Chapter 10

Maknaes YoonHyun love story


Seohyun’s POV

I woke up early as usual again a dreamless sleep. I turn around to find myself wrapped up in the most beautiful arms in the world. I smile and stare at my beautiful girlfriend. She is still sleeping peacefully; I turn to look at my roommate who to my surprise is gone. So I look at Yoona again and stare at her and memorize her perfection. I start to trace her face. First her forehead then her eye brows slowly moving down to her eyes, I move to her nose making sure I do not wake her up then stop at her lips. Her plum pink lips so tempting. (get a hold of yourself Seohyun!!).

I lean in and kiss her cheek and slowly move to her lips I stop and look at her again and then I close my eyes and kiss her. Just like the first time I kissed her, I felt butterflies in my stomach and like a current of electricity going through me. I start to move my lips slowly not wanting to wake her up. I move my hand to wrap them around her neck. I began to feel her kissing me back. I felt her tongue on my lower lip asking for entrance and I parted my lips right away, As soon as I did she started roaming in my mouth. I started playing with her tongue trying to get dominance to my disappointment she won easily. I felt her arms roaming around the back of my body. Her hands moving down until she reached my . She got both of my cheeks in her hands and squeezes them and I moan in . She started to kiss me with more passion and squeeze my harder and I loved it.  I was running out of air and I broke the kiss and lean my forehead to hers.


I smile at her and she smiles back still trying to catch her breath.


My smile gets bigger when I heard her calling me baby.

“I hope you always wake me up to your sweet kisses every morning.”

I blush and look away. She leans in and starts kissing me again. She then moves so she is on top of me. She moves one hand from my and caresses my face. She breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes with so much love and smiles her cute smile.

“I love you Seohyunnie and don’t ever forget that.”

I smile and look at her and try to tell her with my eyes just how much she means to me and how I love her more than anyone or anything in this world.

“I love you too Yoona”

Knock Knock

“Seohyun unnie are you awake breakfast is ready.”

Amber had interrupted our lovely moment with her knocking. I look at Yoona who seem to be irritated with the interruption. I cup her face in my hand and smile at her and give her a peek on the lips.

“Let’s go Yoona baby you must me hungry.”

With that said she nodded her head and smile and got off the bed and lifted me in her arms. She hugged me close and I hugged her back then we got interrupted again.

Knock Knock

“Unnie if you do not get out I will be force to come in and get you.”

“We are coming.”

I replied I did not want her barging in on Yoona and me I can sense that Yoona does not like her and I do not wish to make Yoona uncomfortable and start a fight so I get a hold of Yoona’s hand and drag her out to the dining area where everyone else is already seated.

We enjoy a great breakfast and laugh with our guest. I felt a little uncomfortable because Amber was always staring at me and Yoona notice and started to become very protective. She even put her arm around my shoulder and started sweet talking and not caring that we got stares from the other members. Yoona kept making me blush. I was lost in our own little world after a few minutes we snapped back to reality when Krystal spoke up.

“Unnies it’s getting late we should get going we do not want to be late for our schedule.”

Krystal and Amber both get up and bow and Jessica accompanies them to the door. As soon as they are gone Yoona turns my face to face her and she kisses me passionately. It takes me all my strength not to let out a moan.

“Yoona get off of my baby.”

“Get a room you too.”

“I thought Taeyeon was the only Byuntae here.”


Yoona stopped kissing me and stared at them. I giggle. That day Tiffany unnie, Jessica unnie, and I were the only ones with a schedule so we could not help with moving rooms. I am staying in the same room so I was ok. The day seemed to be going on forever. My head was hurting and I was missing my Yoongie. I finally got a break and I start to text Yoona.

To Yoongie:

Yoongie!! I am tired and I miss you!! How is the moving coming along? I love you so much I want to be in your arms again.


Not even a minute pass when I got a reply:

From Yoongie:

Seobaby I miss you too!! My poor baby when you get home I will give you a massage. Taeyeon unnie is making is do most of the heavy lifting, and Hyoyeon unnie is making us clean as well so we are taking longer. I love you so much. I want you here in my arms so that I can kiss your lips and cheeks and your y neck. Have fun hurry home.

I blushed after a finish reading the text. Why does she have to flirt with me now. 


“Seohyun we need to go.”

“Yes unnie I will be right there.”


I put my phone down and finish my schedule.

“We are home!”

I had to cover my ears, Jessica unnie can be very loud when she wants to be. We enter our dorm to be surprise by the rest of our members. They had prepared a party for us, to celebrate the fact of us being together. Yoona ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. Ahh so good to be in her arms. I embrace her and we stay like this until Taeyeon unnie got our attention. We partied till 12 because I was tired and wanted some rest and alone time with my Yoongie.

As I open my room I was surprise to see our bed put together and our room super clean. I also spotted a single rose on our bed. I turn to see Yoona staring at me with loving eyes. I hug her and kiss her lips for just a few seconds.

“Yoona I love you. You mean everything to me.”

“I love you too my princess, now let’s go to sleep.”

We walk to our bed and lay down we are both facing each other. I keep thinking she might kiss me or caress me but no she is just looking at me. I stare back with love until I slowly start to wonder if we are going to finally be with each other in that way.

“Seohyun I love you. You have no idea how happy I am to have you be mine. I want our first time to be special so let’s wait ok.”

“Yes Yoona I love you. Thank you for being so romantic and just perfect.”

She wrapped me in her arms and we both drifted off to dreamland.

3 weeks have gone by and everything has been going great. Yes a few bumps in the road which include me being pair with either other members or guys that make Yoona jealous and overprotective. I do not mind at all until today. We were gathered in the living room looking at articles about us and comment about from our fans when something caught Yoona’s eye.

A video of me and Kyuhyun talking to each other but we were whispering to each other. But then there is one second where we both into each other’s eyes and we smile. It was just a second but Yoona did not like it she really got mad with the commentaries. She got up and left for our room. Aish I can tell we are going to fight. My unnies look at me and I just get up and give them an apologetic smile. I walk to my room and open the door. I find Yoona sitting at the bed looking at our picture.

“Yoona it was nothing we were just talking about the host and the concert that is all nothing special. He mentioned how he liked our performance and I smiled at him that is all.”


“You could have been a few inches more away from him.”

“Yoona you saw how crowed it was it is not my fault.”

“Seo please let me think.”

I just walked out of the room I grab my jacket and head out the door. Aish I use to think she was cute when she was jealous, but now she does not even trust me. I start to walk around just walking were ever my feet will take me. Why does she believe those rumors I mean she was right there. I suddenly stop and turn my head I see a bright light heading towards me. 





































So i have not updated the story sorry writers block. Plus I got another idea for a story so yeah. So this is were the twist comes. I hope you guys do not give up on my story i promise it will get better well interesting at least. LOL i am kinda mean sorry for hurting Seohyun in the story. Please keep reading and subscribing 


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ok so I was working on the next chapter when my computer shuts down so i lost it and now i have to re-write it and i do not remember what i wrote so i am sorry.


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