Taeyeon redundantly sat in the chair and I kneeled in front of her, first putting on foundation on her face.

“You need to sleep more Taeyeon-ah…” I said as I patted the pad around her eyes to cover her obvious bags. “And quit moving around.” I slapped her knee.

Taeyeon swallowed and tried to sit still.

“Maybe I can. After the funeral.”

I didn’t say anything and continued to put on the powder on her cheeks.

Hopefully, after the funeral, Taeyeon can become more comfortable knowing that she passed on peacefully. I was praying that this funeral could be the turning point of Taeyeon’s condition and that she’ll finally start to improve on her trauma. Even though she hasn’t experienced a panic attack yet these days, I couldn’t let my guard down yet.

Except the unexpected.


Preview of Chapter 7:

"It's a fact that Keroro fought for love no matter what."


"Babo. Learn to stay out of other people's business or else you'll get hurt too."


I hope you guys understand now that Sunny is not suddenly pregant because of Sooyoung. The reason will be revealed soon but I'm shifting to the other couples now. Guess whose talking in the preview (;


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Updating in a day or two! Right now I only have 5 pages written. My goal is 18-20 pages


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Chapter 7: Wow... incredible. Author-ssi, new reader here. I just wanted to say that from the beginning, this fic has amazed me. This chapter had shivers running up my back and my arms. It's beautiful. I really can't get enough of it so I expect a quick update ;)

Alrighty~ I wanted to tell you that you're writing style is amazing. A few little flaws here and there but I really don't mind after all the emotion and intelligence it exerts. How the couples are portrayed are really jjang!! I especially love Yoonhyun's situation and Taeny is very warm and cute, despite having such heavy aura. Yulsic is too cute. Being my bias, Sica is perfect as he normal self and I really love adorable kkhab Yul. Soosun is just full of feels... it's spazztastic. But I'm really curious about what is happening with them. Sooyoungie will be alright, yes?? C'mon shikshin! Your bunny is missing you :(

Buuuut, what? Hyo is kinda being... left out :\ Sorry, I just really love Hyo (*coughcough*andHyoni*coughcough*), not being picky or anything... ;)
Chapter 7: You need to update author! I need to find out what is going on with soosun! Aaahh! Amazing story :)
Lmaple2294 #3
Chapter 7: Pretty sad how such an awesome story has so little views....
This story is awesome! And it wasn't a depressing chapter. Although I did wish that Yulsic would be a little slower... Jessica seems to be opening up a little too quickly for someone who throws out others by the ear. But I'm elated to have stumbled upon such an incredible story..
Haha Update soon~~
more YoonHyun pls!!!!!! ^^
chyan01 #5
Hmm....for me, it's not a dissappointing chap, otherwise it's good enough. You told a little about Jessica's & SeoHyun's background, plus you're building interaction with their soon to be girlfriend (^_*, I'm hoping here, you know ? LOL....)

And Seobaby & Jessica started to feel that Yoong & Yul are special for them ? Wiii!!!!! Glad to read this.
Thanks for updating, M. ^__^
Such a good chapter love it I have been waiting for your update thank you it is the best!
chyan01 #7
Waa, I'm rather late to leave comment here.
Okay, thank you so much for updating this Mel. Great job like usual, TaeNy sweet moment, SooSun's problem, YulSic little time, and Yoona's appearance, all mixed form this good chap. ^__^

Some questions here & there like usual, but I hope you'll update soon. Especially because of the teaser of chap 7, I can smell YoonHyun!! Hooray !!!
kotenshi #8
Maybe sunny has that mental disorder that makes the women get their stomach inflamated in a way that looks like they're pregnant and even get the symptoms, cuz they really really want to have a child or something like that ...?
thanx for update! ^^
wow i really like this story but do not forget yoonhyun couple they are my favorite. update soon I wanna know what happens next.