New beginnings.


Lime P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

"...You may want to sit down for this one."

Bom chuckled at me "What are you talking about? Are you going crazy too?" She had a mischevious twinkle in her eyes.

I face palmed myself "No, thats not it, now pay close attentiion." I spoke to her like a child and she obediently payed attention

I began "Now, I dont really know how to put this without.. Well  without it sounding stupid. I just cant think of the right words." 

I took a deep breath and continued "B-bommie..- Well.. thoes b-boys, they kinda..-- Live here..."

A long moment passed before she spoke in a confident voice, a smile forming on her face.

"I knew it!"

I coughed "What? Pshh,  how could you know?"2

She wiggled her eyebrows "The Bom knows everything."

I chuckled slightly at how she wasnt going crazy on me now.

She looked up at my content face and said "Oh yeah, this is the part where im supposed to tell you what you did is wrong."

My smile dropped "B-but-"

"Uh-uh," She raised her hand "Nothing."

She continue "You are a pretty young lady, and its not very.. well right for you to be living with them, especially since its only you living here."

I took a deep breath "Yah, yeah, I know, but they didnt have anywhere else to stay. And dont even think that anything is going to happen! I dont like them that way."

Bommie looked at me with surprise "You dont?"

I shook my head and she burst out into laughter.

I furrowed my eyebrows "Whats so funny?"

"I-its that-your.. such- a bad -liar!" She choked in between giggles

"Yaahh! I am not a bad liar, and I was telling the truth!"

"Y-you, look-like-y-your constipated!"


She turned to me "And so what if I do? Is it wrong to know someone good looking when I see them?"

"And," She continued "You dont even know how old I am, I could be the same age as you and you would never even knoww."

She wiggled her fingers magically.

I laughed in her face "We are definatly not the same age, I remember playing with ou when i was like 10 you look the exact same."

She pouted slightly.

I giggled "Pedo noona!"

"YAH!" She grabbe for me

I squealed, swung the doop and dashed out, I was still looking behind me throwing bom a Mehrong.

I turned and looked infront of me to see a wide eyed Chanyeol less than 1 foot away.


I ran into him with full force, my lips smashed somewhere that was soft and plump, but i shut my eyes so i didnt see, also out forheads slamed together.

I landed flat on my back, i opened my eyes slowly, the edges of my vission were blurry with red slowly fading away.

I heard soft groaning.

My head was pounding and for some strange reason, my lips were tingiling. I felt heat spread its way across my face and neck.

What the hell? Am I sick or something? I thought

I felt dazed and far away, a light shown in my eyes, i seemed to momentarily forget what was happening.

My eyed widened "AM I DEAD?!"

Boms red hair fanned over my face, as she put her hand on my head, checking the tmprerature "No, pabo. Your not dead, but the tall one might be."

Then it all came back to me. Ohh yeah, I ran right into him.

I sat up slowly, my head still pounding.

I got on my hands and knees and leaned slowly over Chanyeol.

"Dont be surprised," She began, trying to hide the smile that was fighting itself onto her face "But... you kind of... kissed him."

My hands turned to jello and I fell face forward onto Chanyeol's chest.


He was sprawned on the marble floor, I had fallen right ontop of him, my only body part touching the ground here my kneey, inbetween his legs and my hands, which were spread at each side.

My eyes widened as I looked up, his face was serene and sleepy.

His eyes suddenly opened, jolting me. His eyes also widened.

I quickly jumped up "Uhh- I- duhh..-" I couldnt form the right words.

A sinister smile formed on Boms face as she grabbed my shoulders "She meant to say that shes sorry for knocking you out with her hard head."

"Anddd..." She continued, 

And what? I thought while wrinkiling my eyebrows.

"Anddd, shes sorry for kissing your face!" Bom dashed out of the room as quickly as she could.

My mouth dropped open and his eyes widened.

He stared dead straight at me "What did she say?"

"N-nothing! S-shes senile.. well bye!"

I dashed upstairs and slammed my room door. The noise echoed throughout the dark room. With my back to the door I sid down slowly onto the cold marbe foor. The noise of crashing water soothed me.. but I was stil unsure.

I sighed and unconsiously touched my lips, they stil tingled.


Chanyeol P.O.V.

I... what?

Im still pretty confused about what happened and I didnt get a very good explination.

I understand that she slamed into me, knocking me out temporariy, but then that redheded lady cunfused me.

She... kissed me? I touched my lips. Warmness spread to my fingertips and my face tinged and burned.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped.

I turned and saw Baekhyun behind me, a smie on his face "You got scared?" He teased me 

I pouted "No." He laughed at me "What are you doing here all alone? You look creepy."

I chuckled sowly at him "I dont know, ka ja?"

(Next day.)

Lime P.O.V.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock sounded echoing around my room.

I lifted my head slowly, have I been on the floor all night?

"Ahhh. My back hurts." I stood slowly, balancing myself with the door.

A farmiar stiffness covered my body. I streched slowly, lifting my arms, twisting my waist, reaching for my toes.

I stood again still slighty stiff, I squinted, What day is it again?

I widened my eyes 





I looked at the clock, 7:01

I sighed in relief, I still have an hour.

I ran to my bathroom, took a shower and freshened up.

I left the bathroom, making sure to be careful when leaving.

I ran over to my closet while brushing my hair at the same time.

I quicky pulled out my freshly ironed uniform, I quickly threw it on and straightened y hair.


I forgot about EXO.

I pulled on my eyes and sighed. 

I looked at the time 7:29

Well I hope they like having 30 minutes to get ready.

I ran to the first room on my right. Tao gēgē.

I knocked on the door. No answer. I barged in, I arn over to the arge black bed in the center of a large hall type room.

I saw Tao's jet black hair peeking out from under blood red blankets.

I shook him slowly "Tao gēgē, Xǐng lái." (Wake up.)

He sat up instantly, a groggy look overshadowing his face.

His hair was disheavled on top of his head, but he still managed to look devilishly handsome.

"Theres school, and I kinda almost forgot about you guys.. Can you help me wake up the rest of them?" I rambled

He smiled and ruffled my hair "Sure."

A weird look crossed over his face as he got up "Wait one second." He grabbed my arm and grinned slowly.

"Watch this." 

He grabbed a glass vase from a side table and threw it in the air.

My mouth almost hit the ground as the vase stopped in mid air. Everything slowed down and came to a stop. The vase, the clock, everything.


"Lets hurry and wake the rest up, shall we?" he cut me off.

He didnt let go of my arms and sw ran along waking everyone from the left side, then the right. Everyones arms remained linked together until the last person Chanyeol, was up.

Everyone was dead tired, but nobody seemed surprised that Tao had literally just stopped time.

Tao spoke slowly "As soon as I let go, you better hurry. Theres only like minuites left."

Tao slowly let go of my arm and smiled as he slipped back into his room.

The clocks began ticking again, I heard Tao catch the vase, and everything began moving away.

Everyone just stalked back to their rooms to get ready, but I just stood there. Starstruck.

I sank to my knees. What the hell is happening? Thats impossible. Am I going crazy?

I stood slowly, and looked at my watch 7:51


My voice echoed around the spacious house.

Each of the 12 doors opened slowly, and the 12 EXO boys stepped out,.

My knees turned to jello at the sight of them.

How is it possible for there to be such good looking boys?

My mouth dropped open. Kai stepped infront of me, a smirk on his face "I know were good looking, but close your mouth."

My mouth snapped closed and I glared daggers "Lets go."

I grabbed my bags and home key from the table.

I stepped outside and saw the limo. I sighed as I walked over to the limo driver, Ma Ru.

"Ma Ru, can you please drive them to the school?"

He bowed "Yes, young master."

I raised up his head "Please, just call me Lime."

I turned around to EXO again and pointed "Get in."

"Your not riding?" Kris questioned

I smiled "Nope, I hate limos, and we cant arrive at school in the same car. Im riding my bike." 

I pointed to my green bike.

"Well, im going before Im late, I would advize getting in the limo. Bye!"

I jumped on my bike and sped off on the familiar route.

I zoomed past the bakery, the smell of delicous pasteries filling my lungs. I inhaled deeply, savoring the sugary smell.

Then I rode past the elementry school, small children were running around, playing, screaming with joy. It was a beautiful sight.

I sighed inhaling the cold air. in into my mouth. This is why I choose to ride my bike or walk.

I would be missing all of this.

I checked my watch 7:58.

I began peddeling faster ONLY 2 MINUTES!

I reached the front of my school and left in unchained in the bike rack. Ill do it later, I have no time!

I ran as fast as I could into the building, I sighed "Why is my first class on the top floor!"

I ran up to the evlevator and clicked the button, a while passed, it wasnt coming.

I grunted as I wan over to the stairs, i looked up at the spiral stairs leading up to the 5th floor.

I ran. Taking 2 stairs at a time, the books in my bag seeming to be getting heavier as I ran along.

My legs hurt and I was out of breath. Beads of sweat on my forhead. I realized I was only halfway up I cheacked my watch "Only 40 seconds left."

I sighed and slowed my running to a walk. Whats the use of running? Im already going to be late.

I closed my eyes "I really wish I could like.. teleport up there or something."

My eyes opened "What the-"

I was right infront of the door to my classroom, I looked at my watch "25 seconds."

How is that possible.. I didnt. I.. No time think later.

I dashed into the full classroom and sat down in my seat.

All eyes were on me.

"Your late." My teacher Mrs.Lee said, glaring lasers at me.

"Anio. Im not, there was still 25 seconds left."

She looked like she wanted to strangle me "Dont argue with me. You were late."

The bell sounded.

"If I entered right now, I would be late. I was not late." I said again

Alice, who was across the room was sending me eye signals that clearly read as Dont argue. You know how she is.

I ignored them, I also felt Hyunah, who is sitting behind me glaring daggers at me.

I looked around the room only 2 EXO members were in her Chen and Lay.

She cleared "Are you dont looking around?" 

She didnt give me time to answer.

"Good. Now get out."

"Nǐ de yúchǔn ràng wǒ chākēdǎhùn.." (Your stupidity makes me gag)

She looked at me with a puzzled face, but Lay's mouth dropped open.

I grabbed my bag and stalked out of the room.

I sighed, this is going to be a long day...






Im so sorry I dont update often anymore D: Im just so busy! Were having exams in school, and ive been studying. Were still in the middle of exams and they wont be over for about TWO WEEKS.

Im so sorry D: But anyway ;D That kiss huh?!

I really love writing this for you guys. Even if no one was reading, I would still write ^.^

And Im really sorry if whats going on is not clear to you. I have a hard time giving details. If you really dont get it just slap some sense into me :P I have a really active imagination so I know whats going on fine, but sometimes I forget that not everybody has the imagination of a 5 year old... I just have the pictures in my head, so it may seem clear to me, but make no sense to you XD. So if you dont get it, just message me.. seriously. :D

Oh and guess what? I broke my laptop =_= Sometimes my stupidness really suprises me. I literally dropped it down the stairs by accident. Im writing this on my phone... Lol

You guys are probably like "Just shut up and give me my pic span already =_=" 

Well here it is ;D




I dont know why this made me laugh so hard. OMG. Im crying.




Tao not knowing where his chopper toy went before snatching it away from Lu han. 

I think this is adorable...




Hold on...Wait- What?!




Thats so cute ;-;  Its really warm in my closet D.O. Wanna live there?



Chanyeols not gonna be happy Kai... Neither is D.O....


Kai is just asking for death today...


We understand you Crackyeol




Im laughing so loud.


lets get fat together!



Kyungsoo's crotch is where all roads lead ;D



I think I enjoy these EXO spams more than you do xD.  Lol these spams are for me, not you. I refuse to share.

Q: Other than EXO who is your favorite rookie group?

A: Truthfully, I have like a BILLION. But ill simplify it down to 2


On a compleatly unrelated topic are any of you watching Nice Guy? Well if you not you should. Its freaking awesome..


And on another unrelated topic, Did any of you go to Kcon?

I didnt because my parents hate me (Jk) But i watched the livestream :D


I really wanted to go ;-;




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Thank you!
been really really busy with school, chrismnas shopping, ect. IM SORRY. *Bows and gets on knees* Forgive me? Again.... I promise I willk update on Christmas.


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Chapter 24: I'm a little confused sometimes. I like the story, but I think there are way too many characters. >//< And what's with the flashbacks? You can try and write those past times down differently? O_O
omg i love yor story and i have a question, i see that you have a LOT of posters and story covers on here, i can never find any story cover of lime, i am writting a story of lime and JR together, do you think you can tell me where you got the osters? that would be a huge help!!^^ fighting with the story!!
Chapter 9: I actually googled for exo derp faces and somehow i'm herw now lol thought your story might be interesting, so i started to read and it really is :) i love your picture spam, but damn...the pics in this chapter are just friggin AWESOME DAEBAK !!!!!!!!!!!! it's just...too much...can't handle *.* gosh love the pics XD i immediately subscribed and upvoted this story ! I mean seriously DO's pants 0.o" and what the actual ____ is that...WU FAN !!! LMAO XD hahaha sehun being super _______, thought he should be the innocent one :) talking about innocent, YES i also watched nice guy and the drama is mind blowing !
Chapter 22: Yes déjà vu. O_O ^_^
Chapter 21: Oelala tell me more tell me more (inserts irritating voice from that irritating-voice-girl from grease).

Damn am I late, but anyways~

Awesome chapter as always (:
Chapter 20: Happy 20th Chapter Anniversary~!
Thank you for updating. :D

- How are you?
salmaqui #9
Chapter 8: i want to see alice with someone to EXO
Chapter 19: I laughed so hard at the speed walking. I saw it earlier.

And poor Lim, she's never lucky, is she?
And where's EXO? Where are my babies? ;_;