FINAL: Avert Your Ears

{ONESHOT SEQUEL}: Avert Your Ears

Author’s Note: Alright guise. Since you Luhan fans asked for this sequel of ‘The Train’, I’ll give it to you. /sigh. Why am I doing this again…? I'M SO SORRY IT THOUGH. 'KAY? ;_;


“…” His words struck you like an arrow. Oh, just great. That was totally uncalled for. In addition, you’ve said it in front of him three times. He probably heard it, three times. He better not ask for you to say it again.

“Uh, wait. What did you say?” Your eyes squinted in a suspicious way as your hand made it over to your ears to pick it subconsciously trying to interpret his words. You’re not being stupid. You’re just… confirming… making sure he may or may not have heard it.

“I heard you, three times.” Luhan said in that y, serious voice of his.

Okay, that did it. He heard it. He freaking heard it. That was not supposed to happen. You planned out your confession. You made your confession into a whole fiasco. It wasn’t a super, big, spectacular, planned out fiesta or anything; it was just planned out for the right timing. And that timing was not today. For a careful person like you, this was not the way you things were planned.

Avert your ears. You attempted to calm yourself down, which only resulted in sweaty, fidgeting hands. Crap, he can see through me. Your face suddenly felt like you were a beet thrown into a boiling pot of water.

Careful -----, you thought, he can smell fear. Your eyes quickly darted away from his face and soon remembered you’re five inches away from your front gate. Perfect. Without further ado, desperate times, calls for desperate measures. You must’ve set a record for the fastest gate-opening-and-running-into-your-house portion, since you moved probably at the speed of light. Running up to your room, you felt so stupid for leaving Luhan outside without a response. Closing the door and sliding down to the floor, you put your hands over your face to cover the embarrassment you emitted.

“I’m still here you know.” A voice called out from the window. You leered at the side of your curtains curiously.

. What do I do?! You started to pace back and forth nervously in your baby blue bedroom, contemplating whether you should leave him be and let him die out into the open sidewalk at night, or just deny everything.

You don’t usually lie.

So, let’s just let him die out into the open sidewalk, at night, where murderers are loose, in the streets of Korea, under a single creepy street lamp. It’s fine… right? At least you don’t have to lie to him...

You peeked out your window one more time.

Damnit. You mentally slapped yourself. You knew you shouldn’t have just confessed out in the open when you know his hearing is sharper than a cat’s. This is stupid. This is completely and utterly stupid.

Even you know your clumsy friend Chanyeol wouldn’t do this. (He did end up with Baekhyun by asking him to ditch prom together…)

Kai’s now married to Kyungsoo and proposed out open in the streets of New York over the summer.  (They’re years older. In addition, Kyungsoo can deny anything in a crowd…)

Suho… he’s just a lonely old man.

You were going to follow your sunbae’s footsteps in awesome proposals and now, it’s all ruined. It was basically due to your cluelessness and your naivety.

Without anymore hesitation, you decided to go over to your balcony.

“Go home already. It’s late.”

“Oh, really now?” Luhan gave you a sweet smile. Damn that cursed, beautiful smile. You rolled your eyes. He’s just being fresh now.

“Go home.” You heaved on the rail. “No.”


“I need confirmation.”

“…Confirmation of what? That it’s late?”

“No. Listen I-“

“Because I can tell you the time like, right now.”

“No, look I wanted to sa-”

“It’s eleve-”

“-----! Listen to me. Please.” His voice erupted rather harshly. For this whole time, you just wanted to avoid anything like this. You’ve seen this in dramas many times and as cliché as it sounds, you don’t want this to occur to you. (You’re also very emotional when it comes to these things so… not good.)

“A-Alright. What?” You feel yourself choking up, it was because you fear of being rejected. What so good about rejection? Once you hear the answer, it may affect your friendship. Luhan, was the best friend you’ve ever had.

“Is it true? About what you said?” His eyes were filled with desperation. He needs the answer.


“Don’t try to lie to me.” You shivered at his words. He was demanding (and y).

“Yes.” At this point you were finally over the point where you know your friendship may end. Everything may end. You waited for the impact.

“This is great because,” You heard him say those words, but not in a sarcastic tone. His voice resembled wind chimes. You looked back down.

There was Luhan, standing below your balcony, hands cupping his mouth in awe, cheeks pink, smiling into his hand and looking happier than ever. Luhan turned his head to face you, eyes meeting, time frozen.

I love you too.


Oh my lawd; I'm so sorry I've turned you all blind. OTL. I know this took a long time and should've been better but I've been busy with my baby cousin lately. (My relative scared him so now he won't eat or sleep...) I've also have had computer problems. It's crashing, AGAIN. So yeah. Thanks. BONNIE & CARMEN S. (I don't like using the S... :c) I apologize for being probably the worst friend in existance. Without further ado, this weirdo will slowly disappear into the darkness. /WHEEE!~


Check out other stories too. It's boring to just read one. 8} Behehehe. Derpderp.

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Thank you "-honey" and "b2utiful-day" for your encouragement. Constructive criticism is welcomed! ;v;


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razberri_100802 #1
Chapter 1: How can he not react the first time oosh
Hyunniee #2
Chapter 1: omg giggling alone like a retard rite now bhahaha i know this is ridiculous but im hoping for another sequel
dear_kpop #3
Chapter 1: Awesome Job! (<---lol you want this right? But seriously it's soooo awesome) anyways......................…… "SEQUEL PLZ!!!" XD
lee_anna #6
Chapter 1: giggling like a little girl right now omfg;alkjfg;lajgf;lsdkjfgYAYYYYY.


Chel_Sea #8
Chapter 1: OH.MY.GOD !!!
I really really really love this oneshot ! So sweet and fluffy !
Can you make one again please ? With Luhan as the main cast :D
Chapter 1: it's a cute sequel!!! ahhhhhh!~
Although i know what's going to happen, i still read it because i know it'll be good. and yes! It was!!! it really was!!!

thanks for writing it!