

Jongin stared ahead blankly, letting his fringe fall to cover most of his eyes as he pulled his mask up a bit higher. He should be enjoying himself, it wasn’t everyday that they got to go to Disneyland after all. He would have been enjoying himself if it wasn’t for the fact that Sehun had his arm around Luhan. Jongin understood that fans shipped Hunhan together, though it obviously wasn’t real, and that Sehun had to perform fanservice, but wasn’t that going too far?

“Jongin-ah, why do you look so down?” a deep voice asked. Jongin snapped out of his reverie to see Chanyeol staring at him with concern on his face. Even after all this time, he still had a little shock whenever that baby faced Chanyeol opened his mouth and a deep voice came out. Did his voice mature before his looks?

“Nothing...” Jongin muttered, dragging his eyes away from the Hunhan couple.

“It doesn’t look like nothing. C’mon, tell hyung!” Chanyeol grinned. Jongin groaned, not wanting to experience Chanyeol’s happy virus times now. He looked up, searching for a distraction to get him away from the bright and shiny happy virus.

“Chanyeol-hyung, where’s Baekhyun-hyung?” Jongin asked, a faint twinkle of his usual playfulness in his eyes. Chanyeol took the bait, looking around for his precious Baekhyun.

And he found Jongdae backhugging his lover. Jongin tried not to snicker at Chanyeol’s jaw dropping shocked expression which soon turned to jealousy.

“Yah, Kim Jongdae what are you doing to my Baekhyun?” Chanyeol yelled, storming over to separate the two. Jongin pulled off his mask, almost smiling at the antics.

“They’re really silly right?” Minseok appeared suddenly beside Jongin, nudging at his side. Jongin nodded to placate the eldest member.

Chanyeol was currently expressing his discontent in his own way towards Jongdae, talking rapidly with hand gestures. Though it looked more like he was going to hit someone. Zitao and Kyungsoo were watching on silently, Jongdae dragging Luhan by the arm, attempting to use him as a cover except Luhan was remaining rooted to his spot, clearly enjoying taunting Jongdae.

It soon progressed to include the entire 12 members, all of them playing a game of scissors paper rock where the loser had to suffer punishment. Unfortunately for Kyungsoo, he lost two matches, with Yixing losing one. There were devious smirks on some of the members faces as they thought of a suitable punishment.

 “Take a photo with a staff member.” Wufan said. Kyungsoo stared at him with his mouth open.

“B-but hyung! I can barely speak English!” Kyungsoo exclaimed, trying to use aegyo to win over the other’s hearts who seemed to agree completely with Wufan’s suggestion. It didn’t work, no surprises there.

It was pure joy to see Kyungsoo struggling with his English, trying to convince an senior staff member to take a photo with him. It worked, thought she was probably thinking ‘Who is this little Asian boy trying to take a photo with me?’

Their second punishment was for him and Yixing to give a live performance of MAMA right there and then. In front of all the fans. There was protest to this, but it was better than Kyungsoo’s first punishment anyway. So to the loud screams of the dedicated fans who had bothered to follow them here, they performed the chorus of MAMA, their faces flushed in embarrassment afterwards.

They headed onwards, and much to Jongin’s chagrin, Luhan’s arm was now around Sehun’s neck as they walked on. Jongin sulked, upset that Sehun wasn’t paying him any attention. They came to a rollercoaster then. Luhan instantly shied away, refusing quite loudly that he wasn’t going to go on any rollercoaster even if his life depended on it. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo wanted to go on, and so did Sehun which prompted Jongin to instantly join them. There were squeals as the fans noticed that they had joined the line for the ride, some girls even forgoing their turns earlier in hope that they could ride in the same car as they did.

They got buckled into the ride, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo sitting together, leaving Sehun and Jongin together. Jongin firmly turned his head away from Sehun’s direction, paying a great deal of attention to the bar that sat across his lap.

“Hyung, why are you ignoring me?” Sehun asked, looking at Jongin’s side profile. The elder seemed to be sulking, his lips forming a rarely seen pout. A smile spread across Sehun’s face as the puzzle pieces clicked into place.

“Jongin-hyung, you’re jealous aren’t you?” Sehun’s smile grew bigger, like a child that had just won a candy factory.

Jongin’s face reddened, lurching backwards as the ride started. It gave them more freedom to talk without being overheard by the fans, or anyone else for that matter.

“No I’m not.” Jongin mumbled. Sehun laughed even more, relieved that Jongin wasn’t actually mad at him.

“Jongin-hyung, it was just for fanservice. The fans like it. Luhan is like an older brother to me, nothing more. Don’t be mad please~~~” Sehun finished it with a bit of aegyo thrown in, sure that the older one wouldn’t be able to resist. He was correct, the look on Jongin’s face softened.

“Look at me hyung?” Sehun asked. He frowned when Jongin ignored that, turning the older’s face towards him using his hand. Their eyes connected, and it seemed like they were meeting all over again, their hearts beating faster as they leaned closer together...


Right they had forgotten they were on a rollercoaster.

The drop just had to ruin the moment. Jongin cursed at the rollercoaster for interrupting their time, hands now tightly clutching the bar as the wind whipped past crazily. He could hear Chanyeol’s deep laughter and Kyungsoo’s high pitched screams, probably due to his excellent singing ability. He turned to look at Sehun again, happy when he noticed the younger looking at him too. And a genuine smile spread across his face for the first time since they had entered Disneyland, being captured on camera too as the ride slowed down towards the end.

The ride opened on Sehun’s side, the maknae stepping out first, following the giddy Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. He followed before he was pulled backwards, not even needing to turn to know it was Jongin. The dancing machine laced their fingers together as they walked through the exit tunnel.

“Jongin-hyung, they’ll see.” Sehun whispered, referring to the fans that had been following them since they had gotten to Disneyland.

“We’re at the back of the line. And it’s a tunnel so no one will see. And we can continue where we left off before.” Jongin said with a slight smirk as he suddenly pushed the maknae against the side, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Their bodies moulded perfectly against each other, Sehun tangling his hands on Jongin’s hair to bring him closer, deepening the kiss. Jongin swiped his tongue across Sehun’s bottom lip, asking for entrance to which Sehun gladly opened his mouth to. Their tongues fought a battle for dominance, but eventually Jongin won. When they pulled apart, they were both red, panting for the lack of oxygen. They brought their lips together again, but this time in a sweeter, more innocent kiss.

“Ewww get a room.” Chanyeol teased. Jongin glared at Chanyeol in annoyance, Sehun laughing slightly. The two followed Chanyeol and Kyungsoo out of the exit tunnel, the daylight hitting them again.

“Hyung, even if I’m hanging out with Luhan a lot, you know I love you right?” Sehun said randomly.

“I love you too Sehun-ah. You know, maybe I should do some Lukai moments for the fans.” Jongin mused playfully.

“Don’t you dare! The fans should be just be satisfied with Sekai already...” Sehun grumbled, smiling as he and Jongin returned to the others.

And even if Sehun decided to continue being chummy with Luhan, it didn’t matter because they knew that they loved each other and that was all that mattered.


A/N: I'm sorry i couldn't think of a better ending. I hoped you enjoyed! Comments?

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opikonew #1
Chapter 1: jealous jongin is lovely, but jealous sehun is heaven XD hahahaa
Faustine11 #2
Chapter 1: Ladylokiofasgard can you be my friend ? Pls !!!!!!
Faustine11 #3
Chapter 1: Wow author impure work is great seeing Kai or sehun jealous will turn out in to a great thing and will have a good out of it
hi ^^
I'm Kim
Can I translate this fic into Vietnamese?
I liked this story right from the foreword :))
I think my friend in Vietnam will enjoyed it :3
hope you reply soon ^^
thanks for read my comment <3
Chapter 1: awww I love thiiiss TvT
can you please give me the link of the pic that inspired you? I knew there is a pic on.the chapter but I cant open it nor see it :'(
Sehun's aegyo always works =w= it was really cute~ sekai is love <3
OMG!!it's SOOOOO NICE!my heart has been pieces since that day T T poor jongin!!but now,i feel cured~ <3
Awwwww this is soooooo cute!! and i had the exact same thoughts when i saw the Disney pictures!! Kai was soo sad, poor boy needs attention (from SeHun)xD