Captured Smile

Captured Smile [Donghae Scenario]

"I'll be back around 8PM, but if you need anything I left my cell phone number on the fridge alright?" your neighbor Mrs. Choi informed.

It was a Saturday and your neighbor unfortunately had an important business meeting to attend in the city so she was going to be out all day. However, there was no way she was leaving her 4 year old son alone in the house and since it was such short notice she immediately called you for help, and you gladly accepted. The Choi family have been your neighbors for almost a year now so you knew them pretty well and really didn't mind watching their son. After all, their son Hyun Su was beyond adorable so you were confident he wouldn't be much trouble anyways.

"Don't worry about a thing Mrs. Choi! Your son is in good hands, I promise I won't let him out of my sight!" you assured as you ruffled Hyun Su's fluffy brown hair while he clung on to your waist.

"Alright well komowayo _____-ah! You really saved the day for me!"

"No problem, now get going! You don't want to be late to that crucial meeting of yours!" you urged as you opened the cherry red door allowing Mrs. Choi to step out.

"Okay bye guys! Hyun Su-ah be on your best behavior for _____ noona ok? See you later tonight!"

With that Mrs. Choi raced into her black Mercedes and drove off leaving you and Hyun Su by yourselves at the doorway. You looked down at Hyun Su, who was still innocently waving at the street. You knelt down next to him and laughed.

"Hyun Su-ah who are you waving at? Your mom already left!"

"I know, I'm just waving to that puppy across the street hehe!" You placed your cheek against his hoping to get a better look at this puppy, and noticed the puffy white zu sitting on the lawn across the street eagerly panting with a pearl white bone in its mouth.

"Aww, it's adorable...but you know who's cuter?" you questioned looking into his beady brown eyes.

"Aniya, who noona!?" Hyun Su asked jumping up and down eager to know the answer.

"You!" you responded, playfully lifting him off the ground and holding him in your arms. Hyun-Su poked your cheek and giggled happily.
"_____-shi, you're my favorite noona!"
"Aigoo~ komowayo Hyun Su-ah" you said nuzzling your nose against his. "So what does my little angel want to do today?"
Hyun-Su brought his hand to his chin and began to ponder.
"Hmm...oh I know! I know! Park noona! Park Park Park!" he recited practically jumping in your arms.
"Ok park it is then!" you said as you carefully placed him back on the ground. "C'mon let's go put on our shoes."

As Hyun Su put on his sneakers, you made sure to drop your cell phone and the house keys into your pink leathered purse before slipping into your blue wedges. You then stepped out, making sure to lock the door behind you and begin to walk towards the park down the street with Hyun Su skipping along beside you. As you glanced down you noticed Hyun Su gazing up at you with awe in his eyes.

“What is it?” you giggled slightly self-conscious.

“Nothing! It’s just that…noona neomu yeppeo~!” he sang playfully looking into your eyes while taking ahold of your hand.

“Aigoo~ Hyun Su-ah, are they teaching you how to pick up girls at this age already?” you joked ruffling his almond brown hair. As soon as you two were greeted by the bright lively colors of park in the distance, Hyun Su’s eyes lit up in excitement. Before you knew it, he was already darting towards the coral red swing sets.

“Omo! Hyun Su-ah, be careful!!!” you called out to him trying to catch up with him. Aish, I picked the wrong day to wear these shoes.

“Noona~ Help!” Hyun Su pleaded as he jumped up and down trying to sit onto the elevated swing. You laughed at his adorable failed attempts, before lifting him up and placing him on the swing. You took ahold of the chains holding up the swing and pulled them a back a little before letting go, thereby propelling the swing forward. As his swing flew away from you, Hyun Su looked back at you with gleeful eyes.

“Waaa~!! Kansamnidha noona!!!” he shouted enthusiastically waving his little hand back at you. You felt a smile come across your face as you waved back to him. Watching Hyun Su play really brought back your own childhood days. Too bad you were already grown up now and you couldn’t experience parks as much as you used to back when you were little, but being in a park made you want to be a child all over again.  

"Alright Hyun Su-ah, if you need me I'll be right over there so don't wander off places where I can't see you and make me have a heart attack ok?"
"Nae algaesumnida!"

You then made your way over to the banana yellow bench just a couple yards away from the swing sets and sat down watching Hyun Su play with endless energy. As time passed your eyes begin to grow tired, for the sun was beaming down on the entire park with its powerful rays causing your eyes to feel a bit drowsy. You decided to shuffle through your purse and pull out your phone so you could keep track of time. When you eventually got it out of the jungle within your purse, you noticed you had a new text message from an unfamiliar number which turned out to be Mrs. Choi business phone.

____-ah! I just remembered there's hardly any food left in the fridge! So be sure to order in food! PS:
Hyun Su loves Chinese take-out! ;) Komowayo!

You quickly replied back to her to assure her you were on top of things and then looked back up at the swing sets only to be met with an empty swing. With No Hyun Su. Your eyes felt as if they were about to jump out of their sockets from the sudden shock that was overtaking your entire body. You immediately jumped off the bench and beginning scanning the entire park from the swing sets, to the see-saw, to the slide, and finally to the monkey bars. Still no Hyun Su.

"Hyun Su-ah?!?! Odiseo?!?!" you called out hoping to get a response, but instead all you got were flustered looks from other children. Oh my god how could I lose him?!? Mrs. Choi is going to murder me! 

Suddenly, you felt a light tug on the lower part of your shirt from behind. You quickly spun around only to be greeted by Hyun Su's bright face looking up at you.

"Ya! Hyun Su-ah, I told you to stay where I could see you! Don't scare me like that!" you exclaimed with your hand over your heart, which was still beating rapidly.
"Chaesongmidha _____ noona! I was trying to get your attention but you were busy looking at your phone!" Hyun Su defended. You knelt down in front of him and placed your hands on his slender shoulders.
"Omo~ mianhe Hyun Su-ah!!! Wait...then how did you get off the swing by yourself?" you asked with perplexity.
"Hehe~ I didn't! That nice hyung over there helped me off it!" Hyun Su answered pointing to a neighboring apartment building facing the park.

You looked over and noticed a guy in a sea blue button down shirt sitting on the concrete steps of the building smiling down at his camera. As your eyes fell upon him, your heart almost stopped...he was absolutely gorgeous. His chocolate brown hair elegantly swept over his sparkling diamond eyes and framed his face perfectly. Though his face was friendly and welcoming, you were completely overwhelmed by his flawless appearance. You have never seen any guy come close to how beautiful he was. While you were completely distracted by Mr. Perfect, Hyun Su waved his petite hands wildly in front of you.

"_____ Noona!!!"
"Eh? ...oh mianhe Hyun Su I zoned out..." you mumbled slightly embarrassed. Hyun Su giggled in response as he reached into his back pocket.
"Actually noona, hyung wanted me to give this to you" Hyun Su stated extending his arm out towards you holding a photo in his hand.
"EH?!?" Your heart began to race at the speed of light as you took the photo from Hyun Su.

The moment your eyes fell on the photo you leapt up from the ground in complete disbelief. The photo...was a picture of you. It was you sitting on the bench smiling blissfully at Hyun Su playing on the swings as the sun's vibrant rays struck your hair.

"I think hyung thinks noona is really pretty too!" Hyun Su exclaimed causing you to blush a rosy red. Hyun Su gazed at you from underneath the photo in your grasp and noticed what seemed to be writing on the back of the photo. "Noona!!! Flip the photo over!!!" he ordered jumping up and down vigorously. You tilted your head to one side, slightly confused by Hyun Su's words, but followed his instruction.

"Omo..." Your eyes widened as you read the black words written across the back.
"Noona! What does it say?! Tell me, tell me, t-t-t-tell me!!!" Hyun Su sang playfully.
"It...It says...This is the most beautiful picture I've ever taken. Never stop smiling" you answered shyly completely flattered by his words.
"Waaa~ see Noona! I was right! Hyung does think you’re pretty!!! hehe~"

Your fingers begin to grow numb as you held onto the photo tightly. You quickly looked over to the concrete steps across the park...but he was gone. You felt your heart sink like a pebble in a jar of water. You wanted to at least thank him for taking care of Hyun Su when you were completely oblivious and the fact that you couldn't now that he was gone completely saddened you. I don't even know the guy's name...yet he said the most nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I can’t believe this. Your once bright and energetic face suddenly grew dull and smug out of your missed opportunity.

"_____ noona kwenchana?" Hyun Su questioned noticing the radical change in your face.
"Nae, kwenchana" you sighed exasperatedly. "Let's just go home."

Hyun Su silently nodded noticing you were quite upset so he quickly took your hand as you begin to walk. Just as you both were about to step out on the street, a soft mellow voice suddenly caught your attention.

"Why did you stop smiling?" You halted in your tracks as you felt the tender voice echo in your ear. It was knew it. You didn't even have to turn around; you just knew by his gentle tone that it could be no one else. You turned around and within seconds your smile returned to your face as your eyes met his beautiful eyes for the first time.

“Ah, there it is!” he exclaimed in relief noticing your cheerful expression. “Hm, I must be a magician!”

“Eh a magician?...Waeyo?” you muttered timidly.

“Because…I seem to have the ability to make pretty smiles appear out of nowhere” he replied leaning towards you before lightly poking your puffy cheek. Even as he pulled his slender finger away, you could feel his warm touch lingering on your skin causing your cheek to redden. Hyun Su remained standing in between you two completely entertained by the way his new hyung was playing with you.

“Hyung! Noona was upset because you disappeared without telling her your name!!!” Hyun Su yelled looking up at his hyung.

“Omo, chinchaero?” His innocent eyes widened in disbelief as he shifted his glance from Hyun Su back to your blushing face. Hyun Su swiftly stepped back and pushed you two closer together before quietly chuckling to himself. You stood in front of him absolutely speechless and overwhelmed with nerves. Wah I have to say something. I can’t just stand here! Aish! I’m making things more awkward…

However, before you could even get a word out he placed his hands on your shoulders and brought his face closer to your ear.
“Choneun Lee Donghae-midha” he whispered in a delicate tone before pulling away to face you.

“Anyounghasaeyo…choneun _____-midha” you mumbled quietly quickly bowing to him hoping to hide your bashful face, but to your surprise Donghae instantly pulled you back up to face him.

“Don’t hide that smile from me ____-ah” he smirked lifting your chin up looking into your eyes. The way the sun reflected off his face made his eyes look like two luminous crystals causing your face to grow incredibly warm. You were so nervous that you could not even put words together. Aigoo eottokhae!?! Why is my heart doing this? You never experienced this kind of feeling before. Your heart was beating rapidly, your hands were growing numb, and your legs felt like they were going to collapse right underneath you and yet somehow you were still standing with your eyes lost in his entrancing gaze. 

“Mi-Mi-Mianhaeyo” you stuttered feeling a bit guilty after hearing his words. He then placed his hand on your head and gently your silky hair blowing in the calm breeze.

“What are you apologizing for? Being this pretty?” he teased as his fingers slowly traveled down your arm and grasped your hand. You were surprised by how perfectly his hand fit in yours and how smoothly his fingers laced with yours. It was almost as if his hand was specially carved to hold yours and yours only. As he gradually pulled away, you suddenly felt something left in your hand, but you were too distracted by his precious smiling face to look down at it.

“We’ll see each other soon~ my camera already misses you!” he said whimsically raising his Polaroid pretending to take another photo of you. With that he began to walk away and you watched with your eyes full of yearning as his beaming blue shirt begin to fade in the distance. Although you were still completely hypnotized him, Hyun Su suddenly brought you back to Earth as he begin to eagerly tug on your shirt.

“Noona what did he give you?!?” Hyun Su questioned anxiously waiting for you to look at the slip of paper left in your hand from Donghae. You knelt down next to Hyun Su before unfolding the slip of paper as Hyun Su looked at you with intent eyes. Your hand suddenly rose to your mouth in disbelief and you soon begin to giggle light-heartedly.

“No wonder he was so sure he would see me again.”

“Eh? Waeyo noona?” Hyun Su asked flustered.

“He left me his number…” you chuckled as your cheeks turned bright pink.

“See Noona!!! Pretty soon Donghae Hyung is going to be singing noona neomu yeppeo to you too!” Hyun Su joked. You chuckled at little Hyun Su’s playful remark before pulling him in for a hug.

“C’mon Hyun Su-ah, let’s go home.”

“Wae? So you can call your new oppa?”

Aish…this kid…he knows you too well.



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Chapter 2: OMD! Loved it! Such a sweet story x
venusinwonderland #2
Chapter 2: I love this so much!!!!
SugaLovesMe #3
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaaa ! Daebak ! sooo nicee ^^
Chapter 2: More please! Its really great!
saehee #5
Chapter 2: *O* it's very Facinating :) i love it :)
Chapter 2: sweet story!!
Chapter 1: kyaaa so sweet and fulffy <3 <3 i really olve this story <3 <3
Sibecca407 #8
Chapter 2: it's so sweet & cheesy!! ^^ Keep writing such stories, i'll be anticipating! ;)
Chapter 2: Your writing is great and your stories are so heart-warming. =3
Chapter 2: kyaaaaaaaaaa it's so cute!
and you're so amazing at writing I love this a loooooooot
made my day~thanks so much for sharing it.