Problem Solved?


For a self-asserting genius like Yesung, getting admitted into the best and most prestigious university in the world is no problem. His undoubted ability to solve some of the most difficult equations known to mathematics has gotten him recognized not only over all of Asia, but also worldwide.  He has the world precisely calculated (or so he thinks) and will let nothing and no one stand in the way of him solving the hardest equation in the history of mankind. Yet when he arrives at the almost sacred school, one big problem arises. One whose answer will prove more difficult than he expected, and one whose name is Professor Choi Siwon.


Soo this is my first story on this website, and my first ever fanfic.....I'm still learning how to use this website though=)

I have a poster now~~~Credit to -muffin- ::Bitter Sweet Dream Graphic Shop






This is how I see Sungmin in the story (nerdy and cute=)):

And last but not least, this is how I see Minho.....a hot nerd( from SHINee) (Came out bigger than I expected...that's what she said....hehe *cough*)

Well that's it....I'll probably add in more charachters though...okay then, let's get started~~~~


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390 streak #1
It's been 10 years and there's still no next chapter button T^T
ysismine #2
please update soon >< really curious...
Wasurenagusa #3
Hope to see you update soon. This sounds so interesting. But I have already subscribed. I'm waiting author-nim :D
KcuLL22 #4
Why don't you update it?
cleoxxfantacy #5
This looks interesting!!!!!!
yuyumunaw #6
Aw Genius Yesung and Professor Choi! Interesting ><
I'm waiting for update!
Update soon hehe^^
Sub.. waiting for update, this sounds so interesting.. Kekeke, prof. Choi
oh don't worry, AFF is pretty easy to use, at least i thought it's easier than LJ.. you'll learn fastly and get use with this so soon :)
cloudy91 #8
please update this as soon as possible!!!!!!!
Waiting for it :D I hope that Siwon is still a very young professor é.è Or even younger then Yesung! :O And a genius too... I mean he is so intelligent because he got the job still very young! :p

Good Luck for writing! And thank you so much for sharing! ;)
I'm so looking forward this! I hope that YeWon will have a lot of confrontations and love hihi :D

YeWon Fighting! <3