The Doll House

Spark of Curiosity One-Shots ~Closed~


I had just left the company of my boy… ex-boyfriend. The tears were streaming down my face, but no one noticed as the sky cried with me. It was a relief and a burden. My tears were masked by the pouring rain and it just made me feel worse to be walking home in the worst weather in the past month after the worst day of my life.

That was when I passed by a new shop that I had never noticed on the way home before. It was a magic shop that had a sign in the window saying “forget your worst memories, and live happy.” Not being in my right mind, I walked inside and inquired about the sign. Not five minutes later, I was in a private room with a man I didn’t even know the name of, laying on a plush couch, and him swinging an old-time watch in front of my eyes.

“You will forget all the memories that have caused you happiness; all the memories that have given you the feeling of love. Forget his name. Forget his face. Forget everything and become a living doll.”

And that was how I had become who I am now. Going home, I had no memories of my past love. I had no reason to be crying, and I ended up not caring whether it was pouring rain or as dry as a desert. After that I started working at a new café in the mall called The Doll House, and it turns out that it is run by the brother of the guy who I was hypnotized by in the Magic Shop.

I’ve been working there for the past six months, and not once have I even reacted to another emotion. Each of the waitresses and waiters are beautiful or handsome, and each has a different personality that gives each customer their ideal type. I’m known as the ‘Ice Queen.’ I have no memories of happiness or love. I have no memories of any good emotions, so I have no emotions anymore.

Today was a day when the mall was almost deserted, because there was a showcase going on somewhere nearby. I had just gotten on my shift and changed into the costume I was supposed to wear today when a group of guys walked in with a bunch of other people who were all laughing. The guys all looked like idols, but I didn’t recognize them.

“Welcome to The Doll House. I’m your Doll, Hyoni. What can I get you?” I said, in a dull and uninterested voice, as I was standing at the table with six guys.

That was when I saw his face. It was as if something started banging in my head. It was like a lock or door that was holding back some memory got rattled and I felt something slipping when I looked at his face.

“Uh, can we get two americanos, three mocha cappuccinos, and a hot chocolate?” said another of the guys, pulling my attention away from the other one.

“Yeah. They’ll be out in a few” I said, flipping a lock of my hair over my shoulder as I walked away.

After placing their order, I started thinking about what happened when I looked at that one guy. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen him before. I don’t even know his name. What is this that is growing inside me? Am I actually feeling something?

No, I don’t have emotions. I can’t possibly be feeling anything.

I got the tray with all their drinks and took it to their table, but when I started placing their drinks in front of each of them, the guy asked me a question I didn’t expect.

“Excuse me, but do you know who I am?”

“No, I don’t.”

I walked into the backroom and sat down, because I couldn’t help but feel a little sick. It was like someone just punched me in the stomach. My head was spinning, and it felt like there were flashes of something popping up inside my brain. I heard laughter, mine and a guy’s laughter. Quick flashes of me in the arms of a guy, telling him ‘I love you’, me smiling and being… happy.

What the heck is going on?

“Hyoni, get out here” said the manager, pulling me up out of my chair.

I followed him out into the front of the store, where all the other waiters and waitresses were lined up in front of the counter. For some strange reason, I actually wanted to go and sit beside the guy who I looked at earlier. Instead, I fought the urge and stood in line, with a blank face.

“We are having a contest today. On the bottom of one of the plates is a gold star. Whoever has the gold star will get to pick one of the people standing in line to kiss” announced the manager, motioning down the line of us.

Each of the customers started looking under their plates, and while waiting, I felt more flashes coming up in my head. It was like I was watching a movie while someone covered and uncovered my eyes over and over again.

“We have a winner!” shouted the manager, holding up the hand of the guy who has disrupted my mind.

I felt my heart start beating faster as he got up from his seat and moved to walk down the line of girls. Trying to control my heart, I put on a tired, uninterested look and hoped that he would pass by me. I’m not the prettiest girl in the café, so I wasn’t even expecting what happened next.

“I pick her” said the guy, standing in front of me.

I opened my eyes and was surprised by how much looking into his eyes affected me. I could see some of the flashes clearer and some of them became longer. Before they finished, I felt him lean forward and kiss me. Once our lips met, it was as if a dam was released.

“Hyoni! I love you.” “I love you too.”

“Baby, I got accepted! I’m finally in a company!” “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you”

“You’re debuting! Oh my gosh, that’s amazing!”

“You can’t be with him when he’s about to debut.” “But I’m his girlfriend!” “Not anymore, now leave!”

I was forced to leave him. His company made me break up with him. My heart was ripped out and left in his hands, all because I couldn’t stand up to some people in his company. Then I was hypnotized and made into a doll. I forgot everything about him. About the love of my life.

“Hyoni? Do you remember who I am?”

“Yes. I do remember you Youngmin.”

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I am working on the requests and should have them up this week. Its been a hectic week at my college and a lot of work for me. Thank you for being patient!!!


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OhMyKrisus #1
Chapter 5: ohhhhh gosh ~~~~ I need some tissue
Oops, it is requested again, not re-requested. Sorry for my mistake.
I had re-requested. Sorry if this bothers you but I forgot to add in my email address.
[email protected]
Sorry again for the bother.
Chapter 4: OMG, I love it. Thank you so much for the one-shot!!! :)
OhMyKrisus #5
Chapter 3: Love It!!!!!
Applied again~ continuation. I loved it!!!!
Chapter 2: Applied! >_<
Chapter 2: And can there be a small make out session please?
Applied~ I forgot to add that he was a sweet talker!