Sneak-A-Peck, Fell In Love

SkyPanda Love Oneshot Collection


I have a weird fascination with YG's rooftop and backhugs... XD




[Chae Rin’s POV]


“Who will be the next victim of the bottle?” Seungri said as he spun the bottle in the middle.


We, BIGBANG and 2NE1, are here at the YG Dance studio, playing Spin the Bottle.  Childish, isn’t it?  But being a child for a while doesn’t hurt, right?


Actually, me and the girls are really practicing when the BIGBANG-oppas suddenly entered the room and Seungri said that we should play Spin the Bottle for fun.


Dara-unnie and Bommie-unnie immediately agreed while showing me their puppy dog eyes.  You know how childish these unnies can be.  So I agreed as well.  I would love to play Spin the Bottle with the oppas, too. Especially when Panda boy’s here.


Waah~!!! I didn’t mean to say that!  Aish~ I revealed myself already… Fine I admit.  I have a crush on Seungri.  I really don’t know how or when it happened.  I just woke up one day realizing that I like him.


Delusional as it may sound but I think Seungri, somehow, likes me, too.  I can see it in the way he looked at me, when he smiled at me.  And I’m feeling giddy already so I’ll stop here. Kekeke~




“Haha!  It’s your turn now!”




Everybody shouted in excitement when the bottle stopped and pointed at Seungri.


“Dare! Dare! Dare!” Bommie-unnie and T.O.P-oppa chanted while clapping their hands.


Seungri grinned. “What made you think I won’t do a dare?”


Everybody, including me, cheered for Seungri.


“I’ll give him the dare!” Ji Yong-oppa raised his hand like a kid.  “Finally! I’ll get my revenge!” oppa rubbed his hands while smirking.


“Hyung~!!! Please don’t be harsh on me!” Seungri said but he’s in all smiles.


“What made you think I will not be harsh on you?”




“Ok here it goes.  Pick a 2NE1 member.”


“That’s it?” Seungri asked.


“Just choose, maknae-ah.”


“Hmmm…” Seungri looked at each and every one of us while rubbing his chin.  He looked at Dara-unnie.  I think he’ll pick her.


“I choose,” he was about to point at Dara-unnie when…




“What?” I said.  Then I realized he’s looking at me and his finger pointing at me, too.


“Oh good choice, maknae-ah!  This. Will. Be. Awesome,” Ji Yong-oppa stated, pausing at every word.


Why am I feeling nervous all of a sudden?


“Give Chae Rin a kiss –”


“WHAAAT?!?!?” Seungri and I cut him off.


“Woah, hold up.  I’m not yet finished.  Give Chae Rin a kiss…








“Ooooh~~~” the rest hummed.


“WHAAAAAAAAAAT~?!?!?!?!?” both of us screamed.


“You heard me,” Ji Yong-oppa sounded like a brat, crossing his arms on his chest.


“Why am I included in the dare, oppa?” I asked him. As much as I would want Seungri to kiss me, I don’t want that to happen here in front of my unnies and oppas, and Mingkki!


“Why are you blushing, Chae Rin-ah?” Ji Yong-oppa imitated me.


“I am not!”


“Yes you are.”


He’s enjoying this… :/


“Now go on, Seungri-yah.  Do what hyung told you to do.”


“Dara-unnie! Ah one two, ah one two three go!” I flinched when Mingkki suddenly spoke beside me.


“I just wanna kiss~ I never wanna miss~ Deo jjalithage one more time nae soomeul gajyeoga~” Dara-unnie started singing her song.  The BIGBANG-oppas are singing along with her.


“Ppoppo-eh! Ppoppo-eh!” Bommie-unnie chanted. [A/N: Ppoppo means kiss ;)]


“Seungri, want me to say ‘Showtime’ before you kiss CL?” T.O.P-oppa suggested.


“Okay okay fine!  I’ll kiss Chae Rin!” Seungri suddenly exclaimed.


“W-w-what?!” I stuttered.


“Let’s just get on with this, Chae Rin-ah.”


“B-b-but –”


“Hurry up! You let it touch~ Jeoldae maneungeol barajineun ahna~” Dara-unnie continued to sing.


Seungri slid in front of me, making the distance between us smaller… and closer… Our knees touching…  My heart is thumping so hard on my chest.


“Kyaaaaaah~!!!” my unnies and Mingkki squealed.


“Yah!” I looked at them and gave them a deadly glare.


“Sorry, leadah!  But I’m feeling giddy right now! You two look cute over there!” Dara-unnie said with her voice full of giddiness.




“Just kiss her already!” Youngbae-oppa said.


“Chae Rin-ah,” Seungri whispered and I looked at him.  Oh gahd he’s so close. “After this, let’s just go on like nothing happened.”


“O-okay…” but of course I’ll treasure this moment forever.  In my heart.


“Yah! What are you guys whispering about?” Daesung-oppa said quite impatiently.


“T.O.P-hyung, gimme a Showtime!” Seungri snapped a finger.


The room was filled with laughter.  Even I laughed at what he said.


But the room suddenly became quiet when Seungri held my chin. I think I stopped breathing and my brain just shut down.




“Kekeke~ Showtime!” T.O.P-oppa cued.


His face was slowly descending to mine; his lips were so close.  I can smell his minty fresh breath.  Oh gahd… I balled my fists out of excitement and nervousness, and trying my best not to cup his face.  I closed my eyes when I almost felt his lips.




I swear I could throw something at Ji Yong-oppa right now.  But of course I can’t show them that I’m anticipating for Seungri’s kiss.


“What now, hyung?” Seungri asked.


“Kiss her for three seconds. No, make that five.  How about –”


“Shut up GD!” Ji Yong-oppa flinched when everybody in the room, except me and Seungri, shouted at him.


“Okay, okay. I’m sorry!”  Ji Yong-oppa raised both of his hands in the air. “Yah, go on,” he nodded to Seungri.


“Wait,” I said.


“What?” Seungri asked.


“Can I ask Mingkki to cover my eyes?”




“Because –”


“I’ll do it unnie, don’t worry,” Mingkki immediately stood up and went behind me.


“Thanks, Mingkki,” I smiled at her.


“Ppoppo-eh! Ppoppo-eh!” everybody started chanting.


Mingkki covered my eyes.  I also closed my eyes, and waited for his lips to touch mine.


And it happened.


I felt his soft lips on mine.  I know everybody is cheering and screaming, but it feels like I can’t hear anything.  I can’t feel anything except his lips.


Then he started to move his lips, kissing me so gently like he’s testing the waters.  I remained still but I can’t control myself.  I felt Mingkki’s hands uncovered my eyes, and I started to respond to his kisses.


I was drowned by the sensations I’m feeling right now. Happiness.  Giddiness.  Nervousness.  Excitement.




I broke the kiss when I thought of the word.  My heart was beating so fast.


Did I really felt that?


“KYAAAAAAH~!!! OH MY GAHD THAT WAS SO SWEEEET~!!!” Bommie-unnie squealed while hitting T.O.P’s arm repeatedly.


Dara-unnie and Mingkki were giggling, and the oppas were smiling from ear to ear.


“I… ah…” Seungri cleared his throat while scratching his nape.  “I got carried away… Sorry…”


No, it’s fine Seungri. I loved it.


I wanted to say but I just nodded.


“We should stop this already, neh?  It’s already 9PM, neh?  This was fun, neh?” Ji Yong-oppa said like a kid.  What’s with him today?  He’s weirder than T.O.P-oppa.


“Yeah! I’m starving already,” Youngbae-oppa stood up. “I’ll go to the canteen, who’s with me?”


Everyone stood up, including Seungri.  I was about to stand up, too, when he offered his hand to me.  I held it and smiled inwardly.


“Aing~ these two, really~” T.O.P-oppa noticed us.


“Yah, why can’t you be like that to me?” Bommie-unnie asked T.O.P.


T.O.P-oppa just shrugged and walked out.


“YAH! Aish, that alien! YAH SEUNGHYUN-AH!’ Bommie-unnie followed him and they earned laughter from us.


“Are you hungry?” Seungri asked me.  We are walking together to the canteen.  It feels like this is the very first time we met and this is the first time that we talked to each other.


“A bit.  How about you?” I asked back, not looking at him.  I just bowed and continued walking.


“Sorta,” he answered then there was awkward silence.


We’re getting close to the canteen when suddenly Seungri grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from where we are.


“What the… What are you doing?”


“We need to talk about this.”


We rode the elevator and went to the rooftop.


We were greeted by the cold night breeze.  I hugged myself because of the sudden change in temperature.  But after a while I felt warm when Seungri draped something over my shoulders.  His jacket.  And I can smell his perfume.


“Thanks,” I whispered.


“No biggie.  Let’s have a seat shall we?”


He let me walk first and I sat on the bench there, he sat beside me.


Again, silence enveloped us.


“I was wrong,” he started.


“About what?”


“It will never be the same again.”


“What are you talking about?”


“Us.  It’s never going to be same again… between us.”


I gulped.  My heart pumping vigorously in my chest.


“W-why is that?”


“That kiss.  That kiss changed it.  I just can’t forget about it,” he looked at me but I looked away.


I won’t forget that either.


“You responded,” he continued.


I fiddled on the hem of his jacket.  “W-well… I w-was –”


I was cut-off when he covered my lips with his. For the second time, I tasted those sweet lips of his.  His kisses were so gentle, so touching; I just can’t let it pass.  I responded again.  Even though I really don’t know how to respond.  I’m just imitating the movement of his lips.


Our kiss became deeper.  I felt his hand on my nape, pulling me closer and I obliged.


It’s like ecstasy.


It’s addicting.


When we broke the kiss, our faces are still close to each other.  I opened my eyes and looked at him.  He smiled to me and caressed my face.


“It’s really never gonna be the same,” he whispered.


I smiled back and bit my lower lip.  I nodded and captured his lips and once again we felt the sweet sensation.


I just wish this moment could last forever.




[Seungri’s POV]


“Thanks for accompanying me here, Seungri,” Chae Rin smiled at me.


Ain’t she just pretty?


We ate lunch at the cafeteria earlier and she said that she’s going to the recording studio because her unnies and Minzy were there.  I accompanied her there first before I go to the dance studio where my hyungs are.


We’re on our way to the recording studio now.


“The pleasure is mine, my lady,” I said quite dramatically.


She just giggled and bit her lower lip.  “Stop that, would you?”




“Someone may hear you…”


Correction.  We are NOT yet together, but we’re going to that path.


I sighed.  “Okay fine…. But…”


“But what?”


I pouted my lips.


“Right here?” she asked, her voice low and eyes wide open.


“Yes, right here.  I won’t be able to practice properly if you won’t kiss me.  See, I can’t even speak properly,” I whispered to her.  I looked around us and saw no one.  “Besides, there’s no one here.  No one can see us.”


Chae Rin grinned and shook her head.  “You are such a demanding panda.”


Then she just pulled my collar and kissed me deeply on the lips.  I was about to respond when she broke the kiss.


“Eeeeeh~” I whined like a child while flailing my arms.


“That’s enough for today, Seungri-yah.  Arasso?” she said and continued walking.


“Not so fast, CL,” I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me and gave her another kiss.


“Now~ I feel recharged!  I can even practice all day long!”


“Why you –” I cut her off but I saw her flushed cheeks.  Aww~ she’s so cute!


“See you later, Chae Rin-ah!” and you know what I did?  I gave her another peck on the lips then I ran!


“YAH!” I heard her shout.


But what she didn’t know, I hid behind a wall and clutched my chest, smiling from ear to ear.


Gahd what did she did to me?  Her smile, her eyes, her kisses… I just can’t get enough of her.  Chae Rin.


I exhaled to calm my beating heart but I can’t seem to stop my lips from smiling.


I think I’m ready to take our relationship to the next level.  If she wants it, too.




[Author’s POV]


CL was hanging out at the rooftop, listening to some songs on her iPod when Seungri’s “White Love” played.  She smiled, remembering the guy.


They’ve been in the “mutual understanding” stage for quite a long time now.  She chuckled, thinking that they are more than having a mutual understanding since they’ve been sneaking just to give each other a kiss.


But because of those sneaking and kissing, she knew Seungri more.  She didn’t expect that Seungri would be that caring and adorable.  Those times when they are together makes her feel happy and complete.


And it made her realize that she just doesn’t like Seungri.  She loves him.


CL bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling.


She faced the view in front of her.  She held on the rails and closed her eyes, her hair being blown by the soft wind while she’s listening still to Seungri’s song.


Seungri, on the other hand, is still gathering his courage.  He’s been watching CL for a long time now.  He watched her as she smiled while listening to her iPod.


He smiled, too.  Until now he doesn’t know the reason why he fell for her.  Before he thought that she will be the last girl that he’ll ever lay his eyes on.  But he was wrong.  Completely wrong.  He doesn’t know when or how, but he’s sure that the kiss from the game they played isn’t the beginning.  It happened before that.


He dismissed the topic in his head, thinking why he still has to know when he started to fall in love with this girl when he can just think of the present.


Nervously, he started to walk to CL.


CL flinched when she felt hands covering her eyes.


“Who’s this?” she asked, pulling out her headphones from her ears.


Then she held those hands.  Upon contact, she already knew who the person is.  She smiled.


“Seungri-yah, stop it.”


“Wow, how did you know it was me?”  Seungri uncovered her eyes and he stood beside her.


“Wild guess.”


They remained silent for a few minutes, just standing beside each other.


“Seungri, I have to ask you something,” CL bravely spoke, her heart beating fast.


“About what?”


“About us.”


Seungri looked at CL, admiring her pretty profile.


“I have something to tell you, too, about us.”


Seungri held her hand and entwined their fingers.  CL stared at their hands.  They fit perfectly.  She smiled.


Seungri inhaled deeply before firing his question.


“Chae Rin-ah, I never really thought that we’ll be like this.”


“Me too.”


“And I’m glad that we took this path.”


CL squeezed his hand, acknowledging his last statement.


“I just want you to know that I’ve never been happy like this, and it’s because of you.”


Seungri pulled CL and hugged her.  CL was initially shocked but she hugged back as well.


“Chae Rin-ah,” he whispered at her ear.  He hugged her tighter, wanting her to feel what he feels for her.


“Yes?”  CL can feel something from his embrace that makes her want to cry.  This is just too overwhelming for her.


“I love you,” he finally said.  “I love you so much.  Would you be my girlfriend?”


CL bit her lip and cried silently.  This is what she has been waiting for.  She wanted to tell him that she loves him, too.


“Why are you crying?”  Seungri released CL from his embrace and wiped her tears.


“I-I’m just… happy…” CL tried to smile.  “And yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, Seungri.  I love you, too!”


CL then pulled Seungri’s nape and kissed him deeply.


“Is it weird that I’m in love with a panda?” CL teased when they broke the kiss.


“You tell me.  Is it weird that I’m in love with a cat?” Seungri countered.


“But I’m a y cat.”


“And I’m a handsome panda.”


“Hmp!  Narcissist.”


“Look who’s talking.”


Both of them laughed.  CL looked at view again, Seungri hugged her from behind.  She put on her earphone again and offered the other one to her boyfriend.


CL just realized that she didn’t stop the last song and her iPod continued to play.  The song they started to listen to now is “I Know”.


She felt Seungri chuckle.


“What’s so funny?” she asked.


“Nothing.  The song’s just perfect. For us,” and Seungri kissed his girlfriend’s hair.




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SeungriHasMyHeart #1
Chapter 17: You made me love ririn! ^^ pls continue this fic. You're a very good writer. Will be looking forward to your fics. ^^
Xuan0913 #2
Chapter 18: I love the video!! ;)
Chapter 18: Omg the video was so cute ^-^
Thanks for making it <3 :)
Chapter 18: Omo omo I love your story so much, kekeke
I'm always smiling when I read your story, I'll be patient waiting for your next update, authornim ^_^ fighting
dreamslink88 #5
Chapter 16: Seungri you little brat XD Update soon pleaseee :D
dreamslink88 #6
Chapter 13: Good job Chaerin for kicking his balls
dreamslink88 #7
Chapter 12: THIS ONE IS CUTE LIKE REALLY CUTE OMG THE FEELS but please can you do a sequel for this one? ;)
Chapter 16: warghhh seungri what are u planning? XD
dan1234 #9
Chapter 15: so much good stories !!!!~~~<3
Chapter 14: haha ok I will XD