Give Me 120 More Years


“From the ashes I see the longing and desire to be with her loved one. This cruel world has failed to bring your poor soul justice in the past 9 decades. The rules of love had built walls, boundaries that she couldn’t pass. In the form of a spirit she’d lost. Reborn as a water creature, an angel, a mountain guardian, an animal guide, a demon, a fairy, a nymph, and a goddess she still lost him…everything in the end.
“Poor creature, poor soul. Let me give you another chance. To find him, your human partner. 
“Your hearts shall beat as one. Your fates aren’t lovers not meant to be.
“From the dust of life, go.” 
. . . . . 
A little blue river ran between the large green mountains steeping high into the cloudy heaven. Hills of various sizes created strange looking bumps from the air above. On that certain day the fortune teller back in his hometown had predicted that a seemingly clear sky would become dark and grey if a stag was not brought back. 
12 hours had passed by since that morning when he’d lulled his tired body awake. His fresh brown hair shone under the sun as he jumped behind tree after tree. It was trotting along so slowly that he was afraid if he came to a stop to get his bow ready it would run off alarmed at the noise he might make. Known as the greatest hunter in his village he couldn’t disappoint the villagers and his parents. That was it. He needed the stag and he would get it. 
Creeping along the small lines of happy green leaves he set his arms back to grab the arrow that would pierce that stag’s heart. There…it had stopped just 10 feet away to gnaw at the grass. It was his chance. 
Pulling the arrow out he pinned it against his bow and looked for his aim. Perfect. Stringing the bow back he was ready to shoot when a loud roar came out of no where. Something orange…no black…no it was yellow…no it was tan with black spots. A large tiger with huge fangs was racing toward him and already in mid-air when he tilted his head up in fear. A scream filtered his lungs as he fell back onto his clutching the bow for mercy.   
“Lin stop!” a female voice appeared. 
For some reason his eyes were closed. He hadn’t recalled closing them before. What was this? It was beginning to feel familiar. 
The carnivore, whatever it was, roared unsatisfied and stepped aside. 
“Good girl.” the female voice cooed. 
Footsteps, very light graceful footsteps neared him. 
“Are you ok?” the voice asked. 
It felt too familiar. 
He was beginning to open his eyes with the fading view of a beautiful face staring down at him. Her eyes were misty, a pretty brown, and her long light brown hair had been trailing off her shoulder in a long braid. A crown of flowers and leaves had sat atop her head. Then…the view disappeared almost immediately. 
A radio beside him went off and the announcer’s voice filled the silent blue room. 
“Oppa!” a voice bellowed from downstairs. 
What time was it? 
Throwing up his arm he covered his eyes asking for 10 more minutes. 
“Oppa!” the voice came again. 
Sitting up he quickly turned his face away once the sun from the side window struck his eyes. It was painful, bright, and just the perfect wakeup call before his dongsaeng stomped up the stairs. 
“Oppa! You’re going to be late!” 
“Yea, yea.” he muttered. 
In the white bathroom moments later he splashed cold, damp water over his face and looked up into the mirror above. Water dripped off his face continuously like a running faucet. He hadn’t been able to explain all these dreams he’d been having all his life. Never, not once had he dreamt of something in the present. It always had to be in the past. He never understood why. 
“Oppa!” the voice yelped from below the stairs. 
Annoyed with her voice he grabbed a towel, wiped his face, walked out of his bathroom, and tossed the towel onto his bed before walking out. 
Onew lived in a two story house by himself. Why a two story? It typically wasn’t his house, his parents had left him the house while they went on their ‘Around the world’ trip. They’d been gone for two years already and he’d received postcards from Egypt, Hawaii, and Jamaica. But he didn’t mind that they were gone, initially he liked the idea when he first heard it. To his luck, his parents owned a large pool in the backyard big enough for a whole school and just perfect for bikini parties. He’d already held a few parties of his own in the past year but he’d been so busy with his soaring career that he hadn’t had time to enjoy any girls. 
He worked at a radio station as an announcer and he’d been given his own show after five years there. There was nothing to dislike about his job. Many friends led to many connections to girls and his co-workers all loved partying. His boss, as well, was a party animal. 
“Oppa!! You’ll be late!” 
“I’m here,” Onew said walking toward his chair by the table. 
A bowl of rice and a plate of scrambled eggs sat in front of him. 
“Isn’t there more?” he wondered pointing to his dishes. 
“Did you comb your hair? Oh, oppa! You’re so messy.” 
Krystal walked toward him and began to fix his hair with her fingers before he pushed her hand away. 
“I told you before that I don’t like you touching my hair,” he stated meanly. 
“Psh!” she muttered before walking back into the large blue kitchen.
Onew picked up his spoon and began to eat. 
“Oppa,” she started. 
“Did you hear about the murder at the train station last night?” Krystal asked. 
“There was a murder?” Onew turned to look into the kitchen. 
Krystal was by the stove cooking something else. 
“Yea, I was wondering if you’re going to be covering it at the station. If you are I’ll tune in to listen to you,” Krystal said. 
“You, kid, just focus on your studies before your uncle finds out you’re here again,” Onew told. 
. . . . .
“Aish…” she moaned as she got into her car and leaned against the headrest lazily with a loud moan. “Why do they have to wake me up so early in the morning?” 
She dropped her head forward and accidentally honked the car waking up a few irritated neighbors. Sitting back up she placed a hand to her forehead and moaned again before her phone rang. 
“Honey, are you heading out to the station this morning?” a middle aged woman asked. 
“Oh, yea, mom.”
“Nana, be careful out there. Will you be alright staying by yourself this evening? You always get bad flashbacks after something like this happens in town…” 
“I’ll be ok. Don’t worry about me, mom. Go back and sleep.” Nana assured. 
“Don’t forget that your father and I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” Nana replied with a kiss then hung up. 
With another sigh she leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes. 
Her parents…no, her foster parents had taken her in and raised her since she was a baby. She had no clue about who her real parents were or why they left her on their doorstep. But thanks to them Nana had been given a carefree life full of love and nourishment. 
Opening her eyes Nana pulled the seatbelt over herself and set the car into reverse backing out of the driveway before setting off toward the station. 
. . . . . 
In a large bedroom with the curtains drawn open allowing the sunlight to flow in freely Lee Joon was running on a rampage. Tops of all kinds flew through the air over his large queen sized bed draped in white sheets. In the corner was a small woman huddling with knees up to her chest and arms held out to shield the flying clothes as fury creased Lee Joon’s face.   
“How dare you call me another man’s name in the middle of the night! If you want to two-time someone do it with someone who doesn’t care what you call them! I’ve had enough of you! You’ve never satisfied me during this time! Get out! We’re over!” he screeched tossing more and more clothes at her. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I already apologized a million times!” she cried in helpless defense. 
“You’re crazy! I’ve got to be the world’s dumbest bull if I take you back. Didn’t you hear me?! Gather you clothes and get out!” Lee Joon screamed. 
. . . . .
Police tapes had been strewn all over to prevent any observers from entering the station. Any person reporting for the media needed to be confirmed by someone from the police team before being allowed to enter the murder scene where investigation and cleaning up was taking place. 
Many people were standing by the sidelines gossiping back and forth about what had happened as police officers and medics rushed from one place to the next. News reporters remained busy setting up their equipment and interviewing those who were nearby the scene when the murder had taken place. Pads and pencils in hand ready to have a go at writing anything they found interesting. 
Nana stopped her car behind a red truck and stepped out with her brown bag hanging at her side. The early sun was already out heating up the earth with its warmth. Turning away from its hazy shade Nana walked toward the entrance blocked by police tape.
“Miss! Miss!” footsteps hurried after her and someone quickly ran in front of her. “You can’t go in there. Please go stand over there.” 
“Why?” Nana asked. “Didn’t you guys call me here?” 
“Huh?” the man asked flustered.
His large blue jacket with the police station crest on it had become black and grey because he’d been running into the station and back out into broad daylight dealing with all the mess the murderer had caused. Nana felt that much from just looking at him. 
Nana reached into her bag and held out her card. “I’m a psychic been called to the scene.” 
“Ah…the Chief must have called you…” the man explained scratching the back of his head as he turned to look around. 
“Good job. All the gory stuff must have been taken care of already. You’re tired so why don’t you go sit down for a bit?” Nana patted his shoulder before ducking under the tape and headed inside. 
“Huh? Wait, wait, Miss!” he shouted after her but didn’t follow her in. 
After a trip down the long cement stairs she made it to the scene where officers were surrounding a group of investigators probably examining the evidence they’d found. Nana took a step further to join them when her legs collapsed from underneath her. Her mind went black before voices suddenly appeared within her sane mind.
“Get out of here! Get out of here before I set the hound dogs on you!” an old man’s voice screeched. 
Nana didn’t know what she was seeing or where her powers were bringing her. Her view brought her over to a beautiful young man kneeling on the ground who had raised his head to look at the angry man sitting on the high throne before him. 
“If you choose a demon over my daughter I’ll have to cut your head off! I warned you not to overstep your boundaries, you rascal!” 
“Demon!?” Nana felt alarmed. 
Suddenly the man’s face was very clear to her. And she knew one thing for sure…he was going to die.    

***This is my introduction of the characters in this story! 

***I'm so used to writing Victoria's name that sometimes I accidentally write her name instead of Nana's xDD

***And guess who Nana saw in her mind? =D

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Chapter 58: i love reading it. it was my first time reading a onew nana story and i really enjoyed it
MingyusPampers #2
That was great
Wah! Ur plot is uber awesome! Seriously, urs is the greatest fantasy story i hve every read! Becos of ur great plot, great choice of characters, great poster,incredible love story, incredible fantasy thingy about the daggers and well yeah! Its uber great! Lurve it uber uber uber much! U sud write more story about fantasy since u hv a great imaginiation or mayb a sequel??? Yeah! U did great in writing this story
-ItsJustMe- #4
finish!oh my god..perfect!!! the plot is awesome!! the part when they fight against time..i was standing while read it,shouting at my lappy screen saying "no~~ what going happen to them!!" //silly kids <br />
u such a great author... gonna read more of ur stories,,, :)
ur comments make me scare...already 5.30 am..i cant sleep till i finish this this but im just at chapter 18
love the poster at chapter 15..suit the best
reading this while secret by jay chou is turn on another tab ^^
oh my..chapter 4 is creepy..esp when u read at 4 am...
kyaa..at last i have time to read this!!!! i know u a great writer since i have read Forever Chingu..but its a little bit awkward becoz i never read any fanfiction that have no taeteuk..Keke..but i will read all your storie..[i got 3 month with nothing to do:)] i will post many comments later..^^