In The Walls


The typical boy meets ghost love story... of sorts.





Not beta-ed and written on a whim. I can imagine a ghost love story scenario in practically every fandom I'm in, THAT is how much I love this theme. :) Also I am not very knowledgeable in certain stuff so I might get details wrong! Wrote this for my own amusement so it may be quite careless in ways.

Texture used in graphic from mkorayt.



Pairings: Yunho/Jaejoong, past Jaejoong/Siwon, hints of past Yoochun/Junsu

Contains character death and supernatural themes.

This story feed thingamajig is pretty fun. :))


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Fuesaya #1
Chapter 4: T^T crying. You know how much I love you right? :))
Fuesaya #2
DAEBAK! :"> speechless here. And you know how talkative I am.. Hahaha. This is Awesome. Purely awesome. Can't wait for the next chapter :DD stateofpanic PAITING ^_______^
I take my breath when I see the previous sign. Geez...the last scene is so breath taking. Was Jaejoong a tenant too in the bulding and he occupied Yunho's room. Who's Siwon, and did yoocun had connection with him?? Is Changmin only an ordinary neighbor or he has main part to in this story??? Aishh!! Too many question.

I believe Jae and Chun knew each other, based on Jae's singing and Chun's piano playing.

and this is one great long update. I like it!!!

update soon ne :)
Great set up of the meetings between YunJae! Very eerie and unsettling. But at the same time you can see that yunho is greatly intrigued by jae...I wonder how Siwon will come come into play later. It seems like he dated Jae before he died... assuming he IS dead. And seems like Yoochun knows more than he's letting on...
Love the set-up here! I'm gonna root for a happy ending! Though falling in love with a ghost usually makes this difficult... cant wait for the next chap. At least it seems like Yunho's ghost is friendly!
hwuaaaaa!!! while reading I feel like I'm holding my breath. I feel a bit scary when the beautiful person (JJ, right) laughed but there was no sound. Huh..spooky...

chp3 please...longer than chp2 I hope, haha
oh I know I'm going to love this story. I love ghost story. Update chp2 please and make it a longer one, hehe :).
