Give Me 120 More Years


. . . . .
Onew hand his hands clasped together underneath his chin half worrying about Joon and curious about Nana’s reaction. Hopefully, she wouldn’t get angry at him for giving her away. 
After a long hour of silence he turned around when a knock arrived at his door. When he opened the door he found Nana standing there. 
“I can explain…” he started but became surprised when she hugged him instead. 
“Though I hate to know that he heard it from a third party, I’m glad you took part in this,” she thanked. 
Surprise took him before he eventually smiled, “Am I the best now?” 
“For now you are,” she replied. 
While sitting with her out back he tilted his head toward the evening sky. 
“I keep forgetting to tell you,” he told. “That you should stop working with the cops on this investigation.” 
“Why?” Nana kicked at the pool water with her feet. 
“I have a bad feeling about it,” he answered. “You can do any other one except this one.” 
Nana turned away from him. 
“It’s not like I’m telling you to stop. Just put it into consideration, ok?” 
“I’ll put it into consideration then,” she nodded. “Honestly, I’m getting pretty scared over it too.” 
“In what way?” 
“Oh…it’s just something,” Nana mysteriously answered leaving him to wonder about what she meant by it. “Do you still have those dreams?” 
Onew lifted up his shoulders as he leaned back, “Of course. I’ve had them ever since…I’ve been living in this house.” 
Nana turned back to look at the large mansion, “Why do you only live on this side?” 
“It’s closer to the back door and easier to move about…in case I see something I can run straight out,” he joked. 
“Psh,” Nana nudged him. “But what’s on the other side?”
“Just other rooms that my parents used to use,” Onew went on, “but there’s something interesting here.” 
“What is it?” 
“I’ll show you next time,” he smiled. 
Nana frowned at him before gently leaning her head against his shoulder. 
. . . . .
Before leaving her apartment the next morning Nana received a call from Jung Ah. Half an hour later Nana found herself heading toward the police station. When she entered a square room set up with tables she spotted Jung Ah sitting alone at the corner. 
“You’re quite fast,” Jung Ah commented looking up. 
Nana sat down across from her wondering what she was going to say to her this time. 
“I see you’re doing pretty well these days. Those 3 days of sleep must have done you in real well,” she complimented. 
Nana was unsure if she should seriously take her comment or if Jung Ah was speaking sarcastically. 
“Onew rushed to your bedside after he heard about the murder,” Jung Ah bitterly smiled. “Too bad you weren’t awake to see that.” 
Nana stared at her blankly. 
“I’m not going to spend my time talking to you about how much he adores you,” Jung Ah inhaled before placing a packet of papers in front of her, “in fact, I’m really curious about something else.” 
She glanced down at the packet of papers wondering what they were about. 
“I’ve discovered something while browsing the net,” Jung Ah explained, “something about a ‘Dagger Myth’. There are also various other stories about each dagger and about the monstrous woman who created them.”
Nana felt her heart stop. 
“Have you heard about it?” Jung Ah asked. 
She looked up into the detective’s eyes. “No.” 
“Have a look at it,” Jung Ah suggested. “And, I’m still really curious about the things you’ve been seeing. Because it also feels like that serial killer we have our eyes on isn’t the one behind all this work.” 
Nana left the police station gripping onto the thick packet wondering what this sudden ‘Myth’ was about. How come she only came to know about it now? She paused in her steps and wondered if Onew knew about it since he did work inside with the communication services where a lot of other people researched and wrote articles about various topics. Someone must have at least discovered this ‘Myth’ and possibly told him about it. 
She needed to ask him about it as soon as they met again. 
However, before she reached her car her phone began ringing half startling her. 
Minutes later she found herself walking into a café where Joon waved to her from the window. He looked fresh and happier. The smile on his face was something that also brought her mood up. 
“Sorry for calling you out on such short notice. You weren’t busy, were you?” he asked. 
“It’s fine,” she sat down. 
“I’ve already ordered my share. I’ll wait if you want to get something to eat,” he offered. 
Nana shook her head, “I’m not going to eat.” 
“Why? Do you have a lunch date?” he smiled. 
Nana smiled back.
“Thank you,” he said. “For yesterday, it meant a lot.” 
“What for? I didn’t do anything.” Nana shook her head. 
He nodded his head, “For crying with me and comforting me. Lets remain on good terms and if you have any troubles…I can substitute your ‘Soul mate’ for you.” 
Nana laughed. 
. . . . .
Onew leaned against the window of the restaurant wondering when Nana would arrive. He already had his eyes glued to the door of the restaurant and the first 10 people that had arrived weren’t the person he was waiting for. 
Groaning he picked up his phone and sent another text to her: “I’m going to leave if you don’t get here in 5!”
The door opened seconds later and Nana walked in. A smile grew on his face before he cleared his throat a few times reminding himself that he shouldn’t show her that he was glad to see her just yet. 
“Sorry, I had two other stops to make before getting here,” she apologized sitting down. “Did you order yet?” 
“What other two stops?” he felt his eyebrows frown on their own. 
“Ah…business.” Nana added grabbing the menu to look over the specials. 
“Answer me!” he whined. “Who did you see before coming here?” 
“Aish…this man…” Nana mumbled. 
“I’m not just any man,” he corrected, “I’m ‘your man’.” 
“Aish…how embarrassing,” Nana muttered holding up the menu to block her face only to have it snatched out of her hands by Onew.
“Haha…” he laughed pinching her cheek. “So where exactly did you go before you came here?” 
“I met Kim Jung Ah then I met with Joon.” Nana explained. 
Nana frowned at him this time, “What do you mean why?” 
“Well…Joon is ok, but why Jung Ah?” 
“Oh…” Nana crossed her arms. “I have something to ask you, too.” 
“Am I in trouble?” he wondered as he watched her search her bag for something. 
When she pulled out a thick white packet he tilted his head curious. 
“What’s that? Are you writing a story?” he asked. 
“Have you heard about it?” Nana wondered showing it to him. 
Onew eyed the title before raising his eyebrows. 
“Who gave you this?” he wanted to know or rather felt the need to know.
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Chapter 58: i love reading it. it was my first time reading a onew nana story and i really enjoyed it
MingyusPampers #2
That was great
Wah! Ur plot is uber awesome! Seriously, urs is the greatest fantasy story i hve every read! Becos of ur great plot, great choice of characters, great poster,incredible love story, incredible fantasy thingy about the daggers and well yeah! Its uber great! Lurve it uber uber uber much! U sud write more story about fantasy since u hv a great imaginiation or mayb a sequel??? Yeah! U did great in writing this story
-ItsJustMe- #4
finish!oh my god..perfect!!! the plot is awesome!! the part when they fight against time..i was standing while read it,shouting at my lappy screen saying "no~~ what going happen to them!!" //silly kids <br />
u such a great author... gonna read more of ur stories,,, :)
ur comments make me scare...already 5.30 am..i cant sleep till i finish this this but im just at chapter 18
love the poster at chapter 15..suit the best
reading this while secret by jay chou is turn on another tab ^^
oh my..chapter 4 is creepy..esp when u read at 4 am...
kyaa..at last i have time to read this!!!! i know u a great writer since i have read Forever Chingu..but its a little bit awkward becoz i never read any fanfiction that have no taeteuk..Keke..but i will read all your storie..[i got 3 month with nothing to do:)] i will post many comments later..^^