Serenading On Your Doormat


I thought that it was just going to be another boring night with soppy Korean dramas and mindless Internet surfing.

But that changed when Luhan - drunk out of his mind - suddenly called at 12 midnight begging at me to open the door.

Oh, and have I mentioned that my dear beloved parents were on a cheese-tasting trip around the world? Don't ask.


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sourmuffin #1
Chapter 1: About the 'GO PIKACHU GO' thing I was laugh so hard and I even rolling like a buffolo on my bed LQL XD
cuuuteeeee!! >< Lulu you're too ert.
Poor Po. Pikachu Go! RLAB
poor little Po is traumatized~

y Lulu~
GO PIKACHU!! I laughed so hard! XD LOL, poor Po though :p
it was a very cute fic ;) erted Luhan <3
hana01 #5
poor Po~
so cuteee ><
ahahahahaha, so cute!!! lol, lulu is a . xD but oh goshness, GO PIKACHU GO! xD
nice job!!! this was really cute and funny~ thanks for the read. (^-~)v
shiningirl #8
Wow funny and cute :D that go my pikachu go was epic nice. .
aww sweet!!!! haha I think there's no need for a sequel! cuz this so enough!!~ ^^ nice job!
aah so nice! y luhan! hahaha