The Games We Play


In which Kyuhyun unfortunately angers Yesung and is introduced to a rather interesting game, whilst Yeusng takes pleasure in Kyuhyun's suffering.


Its my 30th story...I

I didn't think I would bring up my 30th story with this sort of work, but it has already feel bad now that I did not write something happy...30 stories already...yayy!!!

In brief, this story will be hard to read simply becuase I am a terible, insane writer. This story is set in the continuum, sometime in the timelime I guess, maybe after : "When in Doubt". The timeline is severly messed up, so I really don't know what is going on there. I am truly story that I can't even follow my own timeline...A True Feel free to blame me for my inadequate

This story is rather different form the it was mea t to be only a drabble, but somehow it ended up over 18K plus words. It is clear that I fail at drabbles also..maybe I should make a list of all my fails? even too big to be a ficlet..I am positively hopeless...

I will promise though that this chapter will be fun to read in a different way...You have an upset Yesung torturing Kyuhyun for his ill of fun. It won't be posted right now, but instead later tomorrow...I hope you guys don't mind the

Comments are Loved ♥


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Chapter 1: awww poor kyu, yesung your turning devious XD.
LMAO Not being able to hold his hand and Yesung milking it for all it's worth is downright one of the most awesome things ever. Who knew Yesung could be so devious >: )? And kyu, ahahaha kyu. Poor boy didn't know what hit him. I couldn't help but smile all the way through this, even though I know kyu was doing anything but smiling. (I read this at least twice now and it still makes my day! : ) I find myself marathoning a lot of your fics lately. Thanks so much for this <3.
ice420 #3
Chapter 1: *rofl* omg, am still laughing. Again, is it so bad to have fun at Kyu's expense? Seriously. A taste of his own medicine!!! Nice one. But Yeye can't resist the grumpy-sulking-and-obviously bbkyu.. aww... sweet :D I love it. Have I said that? Lemme check.. *lol*
i was all 'aaaw' and 'oooh' while reading this fanfic! XD
loved this "drabble". :) i'm kinda wondering how much you'd write for a chaptered fic. hahaha! but in any case i'm gonna wait for you to come out of your hiatus. :)
Wow...long time that I don't leave a comment...
I saw a diferent write style in this "drabble"(for sure it's not a fail), but was great!!! I mean, I like Yesunggie's vengeful side, just imagine his sharp eyes moving side to side, , made me to remember he in M4Y specially the episode feat Siwon LOL...Wonie looked so embarassed during the interview.
Also I liked Teukie intervention; I loved cute worried Ryeong and a snarky kangin (my inocent Hae).
Poor Kyu, the only one that suffered the game, thanks god in the end all came back to the normal and the maknae had his reward for his humble sincerity, just love him throughout the fic.
Yesungie is so crafty, he knows how to scape from Kyu and he is starting to overcome his shyness. I hope read more growth in this couple.
Like always, great job!!!!, i'll wait

PS: Never thought a teaser like that, so I grateful to SM...LOL...All the members are charming and mistic,but Ye and Hae are my fav.
lalilula413 #7
poor Kyuhyun, always has to be frustrated =D
I think this is my favorite so far, because it showed the other side if Yesung.
thank you for writing this ^^
hippychick #8
wow that was really awesome <3
Well, Unnie, I think both of us should just give up on drabbles because we both clearly are incapable of writing them XD And Unnie, this is not a ficlet. this is a full blown one-shot. 21K... LOL. Well, I enjoyed it. A lot. Like really really a lot~ And I miss you so much Unnie >.< I understand you have work but I MISS YOU SO MUCH >.< But this was good and definitely worth all the wait.
PS. YESUNGIE IS DAMN BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TEASER (we already spazzed together lol XD not enough spazzing :P) LOL did you use the description you came up with on twitter when we were spazzing? Hahaha. Someone should totally write a fantasy KyuSung with our mythical price Yesungie and whatever Kyuhyun turns out to be XD LOL.
BTW I feel like my comments are getting longer and more incoherent XD And Bianca-unnie is so lucky to have such a wonderful fic dedicated to her~ definitely not a fail at all :D