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You Are The Only One

The week pass by fast. 
Soobin and Jongin have been staying late until the closing of the library almost every day. Today, Soobin is doing the closing and Jongin waits for her in the library, watching every move. He yawns and Soobin shakes her head. "I've told you I'm okay. You should have gone home earlier." 

He smiles. "I just want to make sure you are safe. I'll walk you home today?" 

Soobin shakes her head and smiles. "There's no need for you doing that. I'll be fine on my own. You have accompanied me for the whole week."

"So, you feel you are in debt?"

She nods. "Of course! I don't want to be in debt with you anymore, Jongin."

He smiles and takes his belongings as well as Soobin's when she leaves the counter. He hands her bag and both of the walkout from the library. "You can repay me."


"Em," He has been thinking a good excuse to ask her out but he cannot come up with a great plan yet. Suddenly, his eyes notice Soobin's nails. He holds her hand and it fits perfectly in his. 
"Seems like your nail needs some attention."

She chuckles. "Yeah. I have not been to the salon for quite a while now. They need some attention." 
And she makes a mental note to visit the salon before going to Jeju with Baekhyun's family this weekend. Jongin's warm body heat makes her cold hand warm. 

"Drop by my sister salon this weekend?"

"And get your sister to do my nails? For free?"

He smiles and lets go of her hand. A tint of pink is visible on his cheeks. "No. But, I promise it is worth it."


Once she's back, Baekhyun is in the kitchen cooking dinner. She ignores him and walks straight to her room to get change. Not long after that, Soobin comes out with her laundry to be washed. While she is loading the washing machine, Baekhyun speaks. 
"You have a parcel came in earlier. It's on the table" 

She nods and immediately takes a look at the parcel on the table. It's from Hyeri and Soobin immediately opens the box. 
"What the hell?" Soobin yells when she sees the item inside the box. Baekhyun turns to her, looking confused. 

"Is it something rated or what?" He asks jokingly. 

Soobin is horrified with the gifts; in a "good" way. She knows it Hyeri will does this kind of stuff when she told her about the trip to Jeju with Baekhyun. Baekhyun wants to take a peek inside of the box but Soobin immediately closes it. 
"What is it in the b-

"Don't look!" She yells and covers the box with her body. 

"Wow! chill!" He says trying to back off and throws his hand up, surrenders. Soobin thinks that he is not going to take a look at the box and when she let her guard down, Baekhyun snatches the box from her. 

"Give it back!" Soobin yells as she is trying her best to retrieve the box from Baekhyun. He totally cannot see what is in the box! 

To his luck, he manages to block Soobin, and finally, he takes out the item in the box and he stuns. Frozen. Dead. Awkward.
He holds a sheer in a color nightgown that is the same color as Soobin's skin with lace details at the chest area. Soobin feels her heartbeat is beating faster as it is going to explode and buries her face in her hand. 

"I've told you..."

Baekhyun's face is hot but he needs to keep it cool. He laughs and turns around to Soobin who is probably dead because she's embarrassed. 
he feels bad, but, he is Byun Baekhyun. 

"Is this for the trip? You are well prepared, Soobin."

She hisses in annoyance as she snatches the dress from his hand. "Shut up! I'm not going to wear them for you!"

He laughs and stops. "Then, for who?"

"For someone who deserves it."

"And it is going to be me."

"Eat Baekhyun"

Soobin walks straight to her room and slams the door. Hard. 
She immediately texts Hyeri. 'I swear to God this is the last time I'm telling you anything!' 

and it doesn't take her that long to get another text notification. "Step up your game girl"


The last conversation between Baekhyun and Soobin left him thinking deep that night while he is playing video games in his room. He is losing his focus on the game and the sudden sound of thud outside of his room makes him leaves the room.  
The living room is dark and he can only hear the rustling sound coming from the living room. The side lamp lights up and Soobin is there, sniffing the couch with her eyes close. 

"What are you doing?" 

No reply. 

He walks closer and squatting down next to her. Without any warning, she turns to Baekhyun and starts to sniff him.
"What the hell is she doing? Wait, is she sleepwalking?" Baekhyun pushes her gently when her face is an inch away from his. "You walk in your sleep huh? Come, I'll tuck you in bed." He says as he holds her hand, trying to make her stand but no luck. 

So, he picks her up from the floor and brings her to the room. Baekhyun tucks Soobin in bed and sits by the bed for a while. He giggles when he sees the chocolate smudges at the corner of her lip.
"Urgh! Gross!" He nags as he reaches out for a wet tissue and wipes it away. 

Baekhyun sighs when he closes the door behind him and walks in the kitchen. He sighs again when he sees the drips on the floor and chocolate ice cream left on the table. "Is she even real? She's even messier when she sleep walks! Am I taking care of a kid?" he nags while wiping the dirty floor. 
The thought of Soobin sleep walking makes him laughs a little. 
"Cute but annoying. I can deal with that."


The next morning, Soobin wakes up to the nice smell coming from the kitchen and there's Baekhyun cooking breakfast. "Is it for me?" She asks as she walks pass by him. 
"Since when do I need to cook you breakfast?"

"Sharing is caring," she says casually and immediately gulps down cold milk from the bottle, which freaks Baekhyun out like crazy. 

"I've told you to use the cup! What the hell? Gross!"

Soobin rolls her eyes in annoyance. The smell of pancakes makes her stomach grumbles and there are few pieces of it on the plate. 
She sneakily takes one of the pancakes without Baekhyun noticing it and quickly stuffs it all in . "I know you stole my pancake. Spit it out" 

Soobin is neither chewing it or swallow it. Baekhyun looks at her intently and asking her to spit it out. 
To his surprise, Soobin holds both of his hand and bring it close to his chest, making his fingers curl a bit. Baekhyun raises an eyebrow, questioning her action, and Soobin smiles. 
She spits out the pancake. In. His. Hand.

'Thank you for breakfast." 



The weekend is here and Soobin is excited about her nail appointment at Jongin's. She wears a plain white tee with a denim skirt.
To her surprise, the close sign is there on the door. "I thought he asked me to come here today. She glances at her watch. It is 11 AM and it leaves her with 2 more hours before she needs to go to Jeju. Soobin was about to leave when the door opens and Jongin smiles. 

"Sorry, I was kinda busy at the back..." 

"I thought you have forgotten about it."

He invites her inside. "No way!"

"The shop is close to today?"

He nods. "For a special occasion," Jongin says as he winks. 

"I wonder what is that for." 

He sits in front of Soobin and takes her hand by surprise. He put her hand on the table, in front of him. "I've been wanting to do this to someone." 

"Do what? Close the shop for a special occasion?" Soobin asks. 

Jongin laughs. "That's part of it. But, this. Doing your nails."

Those words make her heart flutters, but she tries to snap back to reality.
"But, you have been doing other girls' nails as well all this while. What makes this one so special?" 

"Because it is you." He says as his hand is busy preparing for the manicure but his eyes are busy staring at the stars. "So, what's your favorite color? Do you have any specific design in mind?" 

It takes her a while for her mind to process all his words and this sudden weird, exciting feeling. Since her last boyfriend which was back in high school, this is the first time she is experiencing this feeling all over again. "Oh God, this can't be real."

"Hey, are you here or... you are in Paris now?"

"Uh... Em, I don't have any specific in mind. I'm curious about your preference."

Jongin smirks. "Simple and special. How about that?" He shows his choice of color and Soobin immediately agrees. 

Both of them are having a good chat while Jongin is doing her nails with his fullest attention. After a while, Jongin is done with her nails and looks at it and satisfied with his work. Soobin takes a look at her nails and to her surprised, this is by far the prettiest design ever! 
"Oh my god!" 

Jongin is anxious. "Why? You don't like it?" 

"No, no! This is perfect!"

He smiles even wider. "My pleasure."

"Thank you, Jongin."
After a while, she realized that she needs to get home now or she will not make it to the Jeju trip. They bid farewell in front of the shop. 


"What's with that face?" Baekhyun asks when he sees Soobin has been smiling like an idiot for the whole time, ever since she comes back. 

"What is wrong with this pretty face of mine?" 

"Everything. Everything is wrong." 

"The driver is picking us up in 10 minutes. Mum and dad will wait for us at the airport." Baekhyun says as he zips his bag. 

Soobin nods. "Yes, sir!"

Somehow, Baekhyun is annoyed with her all giddy attitude, so, he decided to make her boil. 
"Don't forget to bring your special dress, we might need it." 

"Eat Baekhyun."
He smiles. 

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Chapter 23: Goddamn. They did the deed and there was no PROTECTION! I can see a baby is coming. Hahahahaha. But Poor Kai, she's married tho. I hope she'll not lead Kai on anymore.
Chapter 22: Omg they kissed! I hope their relationship will bloom along the vacation :)
1881 streak #3
Chapter 3: "my hair" ㅋㅋㅋ i'm laughing sjsns
1881 streak #4
Chapter 2: sehun is so savage ㅋㅋㅋ
rxxyy_ #5
sad ending but i love it , you did a great job author-nim .
Chapter 109: Helloe author-nim! This is my second time reading your fanfic, and I love it a lot. But It would be better, a lot better if this story has happy-ending. I enjoy reading it. Thanks for writing this fanfic. I love you <3
pcy_happyvirus #7
Chapter 3: ugghhh why you spell wrong chanyeol's name? its chanyeol okay not changyeol -_____-
Exo12princes #8
Chapter 108: I hope this story have happy ending! Why it has to be a sad one!!! T.T
cheekylittlechubba #9
Chapter 109: It's so good!!

I really didn't like the ending though, because its such a sad ending :(

Nevertheless, the story is really good ^^

Great job authornim :D :D