Between the Sky and the Ground


Year 2016

EXO is one of the leading Hallyu Groups. Just 4 years after debut, they've set records that were impossible by their sunbaes. Having reached everything they dreamt of at such a young age, they are envied by all. But no one understands how hard the journey was to the top - all their sweat, tears and hard work were now expected of them naturally. So, after discussing it and negotiating with the company, they decide to take a break from it all for one year. No schedules, no shoots, no songs - it will be like EXO has returned to EXO Planet.


EXO-M's leader Kris and member Lay have become closer than brothers over the last 8 years. Can just one year and one person break that bond apart?




Inspired by EXO-M's Sohu interview (



Author's note: I feel that the Foreword and Description don't really explain the story well, so please try to read the first couple of chapters :)


Sohu Chat with EXO-M.


MC: What is your ideal type of girl?
Kris: I like girls who are kind and can look after others. It will be good if she can cook and is filial. I think we must have fate to meet our ideal types.
Lay: I like girls who are cute, can do housework and is filial. As Kris said, it comes down to fate.
MC: What will happen if you fall in love with the same girl? Will you give up the girl for the leader?
Lay: *pause* Yes, since we're brothers.
MC: How can you be so obedient? You should let the girl choose.
Lay: Yes, yes, let the girl choose.


Well that fate had it all planned for them 4 years later.







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I think this is going to be really good :)