


Minho POV

You made my heart bleed

But allow me to shower you with my endless love

For you are mine

And death will not tear us apart.

I watched your feet kicking against the puddles of water on the floor while your hands gripped my arms that wrapped around you.

I could hear your muffled scream, a scream of disappointment and dismay behind the white handkerchief that I covered your crimson red lips with. Slowly, I sensed you loosening your grip as the sweat trickled down from your neck onto my arm—your eyelids battered when your hands hung lifelessly in midair.

You collapsed on the floor after a dozed of chloroform. And your hair, dyed in the most beautiful shade of red, was soaked in your sweat when you sprawled lifelessly in front of me. Running my fingers down your cheeks, I interlocked my fingers with yours, pressing them against my chest.

“Can you feel my love for you?” I whispered. Slowly, I stood up and took a final glance of you. Tightening my grip around your arms, I dragged the lifeless body down the dark alley; my lips slivered into a smile of satisfaction.

Yes, you are finally mine, Lee Taemin.


Taemin POV



Someone seemed to be calling my name, in a voice full of lust and desire.

I opened my eyes slowly, letting out a moan that seemed to be suffocating me. Something cold and metallic seemed to wrap around wrists, cuffing me to the frame of the bed that I slumbered in. As I finally regained full consciousness, I could sense a pair of eyes staring at me from the side of the bed.

When my eyes came in contact with his, I shifted my glance down to his lips that curled into a sadistic smile while he mouthed my name again and again.



“C…Choi Minho.” Flinching away from him, Minho ran his fingers down my cheeks to my collar bone slowly as if he was making a trail with his fingers on my body.

“Why?” I am afraid of dying, I don’t want to either, but I am keener to know the truth. Minho leaned forward, his hair brushing against my cheeks while he nibbled against my earlobe gently before whispering into my ear.

“No one can snatch you away from me now.” When he pressed his lips neck hungrily as if he was devouring my soul, I could hear his heartbeat so distinctively in the stale air.

 As Minho continued to savor on every single inch of my body, the tears rolled down my cheeks—he wasn’t who he used to be, the person that I loved.  

… … …

Minho tried to savage for the pain he had inflicted on me by showering me with endless kisses. But every single time his lips brushed against my skin, a part of my love and respect of him begin to chip off, bit by bit.

Eventually, I became too tired to cry anymore.

“Why don’t you just kill me, Choi Minho?” I broke the silence in the room and felt a piercing glare staring at me. Minho stood up from the antique armchair, walking towards me so silently before sitting down on the bed beside me.

Slowly, he reached his hand into his pocket and slivered into a smile.

“If that is what you want…” Pressing the blade of the pocket knife against my neck, I swallowed my saliva nervously and I sensed it sinking into my flesh.

“But I don’t want you to die painfully.” Minho redrew the knife, leaving a red and bloody mark on my neck. I thought I would not cry anymore, but the tears welled in my eyes again as I watched him pouring some liquid onto the white handkerchief in my hand.

“Why must we end up this way?” That was all that I wanted to know, “Don’t you love me, Choi Minho?”

“Then, do you love me, Lee Taemin?” I bit my lips as tears trickled down my chin.

“Love fades, and so does ours.”

This time, I didn’t struggle like how I did. Closing my eyes slowly, I could feel Minho pressing the handkerchief against my lips.

Our love is murderous, but I know he would not end my life painfully.

He still loves me.

… … … …

I didn’t know if I was dreaming or not, but I could feel light stinging into my eyes when my eyelids battered as I struggled them open. Am I dead?

As I shifted my body to a more comfortable position, I realized that my movement was no longer restricted—my wrists were scarred with red marks when I tried to struggle myself free from the handcuffs.

I could feel something sliding off from my waist as I sat up on the bed and tried to escape from hell; from him. Tilting my head to the side, torrents of fear surged up my veins so quickly as I parted my lips to scream—but no words filled the air.

Choi Minho lay beside me lifelessly, the incarnadine liquid dripping on the wooden floor from his wrist as his left arm dangled at the edge of the bed.

He took his life instead of mine.

“Choi Minho.” I screamed for his name, as I cupped my palms around his cheeks.

“Choi Minho…” I began to sob when I spotted the piece of paper that he held in the hand that he wrapped around me.

Your love is the reason for my existence, but I could no longer find the reason to live anymore.

You are here with me, but your heart is no longer mine.

Pressing my lips against his, I whispered to him softly beside his ear.

“But I still love you, Choi Minho.”

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lifebooks_music #1
Oh my goodness this is so sad if only he had found some other way to be with taemin this wouldn't have happened. :'( I loved this