
JUNSU...please come back to us...

Because of Junsu's body still weak,Changmin want the older man to sleep.Changmin insisted that Junsu must take a long rest.Yunho has bring Jaejoong to the hospital park.The oldest man need some times to recover from the shock.Changmin went to cafe to buy some food,since they both didn't eat anything sincve yesterday.While Yoochun sit besides Junsu's bed,holding his bestfriend hand and without him noticing,his tears makes its way down his cheek.Yes.He want Junsu to wake up.but not with this condition,not with junsu forgetting him,not with Junsu forgetting their happy memories.He feel jealous to Changmin,because Junsu only remember him.

Junsu twirled in his sleep,the boy seems uncomfortable.Yoochun quickly careress Junsu's hair and Junsu become calm again.He careress Junsu's hair till the boy sleep peacefully again but then he stopped.Yoochun look at his hand,hair.....many hair....He again careress Junsu's hair..this time its was many.Yoochun trembled in fear,Junsu...why did all this happened?

"Yoochun-ssi?"Junsu rubbed his eyes,like a little boy just wake up from a sleep

Yoochun surprised.Ssi?did Junsu just call me with ssi?

"No..just call me Chun.You are my best friend anyway.Why did you wake up?You need  a rest"Yoochun wipes away his tears

"I've been sleeping for hours already.I cant sleep anymore"

"Is it so?So,you can have a talk with me"

"Sorry,since I can't remember anything..Yoochun-ssi...ani,ani..Chun-ah?Can you tell me who I am and who is the two man from before?"

Yoochun frowned,but still answer the man question.

"They both is our are a singer.Fate has brought us to meet and work together as a singer.And we have made a bond beyond a work partner,we have been like a family.We are Dong Bang Shin Ki.We have Yunho hyung,he is our leader.Jaejoong hyung,me,you and Changmin.You're the second youngest in our group,and you know what?You are our moodmaker"Yoochun pinch junsu's thin cheek.

"Really?Am I really that lucky?Woah...I have 3 older brothers,a best friend and one dongsaeng.But,did I really sing?"

"Of course you are.You have the angelic voice I ever heard"

"So,do you all love me?"

"We love you so much Su.we love you more than anything.We 5 love each other so much"

"I....I really sorry for forgetting people that love me so much.Its all my fault.So sorry Chun"

"No..never feel like that Junsu-ah,I'm the one who should say sorry to you.I've left you suffering alone"

"Emmm....Chun....Can I ask something?"Junsu said hesitantly.

"Yup..What is it?"

"Why did I lay here in this hospital?Why did I forget you?why did I feel so weak?Am I dying?"The innocent question from Junsu makes Yoochun wants to cry,scream and many more.God,why did you make this innocent boy suffer a lot.

Yoochun didn't know what to answer.Junsu question makes he feel burdened.Luckily at that time Jaejoong and Yunho come in.Yoochun managed to escaped from answering Junsu question.Yoochun tears threatening to fall,so he quickly makes way out from the room.And when he make a quick glance to Junsu,he see the boy face is full of question.He feel guilty for leaving Junsu without answering him,but he really can't control his emotion.

Jaejoong knows why did Yoochun suddenly ran from the room.So,he did not ask Yoochun.After a while sitting in the park with yunho,Jaejoong now seems more calm and strong.

" dongsaeng.."Jaejoong kiss Junsu's forehead and act like nothing ever happened.

"Jae....Jae...Jaejoong hyung?Yun...Yunho hyung?"Junsu asked both man,since he cant remember clearly his name.

"Yes we are.Its okay Junsu,just takes your time,hmm?"Yunho kiss Junsu's forehead too.

"Did you both do this to me everyday?"

"Did what?"Jaejoong seems flustered with Junsu's question.

"Kissing me"

"Ohh..that?of course..we do it everyday,wae?you didn't like it?"Yunho asked

"No!...I love it,it makes me feel protected and calm"

"We always here to protect you Junsu,you want more?"Jaejoong asked,and with a second,they both give Junsu kiss everywhere and tickles the younger boy.

"Hehehehe...hyung...hyung stop it..stop hyung...hehehe.."The younger boy can't stop giggling with his hyung teasing.It takes a while before he can catch his breath.

"Ahhhh...kiowo..uri Junsu"Jaejoong pinch his dongsaeng cheek,seeing the boy giggling cutely.

"But hyung...I'm really sorry for forgetting you.I dont know what to say.I feel so guilty,forgetting people that love me so much"Junsu face change to sad.

" are you talking about?It's no one fault.Even though you forget us,it will be only for a while and it does not change our love to you"Yunho wipes away the sweat from Junsu's temple,the effect of playing too much.


"Yes..wae?do you feel pain anywhere?"Jaejoong worried voice are clearly heard.

"No....but I'm dying,dont I?I asked Yoochun,but he didn't answer"

" not..we will never let it happen Su-ah"Yunho quickly denied Junsu question.

"But...why did I always feel weak?and why am I laying on this bed everyday?"

" just need some will be alright"

Even though Junsu feel relieved to hear the answer from his hyungs,but he feel something bad will happen.

"Hyung...If I'm really dying..I just hope I can remember everything before I die..So I can pay all the deeds you have done to me"

Jaejoong can't afford to hold his tears anymore.He close his mouth with his hand to hold his sob.Yunho being the strong one quickly embrace junsu.

"No...dont say like that...You will never leave us.Trust hyung.I'll protect you,even if it will risk my life"

Junsu knows,Yunho try to comfort him,and he didn't want his hyung to worry.So he fake a smile.

"Jaejoong hyung"Junsu called at his crying hyung.

Jaejoong come and Junsu quickly hug the older man,soothing him.



In the afternoon,

Junho,Jaejoong,Junsu,Yunho and Changmin had their lunch together in Junsu's room.Yoochun have called Yunho.He says he need some times alone.They all are having fun,with Junsu acting like a baby,asking Changmin to feed him.

"You know Junsu"Changmin said but being stop by a hit from yunho.

"Where is the hyung?"Yunho gives Changmin a death glare.

"Ok..ok..aish..Junsu hyung,you know...i'm not the one who feed you.Jaejoong hyung is the umma.He is the one that should feed you"

"Umma?Wae you called Jaejoong hyungie umma?"

Jaejjong smiled and answered Junsu"Its because I'm the one who take care all four of you.I am the one who always in charge of cooking,cleaning and everything.I guess I'm more like a maid you know"

"Hehehe..our group must be unique right?So,who is the appa?Ahhh...i know!It must be Yunho hyung!am I right?"

"Ding dong deng..You're right"Yunho smiles at Junsu cuteness.Even though the blonde man lost his memeories.He didn't lose the innocentness that makes him loveable.

"'re too"Changmin give Junsu another spoon of rice.Even though Changmin always whinning about feeding Junsu,Jaejoong and Yunho knows that the maknae feel so happy to feed Junsu,cause he never had any chance to feed his hyung with all the bickering between them.

In all those laughter and jokes,suddenly a nurse come into the room.

"Excuse me..Junsu-ssi,you have a chemo treatment now."

Changmin frightened at the mention of the chemo treatment.It brings him a scary memory of Junsu being attack by that bastard man.He uncounciously hold into Junsu's hand tightly.

"Ouch!Min-ah..You're holding my hand too tight."Junsu whined

Jaejoong can see the afraidness in changmin eyes.He quickly go to Changmin and pat Changmin shoulder,reassuring him everything will be okay.Changmin give Jaejoong a smile,confirming he was okay even though deep in his heart he feel so afraid.

"Hyung,lets have to take the treatment"Changmin said,bringing JUnsu light body to the prepared wheelchair.

"But why did i have to take the treatment?Is it really important?"

"Junsu.."Yunho careress Junsu pale cheek before continuing"It is important to you.Do you want to get out from this hospital?"

Junsu nodded excitedly at the mentioning of getting out from the hospital.He hate the dull atmosphere of the hospital

"Will you accompany me?"Junsu asked the 3 man with pleading eyes.

"Of course we are.Cha..Let's go"Yunho answered,makes Junsu have a big grin at his already pale face.



Arghhh...As soon as the chemical fluid enter my body,I feel likes my body was ripped into two.The pain was unbearable.It makes me feel so I'm being cooked on fire.I closed my eyes tightly to hold the pain.I dont want the man in front of me worry about me.Even though I did not remember who are they actually,but they all are so nice to me.I'm grateful.

When I open my eyes,I can see the mismatched eyes looking at me concernly.Do I show it too much?Changmin wipes the sweat that flow through my temple.

"Huyng...Is it painful?"

I can't even talk right now.I've no energy to do anything.All I can do is shook my head lightly and give him a weak smile.Reassuring him that I'm fine.O God,what have i done in the past that i have so many people who loves me.Suddenly I can feel someone hands careressing my hair.Yunho hyung.His looks like he knows that I'm struggling with pain.

The treatment tooks a long time.It likes a period of suffering.Luckily I have brothers,that always beside me to support me,to be my pillar.The pain seems to disappear for a little seeing their support to me.After 3 long,suffering hours of the treatment,it finally done.I didn't have strength to do anything.When Yunho hyung lift me to the wheel chair,I can't even say or do anything.It was tiring.It feels like my energy has left my body completely.I can't even sit properly on the weelchair,I have no energy to even support my own body.

Suddenly,as we have reached my room,I feel like to throw up.I cough several times and managed to ask for a basin from them,before throwing all the lunch to the basin.The throwing up makes me feels more horrible that i wish I just die from all this suffering.jaejoong hyung continuosly rubbing my back.

I look at all the 3 man faces in front of me.Even though I didn't remember them,I've make them suffering with me.What have I done?I only bring sadness to all people that love me.I wish i will die soon,so they wouldn't have to suffer with me.


Thanks for all your support to me in my hardest moment of life.I'm really grateful to have a great supporter and cassie friend with me.To mad_jacky,Cinq-luna.Jun_Kol_mi..thanks for your supporting words to me.Dear all readers,you really makes my day.Sorry for the emotional statement..huhu..and also sorry for the late update


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angelaN #1
A new reader here...
Please update soon authornim ^^
I really like this fic ^^
aileessa #2
Please,don't make them suffer. I want them to be happy,again. I don't want Junsu-oppa die. I don't want the other Oppas cry. Thank you and I can't wait for the next update.
meemow123 #3
Chapter 16: junsuuuuuuu ... dont dieeeeee ... this is great, keep it going ... sorry for your loss by the way ...
Chapter 33: Ohmygod you need to update soon ... Please dont kill junsu ... I dont wanna cry again ...
For some reason this is a little like the Five Eternal Star fic. Have you read it? But I'm sure that you are not copying. Anyways well done with this fic ... Junsu must be really determined ... And the others ... O.o
Lia00027 #5
Chapter 33: Oh my i cried a lot reading the beginning of ur chapters with Junsu's suffering. I am a cassie nice to meet u here fellow cassie. Ur writing is absorbing me to a heart wrenching sob especially my favorite singer is Xiah Junsu. Thanks for writing this. AKTF.
Chapter 33: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee...
ChangLay #7
Chapter 33: I want update author nim.... Ah I cried alot.... poor poor
AmyDick #8
Chapter 33: I've read this fic from chap 1 'till chap 32... It's really painful just to read it... Poor Junsu...
Waa..this story is so sad.. but i love the way they pay attention to junsu.. aww..poor him and he is so innocent n nice.. evil maknae become lovely maknae..haha
Chapter 33: Wow! This story is such a great read! I think you really captured the hardships and feelings between the TVXQ members ^^
I also love the large amount of attention and care the members aregiving Junsu >//<