Seeing Old Friends-With Help

A Visit From The Past


Min Ju POV 

As finished cooking my ramen, I heard a pinging sound from my laptop. I knew exactly what it was.

“Hi Luna.” I said smiling at the face on my screen.

“Hey Min Ju.” She waved back at me.

“How was your day?”

“Normal. How was yours.”

“A little better than normal.” I smiled

“What is this sneaky smile on your face? What happened today?”

“Oh, hold on, Alexander wants to join.

“Hey guys!” His chipper voiced exclaimed.

“Hi Alexander!” We both chimed trying to imitate him.

“Great now the whole gang’s here,” Luna clapped her hands together. “Now Min Ju can go on with what she was about to say.”

“Wait!” I yelled while putting my hand up like a stop sign. “Alexander how was your day?” I heard Luna give a small sigh.

“Good how was yours?”

“Her day was ‘a little better than normal.’” Luna answered for me.

“Hello to you too Luna.” Alexander replied to her. She gave a huge, cheesy smile. “ How was your day?”

“Mine was normal. Now Min Ju was just about to tell-“

“What have you two ladies been discussing without me?” Alexander narrowed his eyes.

“We were just talking about our days.” I started to answer when Luna cut in.

“And Min Ju has something to tell.”

“That’s all you missed.” I said with finality.

“Ok then. In that case, Min Ju please continue.” He said in a royal scribe voice, which made us all laugh.

“Alright, everyone ready for this?” I asked wanting no interruptions for this.

“No hold on!” Luna disappeared from her screen for a second. Alexander and I exchanged questioning glances. “Ok, now I’m ready.” She had a notepad and a pen in her hand. She says that certain things that she has to document with us. Like when we have these web chats and someone has something exciting to say.

“Ok so you guys know that crush I have?”

“What was his name again?” Alexander wondered aloud. ”Hyun? No.  Hoon? No. Ki-“

“Eukwnag is his name.” Luna said. “Wait!” She checked the rest of her notes. “Yea that’s his name isn’t it?” She asked looking at my screen.

“Bingo, give that girl a prize.” I said in my best game show host voice. I’m proud that you remembered.” She gave me a huge grin.

“I was close.” Alexander said in a pouty voice while casting his eyes downward and away from the screen.

“So he and I started….”

“Started WHAT?” Luna and Alexander shouted.

“Dating! Sheesh, you people. Aigoo, some people are so impatient.” I joked.

“Oh that’s great Min Ju I’m so happy for you!” Luna yelled happily while clapping her hands together.

“Look our little Min Ju is growing up!” Alexander oozed. I sat up tall and proud.

“What was the first date you guys went on?” Luna asked with her head propped up on her elbows.

“We went to the movies together.”

“What kind of movie did you guys see? Not horror right?” Alexander asked with inquiring eyes.

“No, we went to see a comedy. Why is the genre so important?”

“I’m curious about that too.” Luna said.

‘’Well,” Alexander started out. “You know how guys have cheesy pick up lines and things?” Luna and I nodded “yes.” “If he would have taken you to a horror movie, he would probably be waiting for you to get scared so he could act like a hero and hold you in his arms while you tremble in fear at what’s on the screen.”

“That’s  kinda sweet, he wants to hold her.” I said.

“Yeah but it’s how he does it that’s not right.”Alexander replied.

“Did he try anything funny with you at the movie?” Luna asked defensively.

“No, no, no.” I said, shaking my hands in front of me trying to wave of any feeling of doubt.

“Are you sure he didn’t do anything funny? Like-I don’t know-yawning and draping his arm around you?” Alexander asked quizzically.

“Actually…he…did…do that.” I was a little hesitant at admitting this.”

“Aww tha’s kinda sweet.” Luna cooed.

“Uh, that is so cheesy.” Alexander facepalmed.

“If he tries anything other than that you tell me and I’ll coming running to your side.” Luna warned with a protective look in her eyes.

“Same goes for me; I’ll take a plane right to you.” Alexander said with the same look in his eyes.

“Aw you guys are the best! I wished we lived closer to each other that way we could see each other more often.” I live in Sangju while Luna lives in Busan. “Speaking of which, what time is it over there Alexander?” I asked

“Only 7:30.” He informed me.

“8:30 over here.” Luna said. Oh, and Alexander lives in Wan Chai, Hong Kong but he was born in Macu.

“No homework or anything right?” I asked with a stern look.

“I finished it all already mom.”

“Good.” I smiled “What about you Luna?”

“Finished it all.” She reported happily.

“How about you Min Ju?” Alexander asked.

“I finished everything before I came home.” I said matter-of-factly.

“ You finished it all before you came home?” Luna asked in disbelief. “Don’t you have any friends that you talk to who take up all your free time there? Cuz if you don’t, I will personally come down there and transfer schools for you.”

“I wish I could say the same but I live in a whole different country so it wouldn’t be so easy for me.” Alexander put in.  Luna, Alexander, and I were all best friends when we were in elementary school. Then Alexander’s dad got job in Hong Kong so they had to move. His dad’s job is what made them move to South Korea in the first place though. Then my mom wanted to be closer to her company building, so we moved to Sangju. Then Luna’s parents just wanted to move and they found a nice place in Busan. But at heart, Luna and I are both Seoul girls, because that’s where we were both born.

“That’s so awesome of you guys but don’t worry, there are some kids I talk to at school.” I said, not wanting to cause anything that drastic.

“Well, you’re dating someone so apparently it’s not that bad.” Alexander said.
“Yah, Eusebio!  If I was with you right now I’d hit you over the head with this notepad.” Luna shouted, holding up the notepad as if to demonstrate. Alexander ducked and used his arms to cover his head.

“Unnie, can you help me with my homework?” the voice was coming from Luna’s end.

“Omo is that Sun Mi?” I asked, gasping.

“Hi Min Ju Unnie.” She ran to wave at the screen. “Hi Alexander Oppa.”

“Annyeong Sun Mi.’’ I said and Alexander waved crazily while giving her a huge smile. Sun Mi smiled back ; I could see a gap in her teeth.

“Sun Mi-ah did you lose a tooth?”

“Yes I did and I put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy.”

“Did the tooth fairy give you any money?” Alexander asked her.

“Mhmm she gave me 300 won.”

“Aww, Luna your sister is so cute.” I cooed

“Yea but she can be a little annoying sometimes.” Luna said while tickling Sun Mi’s stomach.

She laughed. “Unnie stop it.” Sun Mi pleaded while trying to wiggle out of her sister’s hold.

“Ok I will.” Luna stopped tickling her and Sun Mi gasped for air. “Give me a second and I’ll come help you with your homework. Ok?”

“Mm.” Sun Mi nodded, waved bye to us, and left the room.

“Your sister is so cute.”  I said again.

“What about me?” Alexander asked trying to do aegyo on us.

“Aigoo stop it. Thank goodness Sun Mi isn’t in the room, otherwise you’d be scaring her.” Luna said.

“HEY!” Alexander shouted. “It wasn’t that bad.” He said in a small voice while his eyes traveled away from the screen.

“Aw come on, you know she was just kidding.” I told him.

“I know.” He said. “Oh, how’s Minhyuk these days?”

“Hold on, before I answer that, how’s your science paper going?

“Science paper?” He had a confused look on his face for a second. “Oh, my science paper! I completely forgot!” He smacked his hand to his forehead.

“Isn’t it due the day after tomorrow?” Luna asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

“Yes and I haven’t even started.” He said in exasperation.

“Well hop to it.” I urged him.

“Yes seonsaengnim.” He saluted me. “Bye guys.”

“Bye.” Luna and I waved goodbye.

“So how has Minhyu-“ Luna started to ask but then she got cut off by a very loud voice.


“Coming Sun Mi!” Luna yelled back. She turned to me. “Gotta go. Bye Min Ju.” She waved.

“Bye Luna.” I waved back. And with that, it was just me and my laptop. I shut the lid and walked over to my window.

I miss Minhyuk oppa I thought as I put my chopstick in my ramen. The ramen didn’t taste very good. I checked the date on the package and it said the noodles weren’t expired. Maybe it’s just me then.


So this is a bit longer than the last update.

And for all you curios minds: Yes the Minhyuk in my story is B-Bomb from Block B.

So who do you guys think Minhyuk is in the story?

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40 SUBBIES!! oh, the feels! *tearing up*


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marchtwentysecond #1
Chapter 26: and update!! o.m.g!!! i've been waiting!
good chapter! have a feeling that eunkwang will get his heart break anytime soon ;(
chunjoe1004 #2
Nice story ^^
Chapter 25: Be strong Minju and its good to cry sometimes its not good for your heart you know.....
Chapter 23: the story so far is cute. ^_^ And i am glad that u are still using my posters
Chapter 22: I'm always waiting for this fanfic kkk ^^ fighting author-nim
Chapter 21: finally an update >< I love it!
Chapter 20: YOUR USING MY POSTER. I was the old joyjoy. But i had to change my username because of some problems. Please update. hehehe
Chapter 18: chabgi chabgi chabgi~ thanks for telling me the meaning authornimm!~ this chappie is cute ^^