Chapter 3

Zhou Mi was relaxing, enjoying the fact that he had nothing to do that day when his phone rang.

"Heechul, what do you want?" Zhou Mi grumbled into his phone. It wasn't that he disliked his boss, really. He just preferred not to talk to him unless absolutely necessary. Especially on a day off. Heechul had a tendency to go off on tangents that could last forever. Zhou Mi can't remember how many times he had been late for something because of him.

"I know it is supposed to be your day off and I know you are going to hate me, but I have a client for you," Heechul said almost so quickly that Zhou Mi had some trouble understanding him.

"Heechul, I thought I told you that when I don't have to work I'm not taking anything extra!" Zhou Mi impatiently reminded him.

"I know! And I'd like to remind you that I have been very good about that. But this one's a personal favor and I would really appreciate it if you took him," Heechul said and Zhou Mi was surprised by the pleading tone underneath his words. It was rare for Heechul to ask people for things and even rarer for him to ask people for favors for other people.

"Fine, I'll do it. Send me over the file," Zhou Mi gave in. He hated disappointing people, even if this time it was just Heechul.

"Thank you! I will warn you, he is a bit of a but once you learn which buttons to push he can be a lot of fun," Heechul said.

Zhou Mi had honestly never heard the words 'thank you' come out of Heechul's mouth before. And why was he warning him about this client? It wasn't like he really ever said anything about his clients before.

"Um, thanks for the warning but I'm pretty sure I got this. It's not like I actually have to date him, you know," Zhou Mi said, a bit confused.

"Oh, I know. He just talks a lot so you might have to put up with that."

Zhou Mi laughed. He had had talkers before. He usually just zoned out after the first five minutes if it was boring.

"Alright, I've got the file and I'll give him a call. Talk to you later, Heechul," Zhou Mi said and then hung up before Heechul could go off on something else.

He looked at the paper in his hands that had just come through his fax machine. There was a picture in the corner, and Zhou Mi's eyes were immediately drawn to it. He was cute, Zhou Mi thought. A little boyish, but he had a handsome face.

He mindlessly dialed the cell phone number that was listed beside the photo and after a few rings it was answered by a professional sounding voice.


Kyuhyun was already there when Zhou Mi walked in the door of the restaurant. He was standing against the wall in the corner and he saw him almost immediately. He was taller than Zhou Mi had expected, almost as tall as him, but he looked almost exactly the same as he had in the picture. The fact that he was still in his business suit told Zhou Mi that this was a man who was dedicated to his work. It made him feel underdressed in his dark jeans and casual v-neck t-shirt.

As Zhou Mi approached him Kyuhyun straightened himself and met him half way, extending a hand.

"You must be Zhou Mi. Wow, Heechul really wasn't lying," he said.

Zhou Mi hesitantly shook his hand. It was a business arrangement, but he had never had a client want to shake his hand before. It was just, weird. Something about Kyuhyun was weird.

"You must be Kyuhyun, and what?" Zhou Mi asked as they backed away from each other.


Kyuhyun led the way over to the hostess who took them to their table, Zhou Mi following behind both of them. Zhou Mi was confused. He was being put out of his place, put out of his routine and it was making him uncomfortable. Every client he had ever had before always acted exactly as the one before them, but now Kyuhyun was making this a whole new game. One in which Zhou Mi didn't know the rules.

"Heechul told me that today was your day off and he really had to beg you to take me. I just wanted to say thank you. I was kind of in a predicament where I couldn't really change the date and I need to get out of this," Kyuhyun ranted on while Zhou Mi looked over the menu that had been placed in front of him.

So Heechul had been correct in his warning. Kyuhyun was a talker. That was fine, Zhou Mi figured. He would just let him talk like he had all the other clients like him before. If he was right, he wouldn't have to say much in return, just listen. But then again, there was something different about Kyuhyun that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Zhou Mi didn't answer verbally, nothing besides a nod of the head and a muttered listening noise to show that he heard him and he had accepted Kyuhyun's thanks. Then Kyuhyun was talking again. Words and more words were coming from his mouth. Words about work, words about politics, and then words about trivial things such as the latest movie that came out or the drama he just so happened to be watching.

He just kept talking about whatever popped into his head. Though it was never about the girl that was supposed to show up in a few minutes. It was about anything but that.

Zhou Mi just stayed quiet and chewed slowly on the appetizer that Kyuhyun had barely shut up long enough for them to order. Some of what Kyuhyun said he heard, but most of it just washed over him. At least he had a pleasant voice, kind of lulling.

"Oh boy," Kyuhyun broke mid-sentence and it made Zhou Mi look up.

A young, pretty girl had just walked into the restaurant. She was dressed nicely in an expensive looking dress that showed off her slim figure.

Zhou Mi glanced between the girl and Kyuhyun and back again. He suddenly felt like he was intruding on a world that he didn't belong to. One filled with money and the politics of business. He glanced down at himself, at his plain outfit that he had thought looked good before he left. He felt as though he wasn't cut out to do this job. Anyone with eyes could see that a man like Kyuhyun would never be caught dead with a man like him.

"Kyuhyun, what is this?" the girl asked as she reached them.

The calmness in her voice was what caught Zhou Mi's attention more than the words themselves. He never listened because he didn't like to hear the screaming. But this didn't feel like there was going to be any screaming and he felt Kyuhyun standing calmly by his side. Zhou Mi looked down and saw their hands intertwined. He hadn't done that, had he? No, Kyuhyun must have taken his hand. The man had more confidence than any of the clients he had ever had before.

"I'm sorry, but you have to understand. It's not like I could tell her," Kyuhyun said, his voice relaxed and truly apologetic.

Zhou Mi was confused. Who was the other woman he was referring too? The girl in front of them didn't seem hurt, rather she was more surprised and a bit disappointed.

"No, I suppose you couldn't," she muttered.

"Look, I'm sure you're a fine young lady, but I just can't do this. I've tried, and it would just end up not being fair to you," Kyuhyun reasoned.

She simply looked to the ground and nodded, muttering that she understood before she turned to leave.

After she left Kyuhyun returned to his seat, folded his napkin in his lap again, and continued eating. Zhou Mi stood there, staring at him. When Kyuhyun realized that Zhou Mi was still standing he asked him if he was going to finish his dinner or not. Zhou Mi nodded stupidly and sat back down again.

And then Kyuhyun was back to his words. He said nothing of what had just passed. It all seemed so strange to Zhou Mi. He hadn't seen anybody so calm in this situation before and never had he seen someone sit back down to finish dinner.

But he listened to Kyuhyun go on and on about nothing while they finished eating. It was only as they finished, Kyuhyun quickly grabbing the check to pay as soon as it was set on the table, that Kyuhyun directly addressed him with a question.

"Do you talk?"

It seemed a ridiculous question to Zhou Mi. Of course he could talk, Kyuhyun had heard him speak earlier.

"Of course. You don't have to pay for that, you know, I could get it," Zhou Mi offered but Kyuhyun shook his head.

"Today was supposed to be your day off, it's the least I can do to make up for it."

Zhou Mi didn't argue any further and they walked out together. As they parted ways, Kyuhyun turned back to him and waved.

"Thanks for everything, Zhou Mi!"

Zhou Mi returned the gesture with a feeble wave and a weak smile.

He turned and headed towards the subway station with confused thoughts clouding his head. Kyuhyun was completely unexpected. He didn't understand anything that had happened that night. His job had never confused him like this before. It had always been standard, the same thing over and over again. He had started not being able to differentiate between clients because they all acted the same. But Kyuhyun had been the polar opposite of all that. He had been so comfortable in the situation that it had made Zhou Mi uncomfortable.

Zhou Mi's head was jumbled and his thoughts weren't making any sense. The only thing that was clear was that thoughts of Kyuhyun were going to plague him for awhile.

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I'm going on Hiatus. My mood to write has been on/off and I've been distracted by other projects


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Chapter 14: I remembered reading the first few chapters of this ^^ oh my gosh it's finished T.T loved the ending hahaha and the way Kyuhyun marched in there to actually claim his boyfriend nice kyuhyun really smooth ^^
Chapter 14: OMG THAT WAS AWESOME! *thumbs up* That was awesome author-him! I loved it! *dies of the kyumi feels*
Chapter 14: Hey, i really like your story. It's so sweet *_* The idea is really cool und i love the last chapter. Jealous Kyu :D And the Ending is so cute:)
Chapter 9: omo I love your story!
Yesterday I found out you continued writing it and I was so happy and pleased to be able to read all the chapters =3
I was a little bit sad Changmin punched Kyu, because of the lack of qmi recently I started reading and linkng changkyu, but reading your story, be strong love for QMi arrises again =D
Thanks for the updates =)
hit0rigurashi #5
Chapter 4: getting hooked on this fic, i get excited when there's a notification that it's update :-)

i assume we'll be getting Kyuhyun's POV at around the same time as the events in this chap happened.
then there will be the next 'date.
Can't wait :D
Chapter 4: Curious......
Chapter 3: I must say that I'm as lost as Zhou Mi is. ^-^" But it's a pleasant confusing :D