

I remember what it's like to have a first love... Having a first love, it means that person is special... usually having a first love...happy endings can happen... but, what happens when this kind of relationship start to lead to a bad ending...? Loneliness happens...

I remember when I first met him. He's the one that change my life. I was working at a small flower shop, people buys those flowers for that special someone. No one wasn't really special in my life, until...that was when everything changed. I saw him...the minute he walked in, my heart suddenly changed. He was something when he walked in. When I saw him, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I saw him looking around, looking at the flowers. I was watching him as he walks around...whenever I look at him...my hearts slowly start to beat more quickly. When he looked up, that was it...we met each other's eyes. I looked at him...he looked at me. We both made eye contact at each other... "Hi..." I said as I broke out the silence.

He start to smile at me and said, "Hi. Um...I want to buy this flowers." He set the flowers on the desk and I looked at them. When I looked at them...I smiled at him and said, "Ok..."

I set up the flowers he brought in a bouquet and gave it back to him. He smiled at me, the way he smiled...it makes my heart flutter like crazy. "Have a nice day." I said as I bowed.

"Thanks..." He smiled. When he looked at the bouquet he set a flower down on my desk. "Here, it's a thank you gift. Hope to see you again." He said as he walked away.

I looked at him curiously watching walk away. I looked at my desk and that was it, he gave me a flower. A special flower...a flower that is so special to me that I won't set it down. I sniff the flower and I look at it, who could have known a hibicus can be a special flower to me. Ever since I first saw him, our relationship start to change...


It was already the next day, the 2nd day. It was a warm and sunny day at the flower shop. By the time I opened the flower shop for business, a smile was put on my face, all because of him and I have to thank him for that. Customers were coming in and I start to help them out. People notice my big change and there were shock, but I didn't care...he never knew this but...he was the one I was thinking about.

I was actually thinking, what if I never see him again, what if I only get to see him once. One more time. On this day, even though I have a smile on my face, even though I have a huge personality change in front of the people, the only thing that is stuck on my mind is him. When are you coming? I thought to myself unsure.

I looked at my desk and spotted it. The flower he give me...that one special flower just standing on the vase with some fresh water and perfect sunlight. The flower of course was blooming brightly. Which makes it the perfect day for me.  It was already the afternoon and business stopped to become busy. A regular amount of customers start to still come but, not like this morning.

Even though it's the afternoon, I looked out on the entrance, he wasn't there. Which made my heart sad all of a sudden. He was special, he was like my 1st best friend. But, I was hoping he would come today...but, I guess he didn't. Customers start to leave and it was almost time for me to close the shop. "Ah...what a busy day..." I sighed to myself.

It was still evening, sun was already setting. I sighed sadly because, he hasn't come yet which made me confused. I looked at the time and it was about time to close down the shop. I got up right away and start to walk up to the door. I was about to lock it until, I felt a touch...not like a light touch, but more like a grab. I looked at my wrist and spotted this person, helding on to my wrist really tightly that I can barely move it.

"Andwae..." The familiar voice said. "Please, don't close it." He added.

I slowly looked up and my heart start to beat quickly. Ani, it can't be... I thought surprised.

When I slowly looked up, I spotted him. Looking at me with a worried look, looking at me with his eyes begging for me not close the shop. All I did was just stare at him, I didn't say anything else at all. I was about to say something, but...I didn't. When I talk to him, when I see him...I become speechless and I act all different. But, I did do what he has said, don't close the flower shop.

He was the last customer I took care of, but...at the same time...he was a friend who just want to visit me. Even though he was the last person to stay, he offered me something. He offer me to stay with me and just talk. We talk through the whole night. Until he left. I realize things were slowly start to change.

Throughout the days, we became best friends. We became close. Every single day, he was always there, whenever I'm happy or sad, he's there. I notice he was by my side and I don't mind that because all I have got to say is...he was my best friend. And there's nothing that can tear us apart. Until, bad things start to happen...


It was a rainy day, the first thing I thought is when is he going to come. But, today he didn't. He hasn't came the whole week, it made me confused. It made me feel left out. Even though I'm currently in work right now, I would go out the rain and look for him. "Have a nice day ~~~~~~." A customer said with a smile.

I just look at that person and all I did was just wave my hand at that person. The customer left and I just stayed quiet while making a sad look. I looked out the window, looking at the pouring rain. The first thing that came to my mind is Where is he...? 

Time went by slow so I was having a boring day at work, just like last week. But with this rain, something must be wrong. While I closing down the shop someone came in. Well, when I looked, the figure...it was so familiar. My eyes became widen wondering who was this person walking up to me, but when I looked my heart...it was beating quickly than before. It's him...

"~~~~~~." He said in a relief.

I looked up at him slowly making eye contact with him. "Where have you been...?" I asked sadly.

When I looked up at him, I feel like something was wrong. ...The way he looked at me, his eyes, they were sad. Something must be up. But...what is it? "~~~~~, there's something you should know." He finally spoke.

I knew it right away, we might not see each other again. But, what am I going to do? What will I say? If we're not going to see each other, ...what will happen between us? "What is it?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and he spoke, but when he spoke, I couldn't hear him, but, I read his lips, it was bad news...sad news actually. The kind of news that can break my heart...right away. "I'm leaving to study aboard. I will be with you, but...I just don't know when I'm coming back. I want to be with you. You're like my best friend, but..." He explained. "I like you! And if you like me back, I promise I will not study aboard, ...I promise I will be here with you."

I didn't say anything, all I did was just look at him...I would tell him to stay, but I didn't. I was silent...once again. He looked at me, his eyes started to become watery. But, he didn't cry. He sighed sadly, and then walked out of the flower shop into the rain. I watched him walk away. I didn't spoke...I was speechless, but...it was one way. He gave me this kind of decision but, ...I couldn't say anything at all...

As I watch him leave, ...that was when everything start to change...


Things start to end badly. Ever since he left, I didn't have a chance to tell him how I really felt. Losing my 1st love, was hard. Mostly, having a 1st love...they can have happy endings, but for some people...they mostly end with sad endings. I was hoping maybe someday he might comeback, ...but he didn't.

He will always be my best friend even though I have lost him. ...but there was one thing that I want to say to him this whole time. I was sitting at my desk writing this letter. The letter explains how I really felt for him, but...I don't think that's not going to happen. But, who knows...maybe things might be different. But, ...by the time he comes back....this might never work out...

All I have got to say to him is..."I love you..." But, I guess I was too late to say it now...

I walked out of the flower shop and decide to close it early. The most 2 important things I have in my hand, the letter I wrote and the flower he gave me. I set both of them in front of my window at the flower shop. I looked at it and then walked away, ...leaving both of them behind. Who knows, maybe he might find them. But, all I know is between the letter and the flower, both of them mean something to me. ...It made me remember how I met my 1st love and how it can have a sad ending.

Having a 1st love might be the best thing for you. But, they can also have bad endings. Seeing that person leave can make you feel bad. It can make you be heart broken. But, ...maybe someday...you might meet that person...once again...


Finally I am done with my one shot! :) What you guys think? If you don't like it, then I'm sorry, it was my first time writing a  one shot. Thanks for subscribing and reading this short story. I tried my best on it and hopefully I will do better the next time I write this kind of story. Gamshamida~!

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Chapter 1: Love this one shot ♥ so sad tho
**sniff sniff** D': That... Was beautiful...
Heuheuheuheuheu... So sad! And yet so loving! :')
Its saddddd:( actually u can create a new fanfic wif thisxD
SungyeolLuver #4
Haha, like I said in the comment, I'll be checking it out. And I just read the intro, and I'm already interested in it!!
Omgomg!!! Yes i luv the song illa illa!!!! Its so frigginnnnn nice. i luv it song since it camr out and cant stop listening to itxDJuniel vocals r amazing!! Hehe do u prefer her or IU? And she is soooo cute LOL
EXOtic123 #6
Can't wait~