Weird chapter number one

It's a Secret


9/21/12- 4 days till debut

" Okay so now that we have the Melody down and generally after you've developed your melody, you'll need to change things up a bit to keep the listener interested. The 'change up' might be a secondary melody, though it's usually not as strong as the primary melody or chorus." said Yonghwa.
"Oh, wow Hyung you're always so good at explaining things." I smiled. 
Yonghwa and I had returned to our secret little recording studio, it had become a routine of ours. First I would bring him his medicine (because every day he just seems to magically forget -_- and I am still under contract) and then we would go off to compose.
 I felt so peaceful sitting here next to him on the piano as music filled the air. Every time he opened his mouth to sing I felt emotions take over me I felt similar with the other voices but not quite the same. 
I feel like if I were to see him cry, I would cry. If he were to sincerely smile, so would I. The emotions he projected in his music were done so with so much geniune sincerity that it could probably move even the coldest of men to tears. Though this ability of his slightly frightened me, I deep down envied him. He really is a wonderful musician. 
"Why are you staring at me? Aish~ I go through all the trouble of helping you and you don't even pay attention -.-." 
"No that's not true I was just admiring your talent." I said shyly. 
He looked at me surprised at first at the sudden comment and then moved his hand on my hair and ruffled it a but, something that had become a habit if those around me. I smiled "And to think, this is only the beginning." I thought to myself. 
~~~9/22~The next afternoon w/IU~~~
We were collapsed in the floor with our deep breaths in sync. My legs had gone numb and I don't think that I can go any farther the look on her face had shown that she felt the same. 
*CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* I heard come from the back of the studio 
"that was excellent you two the choreography had gone perfectly with the rhythm and general feel of the song. Also the lyrics were amazing it really showed the feelings of you two." said the President.
IU and I sheepishly rose from the ground to properly greet him. After a while my voice had returned and I had managed to speak my thoughts "So you liked it?"
"Liked it? I loved it! I'm giving you two the green light now to record and then after Jae I'd like to see you in my office."
"Yes sir." I said with an increasingly alert voice. 
He gave off a very business like grin and IU and I bowed as he left. Once he was out of view IU ran over to me jumping up and down. "YAY!! HE GAVE US THE GREEN LIGHT! WE'RE ALMOST DONE!"
"Ye~ Noona" I agreed. If I was not so exhausted or pretending to be a guy I would probably be as ecstatic about this as she. We smiled together and she reached up and ruffled my hair "You did well Jae ^^." She said with a sweet voice. I smiled back and soon enough we left to record.
The recording of magner (our song) with IU noona went great it was my first time recording and I was so glad to do it with something I had created (with noona's help of course ^^) that a smile fell upon my face just thinking about it. In a few days I'm gonna debut too~! Ah~ this is so exciting(≧∇≦).
Running down the hallways to meet the president I couldn't help but make a fool of myself with my stupid smile. Finally I had arrived all the excitement a glee inside of me had quickly subsided as I stared silently at the Presidents door. 
"I suppose I should go in now." I thought to myself as I hesitantly moved closer to the door. 
The president didn't seem to be a bad person, but I couldn't say that he's a good person either he just gives off a neutral businessman feeling that in a way, sent shivers down my spine. I think that he is the number one person that I don't want finding out I'm a girl. I mean, who knows what'll happen. 
"Oh Jae! What are you waiting for? Go on in." called manager Hyung as he ran up to me.
"Oh Hyung! I didn't see you there." I laughed. "I was just about to go in." I said finally opening the door. We both walked in and the president was sitting down calmly sipping his tea. 
"Yes president?" I said politely. 
"I called you over to inform you that you will be working over time and will attend all CNBLUE schedules from now on that are not live."
"Huh?" I said confused. 
"You will be participating in photo shoots mostly, nothing like signings and variety programs until your debut in 3 days. We don't want to reveal you before we reveal you."
"Oh, okay then." I said finally understanding. 
"There will be a photoshoot in 3 hours. It will be featuring you, IU-ssi and the boys. "
I sighed "so no break?"
"No break." 
I slowly walked over to the practice room when I finished with the president. "Aish~ must my schedule be so hectic before I even debut?!?" I yelled to myself.
I stopped in my tracks
"Aish~ Hyeon Jae! What the heck are you saying! What has become of you! You hate complaining what happened to what you used to say when you were a kid 'as long as its for music~' aish! Seriously Jae snap out of it." I reprimanded myself.
I soon marched myself to the Trainee room continuing to yell at myself for thinking negatively about the situation. 
Since during the whole walk I was staring at the ground, I ended up running into a person.
I looked up "Ah, mian Jae hwa."
"Its fine." he laughed "But aren't you a bit late class started ten minutes ago."
"Oh yea, sorry me and IU got caught up in recording."
"Recording?! You finally got to record!"
"Yup!" I smiled.
"Wa~ you sure are on your way! How many days do you have left?" he asked as began to walk to class.
"Four I think."
"Daebak! If you don't call I'll kill you."
"What its not like after you debut you'll still be a trainee, you were only supposed to be here for two weeks right."
"O.O I com plete ly forgot."
"Haha, your face of sudden realization." he said as he ruffled my hair.
"I can't believe I didn't realize it until now o.o." I stared into space. Wow, I'm such an idiot. Regaining my thoughts I looked him straight in eye "How could I ever forget a friend like you?" I told him. For some reason he looked away , yea I'm probably reeking of cheesiness right now but that doesn't matter ^^ 
"You know Jae Hwa, I used to have a lot of friends when I was a kid but then I something happened and I had to go far away. I was adopted by some really nice people though but after that for ten years  whole years I didn't have many friends. I had my fake relatives of course but I had never really made my own friends. That's when I got into music. It was already in my blood but I used to stay far away from it ." 
"But once I got really involved it made making friends even harder for me I spent what felt like centuries trying to advance in this field and here I am now at what seems to be the pinnacle of my happiness~ so far at least I haven't even debut yet." I chuckled. "But well, how do I put this? There was an unfortunate price for achieving my dream though but since you we're here I didn't even think much of it!" 
"Because~ I know it's kinda lame but~"
My gaze quickly fell to the marble floor as I nervously pushed my two fingers together. Quickly I looked up and once again staired him straight in the eyes "You're on of my first friends in 10 years, And seeing as how I can't remember anything before the age of ten, you are pretty much my first friend." I smiled. "So of course I'd keep in touch! Che, BABO! " I said as I elbowed him in the shoulder. He stared at me in a way that could show that he did not how to react, eventually though his gaze softened to that which carried his normal charm. He smiled and ruffled my hair and continued to walk to the practice room "Che, so cheesy." he said under his breath. 
As we continued to chat on our way to the practice room I suddenly stopped out of frustration.
"AISH~ I can't take it anymore! Do you have a nickname? It feels so weird calling you Jae Hwa."
"Haha, and I thought you had gotten used to it now. "
"I thought I did too -.-."
"Let's see a nick name~~ Oh, when I was in High school they used to call me Sinbiui Shin(the God of Mysteries) ."
"Of course they would call you that -.-." "How about this from now on Ill call you Shin."
"Okay, no problem with me."
"Good ^^ I feel much better now. Ok so lets go." I motioned him to continue to walk.
Once in the practice room we changed into our clothes and went to go practice. Now that might not sound right to you but that's okay I'm used to explaining things to my conscience.
~~~Flasback to the Day after Jae Hwa found out.~~~
We both walked into the dressing room and Jae Hwa began to strip. 
"Um" I spoke up. 
"Oh yeah I forgot about you, well this is awkward." 
"Yes, yes it is."
He put his shirt back on. "Shouldn't you be going 'kya~' or something and covering your innocent eyes like most girls?"
"Well I used to like with 4 guys so~ Im used to shirtless guys, not so used to being shirtless aorund them if you catch my drift."
"Oh yea.... Uh. maybe I should change in the bathroom."
"Its okay I'll change in the bathroom, its easier that way cause someone else might have to come in too, I'm just gonna have to move really fast when I shower though -.-"
"You're still gonna shower?"
"Yea. Jungshin has some type of acute sense of smell. He'll tell me to immediately take a shower when I get home and really all I wanna do is sleep -.-" 
"You have no sense as a woman do you?"
"I have been told." I laughed.
~~~~ End Flashback~~~~
After about 5 minutes we changed our clothes and were heading out of the room. As we were walking out of the door we heard a voice that was sudden that it made me jump slightly.
"Oh, oppa! Mian he I didn't mean to scare you." Hyunah started. 
"Oh no, I'm fine." I gave a small smile.
" Oppa, did you tell Jae oppa about the fall fest?"
"Fall fest?" I asked Jae  Shin.
"Oh yea, every year we have a fall, winter, spring and summer fest. Its kind of like a big showcase ^^ I've only been here since april so this is my first fall fest but Hyunah has been here since last summer so this will be her second." Shin explained.
"Yup. This year I'm on the planning comitee and I was wondering if you would like to perform Oppa." she asked me.
"Why me?"
"Because you're debuting, even though you have only been here for a while and will only be here for a little bit longer we'd all appreciate it if you would perform. And besides, by then you would have already debuted and it may even help boost your popularity." she smiled.
"I-I don't know."
"Well, you don't have to decided right now but it'd be great if you'd tell me by next week okay?" 
"Well then bye Oppa's I'll see you in the practice room." she said as she ran off ahead.
"What do you think should I do it?" I asked Shin.
"Go for it! It should be fun. Besides I'll be performing too so its not like you'll be alone." he smiled.
"Okay I think I'll do it."
"Good ^^ you'll have fun." he smiled as he ruffled my hair.
this is not really a chapter its just that the real chapter 13 was too~ long to be one chapter
thats why the ending to this and the beggining to the next chapter is really weird
but dont worry this just means double update ^^
Also, I now have a trailer, YAY! you can view it at the forward screen :)
oops forgot to post meme here ya' go: 
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Chapter 17: Oh! I want some romance :3
Chapter 18: It's a SECRET and The Guide to being Korean please ^^
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 17: Why do I feel nervous for her debut too?
woaah, at least, there are still some people who support her that way~~~
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 15: Wow, Jae's adventure is so exciting...
so happy that she can finally have some fun with him!!!
yeah, Jae, I got the same reaction too when I knew my two oppas enlisting to military...
we're both a hardcore ELF, hahaha!!! ^_^
Seriously, I finally got back after such long time and I found this story developing so muuuuch greater...
jinjja, daebak! amazing story, author-nim! :)
Chapter 17: Lmao the meme. Oh my god. I also thought Taemin was a girl when I was familiar with SHINee I know crazy I was shocked to see 4 guys and a girl in a group and how they share dorms. XD silly me.
Chapter 17: Sorry for your loss. I saw your feed. ;-; maybe they deleted their account. I mean sh*t this is a great story!

Also, I'll ____ the living soul out of Amber if she had a . She a good looking ___ guy ! She got me questioning my uality but than again she is dressed as a dude! But Jessica Rabbit. ____s it up more coming out singing 'Why Don't You Do Right?' ____ why aren't you real?! XD

Off topic , off topic. Waiting for the updates. <3
Chapter 15: Kekeke. Weird I live in North Jersey (New Jersey)woop woop!
Chapter 12: Who hasn't broke down singing sorry sorry. I know I have a bunch of times lmao. XD my friends look at me like wth Jennifer? Since they not familiar with kpop expect for one of my friend but she not so into it. ;( she likes some songs lol
Chapter 7: Omfg that GIF! XD shake it boys!
Chapter 5: Lol, Cherry on Top