Ways of a Woman

Secrets of the Royal Harem


           I'm back with a new chapter. So some new names: Bai Xian is Baekhyun. Yixing Lau Shi* is Lay. Thanks so much for reading. Comments appreciated. Oh and I got a poster. :) It's so pretty. This chapter was more boring, but once we get through all the training and royal selections, it should be more fun. 

*Lau Shi-Teacher





It took the lessons to make me finally realize that what I was about to do was wrong and against every rule

or aspect of culture. I knew it was wrong, but a part of me felt like I made the right decision. I initially thought

that this would go the easy route, but who knew being a girl had so many rules.


“I will try my best to teach you everything, boy. We will start off with the roles and duties of a woman before we

get to the practical things like how to sit or how to walk,” Madam began. Today was the first day of three days of

training. I was to learn how to be Song Qian in three days when it took her, her whole life to figure life out. No

pressure there.


“A woman’s duties consist of running the household and baring children. We woman are properties of our husbands.

As much as I would like to disagree with that, it is the truth. You must remember that men are everything above us.

We do not speak against them. That is the basics that all women are taught. However, on a grand note, you must

take into precaution every single thing that slips out of your mouth. The palace has eyes and the people inside will

be watching you closely, waiting for you to make a mistake. I suggest you trust only a few, maybe none at all. I’ve

grown so attached to you, boy. Even though you are the family servant, we have known you for years. I’ve

practically raised you. That is why you must listen to my words carefully. I’ve seen and heard too much about the

Imperial palace to know that only a few can have the luxury while the rest suffer. They don’t suffer physically

though. No, no they are well fed and given the finest silk. They suffer emotionally. Many go insane. It is a dog eat

dog world, but less barbaric and more cruel to the bones.” We had been sitting in Madam’s room for quite some time

now. I absorbed in as much information as possible. I was going to need every ounce of advice.


Madam stood up and took out of one entire outfit that belonged to Song Qian. She began pointing out the different

garments and began showing me how to wear them properly. “Never let the royal tailors measure you. They will find

out you are a fake as soon as they touch your body. Ask for Bai Xian. He can sew you an entire outfit just by

measuring your arms. He may be a grump at first, but once you get to know him, it’ll be fine. I used to know his

father, like father like son. Also, when bathing, order the maids out and never let them catch a glimpse of your

body. Once they expose you, it is off with your heads.” Song Qian had entered by now with a tray of food and a tea



“Now, onward with the dining. They will teach you all the rules and regulations when you go through training, but I

advise you to follow this trick. I will hand down a pair of chopsticks to you. These chopsticks can test whether there

is poison or not inside the food. You don’t know when the competition might sabotage you. To test the food, simply

insert the chopsticks and pull out. The ends will turn purple if there is poison.” I felt like Madam had been through a

lot to know so much about what goes on inside the palace. I knew why she didn’t want Song Qian to enter the

palace. I really admired her and thanked her for teaching me these skills.


We then moved on to walking. Madam had told me that the greetings and bows would be taught in the palace, but

that I needed to learn how to elegantly walk like a woman. My steps were to be gradual and slower. I was to leisurely

walk with my arms swinging gently. It was rather difficult at first, but I was soon able to master it. Madam also

reminded me that a woman’s outer appearance is shy, kind, polite, and harmless but inside should be a cunning,

strong, and when necessary, scheming. By the time the week rolled by, I was serving tea and reciting poetry. Of

course, I knew a few as I had picked them up from when Song Qian had her lectures and I had happened to be

sweeping outside. My family was not a poor one so I was able to learn literature. My days consisted of learning the

ways of a woman and finishing up the chores around the household. As the day of my departure near, my chores are

dispersed amongst the other servants who were informed that I was to “leave to take care of my sick mother”. On

the day before I was picked up by the escorts, I found myself without any chores to do and Song Qian sitting by my



“I’ve practically grown up with you, and I can’t forgive myself for putting you through all of this. I’m really sorry.

I….just wish it was me instead of you,” She let out. I’m surprised to hear all this from her.


“I think as a servant, it is my duty to do everything to protect Master and his family. I can’t say that I’m not upset or

uneasy about it. I just wish for my Lady to find herself a good husband and a well off family. I’m sure the palace life

won’t suit you. At least I’ve been somewhat exposed to it, so it is a little easier for me,” I wasn’t exactly lying when

I said I was a little exposed. My father was a great official serving his Majesty in the Joseon.


“Do you think we’ll ever see you again?” She asked so suddenly. I pondered a bit before answering.


“I am sure that I will see Master and Madam sometimes when they are invited into the palace to ‘visit’ their

daughter,” I hadn’t thought of my life inside the palace or if I was able to see the people who were sending me into

it anymore.







“Chanyue, Yixing Lau Shi is here to teach you the proper ways of a woman. I know this must be hard on you, but I

have no choice. Follow his instructions carefully.” With those words, his father left him and the young teacher

before him alone. A few of his maids were present along with his trusty male servant, Chen, who would also be

accompanying him to the palace. Lau Shi had already set up the materials for today’s lesson.


“Chanyue, I’m sure that you are somewhat familiar with the male outfits of the Wu, but not so much with the female

outfits. Today, we will start with dressing and getting yourself made up. The palace maids will try to dress you to sort

of gain favor, so you must not let them do so. If their hands lay at touch on your body, you will be exposed. The

outfit consists of many layers but if it is too tight, it will not be enough to conceal your manhood. I suggest you only

let your maids dress you from onwards. Ladies, you may begin.” As soon as Lau Shi finished speaking, the maids had

begun to pile the layers onto Chanyue. It was uncomfortable so to speak, but he quite like the outfit that he was

wearing. If he was to be reborn, he would be a Wu woman just so he could wear the clothes. He was most intrigued

by the pretty patterns that embossed the fabric. The clothes of his village were more casual in a sense and not as

fancy. The colors were on a far more vibrant level, and Chanyue could feel the wealth the leaked from it. He was

jealous of the women and men that were able to wear these outfits sooner than him. They were lucky to have

something so grand and beautiful while he had to wear plain colors.


Make up and hair was the next step in the makeover. Chanyue’s long hair that was braided was let loose and combed

through thoroughly so to get rid of the tangles. He was given a haircut by one of the maids named Chi Hua, but only

to restyle it to a more feminine style. He quite liked what they did to it. It made him feel more into character. His

face was then powdered up and flushed with a pink color on his cheeks. His lips were now cherry red and his hair

finally adorned with beautiful accessories such as a butterfly clip. The maids had retreated and Lau Shi spoke once



“I’m sure you are still unfamiliar with this new look so we will stop today and pick up tomorrow. We will leave you

to look it over, and if there is any dissatisfaction, please do tell me when we meet again. You are dismissed,” Lau

Shi muttered to the servants before retreating, leaving Chanyue alone. Once alone, he began admiring the works of

the maids. He was exceptionally pleased with the results. He had only hoped his Majesty would be too when he

finally meets him again. Just at the thought of standing in front of his Majesty had Chanyue shivering. He couldn’t

imagine his Majesty’s face. He wanted to so desperately see the man that had stolen his heart. He wondered if he

had grown more handsome and dashing. He giggled at the sight of his Majesty with a beard in his head. He wanted

more than anything to be in his presence again. It was nerve-wracking for Chanyue to present himself to him with a

completely different look.


“Your Majesty, are you tired? Would you like to rest for the night?” He uttered before laughing to himself at the

possibility of him and his Majesty together in the same room in the same bed. Who am I kidding? He probably

doesn’t even remember me. A part of Chanyue was hoping that his mind was being ridiculous, but he knew that his

Majesty was surrounded by a lot of people. He knew that his Majesty would certainly not remember a scrawny little

boy like him.


“Come help me prepare for bed. I am tired,” He yelled out to the maids standing outside. They filed in one by one

and began helping him wash up for the night.


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Lunablood #1
Chapter 6: Porque son asi? Dejan los fic en partes geniales.
Chapter 6: This is so good. I was waiting on Minseok's arrival but I fell for Chanyeol and Junmyeon's characters as well. I can't wait for your next update~
joanna20 #3
Chapter 6: Chanyue I hv a feeling yr sis will not like u much since emperor like u more. I hope u & junmyeon & xiumin can b Frd & fight off those es together!
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 6: I came here for krismin, but well.. no sign of it happening lol.. but this is so sweet.. so I might coming around. chanyue is so cute.. and I love junmyeon character ^^
and his majesty is just too handsome and kind >.<
moongirl #5
Chapter 6: Hello,
I am a new reader to this story
I love historical stories
Also I like the idea of the story and how until now we dont know the mean couple
Out of all couples i prefer krisho couple
I adore suho charcter in this story, i hope the main couple will be krisho that would be great ^_^
I love everything about this story
Cant wait till the next chapter
ps, could pleeeeeeease be a fast updater , thank you

Keep the good job

Fighting ^_^9
Chapter 6: ...................................................................................... ok
Chapter 5: GOOD! please .. wanna see next :)