Trapped In The Past Caused A Mirror

The REPOST is done, Now this is the new Chappie. Enjoy :)



Stasia's POV


He cheats! He cheats! He hits Woohyun with baseball striking from behind. I hate cheater people like Rasputin. I run to Woohyun and hug him.


"Woohyun! Wake Up!" I cry.


My tears fall on his face. I wipe the blood is bleeding on his head.


Suddenly, I remember when my family died when the slaughter of Romanov. Blood was covering my family's body. I just watched that and almost killed by  Bolshevik.


I won't forgive cheater, a villain,  Bolshevik, Rasputin and


People that hurt someone that I love.


The anger raises from my foot to my head. I take my necklace from Woohyun's grip and gave him to Sunggyu. I hang my necklace around my neck than run with full anger to the boss bandit to pay what he done to Woohyun.


I jump and kick his head. When he fell, I stomp his chest to make he can't breathe. He begs me to let him go but I press his chest deeper. He yells so loudly like a baby. I laugh at him, he's so weak.


I about to punch his cheek. But Sunggyu stop me. He grip my wrist to stop me and make my wrist can't fly a punch to that guy.


"Don't do this! You just want to your necklace back right? Not to kill him!"


I cancel my plan to punch him. I let the boys escape with his crew member. But I yell to them to make them remember.




They nod their head then run for their life. I'm not scared if people knew that I am alive. I don't want to hide and ask someone to help me like a spoiled child.


I run to Woohyun to see his condition. Luckily the recitation on his head already stop. I carry Woohyun on my back. And start to walk.


Oh man, he's so heavy like an elephant. I wipe my sweat on my forehead. Sunggyu lend me for a help.


"Stasia, I think I should carry him."


"Don't worry Sunggyu. I am fine!" I lie.


I felt his warm breath tickling my ears. On a voice calls a girl in his sleep. That's Eunji.


Why he called her? He can call my name right?





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Feel Free to read my first reaper series. Let Me Go To Heaven, Ms.Reaper


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SaeMii #1
Chapter 25: Im still waiting ur update
yuu_sama #2
Chapter 25: Ohhh... oh...
I can smell that Rasputin is the bad guy in this story! Am I right!? There is something mysterious about Rasputin~~ but I still don't know what he will do next. I even don't understand why I don't like Rasputin healing Alexei... maybe he has a secret intention? >_< Gaaahhhh, I don't know~~!!! There must be some reason why Stasia and Kagami can't be influenced by him...

Ah, so... Eunji has a similar face with Stasia??? wow~~~ this is so taking my nerves up!!! Oh, I hope she can be safe soon! Oh please, please... let it be Sung Gyu who helped her!!! I want Sung Gyu and Eunji get back together again~! At least, please let Eunji meet Sung Gyu first before she finally meets with Woohyun... oh, but... but I don't know~~~!!! >_<

Who is the mysterious person in the last part? Ah, author dongsaeng, you make me dying of curiosity now~~ please, I hope you update soon, ne!?

HWAITING for your exam!!!! (^_^)/
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 24: Aaaahhh, I'm so sorry for being late...
how did I miss this updated chapter!?? *squeeze my own face*

Oh yeah, I agree with you. If Woo Hyun and Eunji meet each other, then the story will end soon... hahahaha, and I don't want it!!! I DON'T WANT THIS STORY TO END SOOOONNN~~!!!! >_< Don't worry, author dongsaeng, I will not kill you... because if I kill you, who will continue this story!? hehehehehe~~~

Okay, okay, let's get back for my comment in this chapter! ^^ Woaah, I got so surprised that Stasia brought Woo hyun to uncle Edgar's house!!??? so, it means that there will a bigger possibility for Woohyun and Eunji to meet, right!? OMG, and this Woohyun and Kagami??? even uncle Edgar was mistaken to differ them! So, there must be similar in same way, right...!? That's why Stasia also remember Kagami when she is with Woohyun...

But... but...
I want Sung Gyu and Eunji! SUNGGYU AND EUNJI!!! ^^ hahahaha...
*just ignore this crazy reader*
I really want to know how Eunji feels for Sung Gyu. Is she missing Sung Gyu too? since they are dating, right? hehehehe~ anyway, by the way, busway... *oopsss*

Update soon, dongsaeng~~~~ ^^ I am really addicted into your fanfics lately! DAEBAK! I believe that you'll be an amazing writer! :)
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 23: Hehehe, poor Sung Gyu~~~
He needs to play a role in "Home Alone", kekeke~ ^^ but I'm really curios too! What will the rest story of Stasia's diary be about!!? Uuuuugghhhh, I'm dying to know what Sung Gyu will find in that diary!!! >_<

Woooaaaahhhh, Woohyun and Eunji go the same place!!! Please, please... will they meet???? I really want them to meet! I think they will see each other, or maybe not? Ugggghhh, this is so interesting! I think Eunji will try to approach Woohyun, but maybe there will be something preventing her... ooh, I don't know~~~ >_< so unpredictable! I think I'm gonna stay tuned and wait sweetly for the next update! >_^
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 22: OMGGGGGG!!! I get goosebumps after reading this chapter~~
Woohyun has similar face with Kagami too!!????
Woooaaah, this is so unpredictable!!!! >_< Is that possible that Woohyun is the reincarnation of Kagami in the future...!!???

Ohh, uh~~~ I get so excited and curios at once!!! >_<
sooooo, where is the real Eunji now...???
I'm still waiting for her to show up and come back to Woohyun and Sunggyu~~~
Oh, I remember! Eunji is taken care in another mansion, right!?
Ooooooohhhhh, I want them to meet for reaal~~!
yuu_sama #6
Chapter 21: Oh yeah, I finally got time to read this amazing new chapter!!!
Annyeong, author dongsaengie...

Hahahahaha, so Sung Gyu is the translator machine for Woohyun!!?? kekeke~~ ^^ Thanks to Sung Gyu anyway, because of him, Woohyun can understand the whole story in Stasia's diary...

It seems like Stasia always has a dream about this Kagami guy??!
Uuggghhh, who is he actually? I think Stasia will not think of him that much until she dreams of him, if there is not something special between them! Maybe this Kagami guy is a very precious person for her!?

Woooaaaahhhhh, gotta move to the next chapter now...!!! Can't wait~~ >_^
SaeMii #7
Chapter 20: Who is kagami? i think he is anatasia's friend/bf?
yuu_sama #8
You're welcome, author dongsaengie <3
I will catch all of your hearts with pleasure, ha ha ha...!!!!

First, one thing that I immediately recognize from this chapter is the lyric of Evanescence "Missing"!!! Wowwwwwwww, the song indeed is so meaningful and I love it how you connect the song with the story!!!! The lyric has a very deep emotional message and I get to love this chapter hundredfold!!!! >_< It's just... soooo cooool!!!!!!!!! ^^ Eunji~ah, we've got the same taste! Hahahaha...

Hmmmm... so, this uncle Edgar helped her. Does it mean that she was trapped in another place??? Oh, I see, it must be because she was almost dead, so she was treated in his house and hasn't met with Woohyun and Sunggyu yet! :)

And let me tell you, this Kagami... is so hot! ^^ Ha ha ha, I can feel that he maybe gets involved in a romance with Stasia... maybe? Because he's so hot and he's her servant, so they will always stay close together... so, maybe he's the one that Stasia loves? I'm really looking forward to know about this Kagami soon! I curious... >_<

The last, Woohyun finally succeed to open the diary! Yay!!! *throw confetti*
Get a little clue about Kagami, ah... Kagami again... now I'm really seriously curious!!! Who is this person for Stasia????

Plus, I want Eunji to meet with Woohyun and Sunggyu soon!!! ^^
yuu_sama #9
Oh yes, sure, author dongsaengie~~! ^^
I will be your faithful commenter until this story ends! This I promise you... *singing NSYNC*

Before I leave my comment here, I really want to say... I LOOOOVEEEEEEE the last picture!!!! ^^ I am a fan of horror stuffs and the last pic is really cool~~!!!! Unluckily, I don't know how to play a game, aaaaahhhh... So, FATAL FRAME is a kind of ghost game??? It must be exciting and chilly, right!? But that's a beautiful thing! Hahahahaha...
*sorry, too many comments from a fangirl of dark stuffs*

And yeaaaaahhhh...!!!!!! Woohyun got her in the end!!! ^^ So, her real name was Cecilia???? Now I'm really convinced that Cecilia or Nam Eunji has a connection with Stasia in the past! Ooohhh, it breaks my heart to read him crying... he must miss her so much! How about Sung Gyu??? Doesn't he miss his girlfriend????
Oh, thinking of how beautiful Eunji is, Sung Gyu is so lucky to have her as his girlfriend! Hehehehehe...

Please, please, keep updating! HWAITING!!! ^^ I will patiently wait for it!
yuu_sama #10
Finally I got time to drop my comments here...
XD Woooaaaaahhhhhh,Woohyun...!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha
I already miss this story and now I read the story about Woohyun's past~~!!! Even Sung Gyu smacks his own forehead to know the reason why Woohyun chose Eunji as his sibling!
He's already gifted with the talents of greasy flattering since a young age, right!? kekekeke...

And finally, he freaks out Eunji and makes her cry! Woohyun~ah, it's not a good thing to do in the first meeting...!!!!
Why did you make a girl cry??? hahahahahahaha~ XD Being chased by an obsessive stranger, who wouldn't freak out!!??? You make a trouble, Woohyun! You make a trouble~~~~ *pinch Woohyun's cheeks*

But, I find it sweet that Woohyun keeps chasing her! Hahahahaha XD Yes, Woohyun, don't give up! Get her as your sibling!!! I love it, loooooveee it....