Soul FX - Chap 1 - Is This Love?


"Hey, Ji Woo" My friend, Jae Park waves his hands in front of me because I was daydreaming. "Ji Woo!" Jae Park called me again. I wake up. "Huh? What is it?" I ask.. "Daydreaming again eh?" Jae Park ask me. I nod "Y-Yeah ..." "Hey, Did you know there's a transfer student coming today?" Jae Park ask me. "Um ... No, I haven't why?" I look confused. "Oh what !? Rumors are starting about this new transfer student and they said it's going to be a girl" Jae Park was happy. "Eh !? R-Really !?" I surprised and get up my seat. The bell ring. Everyone was in there sits and get ready for the teacher and the new student to come in. "Everyone take your seats please" The teacher Mr. Lee came in. My classmate, Rae Woo stands up and ask "Where's the new student ?" And everyone gets up and ask while I, was siting in my seat. "Clam down everyone, She'll be arriving soon." Mr. Lee clams down. Someone knocks on the door. "Ah, It might be her, Please come in" Mr. Lee looks at the door. The transfer student come in the classroom and stands next to Mr. Lee. "Everyone I would like you to meet Kim Seok Kim, Please introduce yourself." "Hello, I am Kim Seok, Let's hope we'll all be friends this year" She bows. "Wow ! She's pretty !" All the boys said. "Kim, Please sit next to Ji Woo. Ji Woo please get up and rasie your hand" Mr. Lee looks at me. "Ah ! I'm Ji Woo" I get up and rasie my hand so Kim could walk to me. Kim walks to the empty seat next to me since last year. I sighs and looks out the window. "Let's hope we get to be friends ji Woo" She looks at me. "Huh? Oh yeah ... Let's hope ..." I replied back to her. In my mind: Ha, Like I care tch !" 4 hours later ... Bell ring ... "Don't forget to take your final exams this week !" Mr. Lee says while everyone was getting ready to go home and everyone says "Yes !" I get up and put my jacket over my shoulders and walk out of school and get on my bike. I was riding my bike from school to my home in 10 minutes the school isn't that far from my house. I park the bike in the front then I saw Kim Seok. I walk over to her. "Hey !" I yell. Kim Seok look at me and walks to me. "Ah, I didn't know where neighbors !" "Ha ! Like I didn't even know you live here ! What are you doing here do you actually live here? Or are you trying to stalk me?" I was cold hearted on her. "Huh !? Ha ! S-Stalking you !? Please, I'm not interest in you anyways ! I'm interest in guys singing" She smiles. "Well, I'm going inside later Ji Woo." Kim Seok walks inside her house. I open the door and says "I'm home" My little sister Hye Mi & My older sister Sung Rae "Welcome home Oppa !" They rush over to me and hugs me. "Hey this again" I smiled. "Big brother lemme get your bag" Hye Mi grabs the bag. "Let me get your school jacket will put it away Oppa" Sung Rae get my jacket and goes upstairs to my room. My older brother Bong Tae walks downstairs "You're home little brother?" he ask. "Tch, Yeah, I'm home" I put my hands in my pocket and walks over to the dinner table. "Hey you guys be nice were siblings" Sung says while cooking dinner. I look away "No thanks" "I am being nice to him but he won't accept" Bong looks at Sung. "Heh, Oh really?" Sung walks over to the dinner table and put the bowl down. "Man, I can't believe it's been a year since me and Hye Mi moved in here right ? Sung&Ji Woo" Bong ask me and Sung. I look down at the table and my fist hit on the table. "Ji Woo !" Sung gets up and walks over to me. "Leave me alone!" I get up. "Ji Woo ! Please stop this !" Sung touch me on the shoulder. "Don't touch me !" I yell and runs upstairs to my room. "Ji Woo ... " Sung looks down. "Haha Tch, who needs that guy anyways !" Bong says. Sung glares at Bong. "Gah ! I-I'm sorry!" Bong hides. Hye Mi looks at Sung. "It's alright I'll go to him ..." Sung went upstairs "Ji Woo!" She yells. "Leave me alone sister!" I yell back and covers my face on the pillow. "Come on brother! He doesn't mean that ! Let me in !" Sung tries to open the door. "Let me talk to you!" Sung yells. I was surpised. " ... Fine ! " I walk over to the door and opens it. "What is it?" I ask. "You know, He doesn't mean it right?" Sung looks at me and ask. "Yeah i know ... But mom and dad always adopt 2 people which are Bong & Hye Mi, Well, Bong is the last one and mom died after giving birth to me right sis?" I ask and looks at her. " ... Yeah, She did. I was at the hospital with her and I closed my eyes I just couldn't see." Sung was quiet after that. It was quiet all of a sudden. "Come on, Let's go back down are you coming?" Sung looks at me. "N-No ... I just want to rest." I hide my face on the pillow. "Okay ... " Sung opens the door and leaves the room. Everyone finish eating one hour later and went to there room. I wake up and open my door get my jacket and walks downstairs. Sung wakes up and walks down. "Brother, where are you going at 12?" She rub her eyes. "I'm going somewhere I'll be back soon" I whisper "Don't tell no one !" I whisper back. "O-Okay ... " Sung yawns and went back to her room. I open the door and walks to Kim Seok's house. Kim Seok walk outside and we bump into eachother and we fall down but then when Kim Seok fall down i catch her. "Ah, A-Are you okay?" I ask. Kim was on my arms and blush "Y-Yes ... I-I'm fine ..." She blushes and looks at me. "K-Kim I ..." I blush. "Ji Woo I L-Love ... You ...." Kim blushes and looks away. I was surprise perhaps I was about to say that and I did wanted to say that !  Grrr ! That girl "K-Kim I love you too ... " I blush. "L-Let's Kiss then ... " Kim blush. I nod "O-Okay ..." Kim kisses me on the lips and i kiss her back while closing our eyes. We kiss for like 20 seconds no wait for like 1 minute ! That was my first kiss since 7 years since ! And victory's mine ! We stop kissing and i let go of Kim and looks away while blushing Kim did the same. "W-Well, W-Why are you out here?" I ask. "I-I just want to walk ..." Kim blush. "Well then let's walk together ... " I blush and takes my hand out. "W-What's that?" Kim ask. "You know ... In case if we get lost in the middle of the dark ... " I blush and looks at Kim. "F-Fine ..." she hold my hand and blush. We walk like 1 mile away from our house then we sit on the bench and talk about our lives "And he was like Gah ! All shock Haha!" Kim tells a story and laughs and looks at me. "No really? Haha ! That's funny !" I laugh while looking at her. and smiles. "Come on, Let's go back i'm getting tried too" I get up. "A-Alright" Kim blush and gets up. We walk to Kim's house. "Well were here ..." I blush. "Y-Yeah ... This was fun it was my first time too it was sort of like a .... d-date ..." Kim blush. "Yeah? It was fun too Let's do this again someday ..." I look at her then close my eyes and kiss her on the lips again. Kim close her eyes and kiss me back. We stop kissing "I'll see you tomorrow at school Let's walk together instead ..." I ask her. "A-Alright ...." Kim face turn red and walks inside her house. I also walk inside my house and went to my room and look at the celing. "Yes !" i said happy and went to sleep.



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