All Over Again






He's 20, the other is 30. Both men are incredibly young and either of them deserves what's happening in their lives, but at the same time, 
they fell it's their own fault they are in a situation like that.


One of them hates the other with a passion, enough to wish the other was dead, while the other does everything in his power to make the younger like him, at least just a little bit. All he wants is the younger to like him a little bit so both can live in harmony.

But both know...Both know that it was impossible. It was impossible for them to actually like each other.
It was impossible for them to be civilized and pretend to care.


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Chapter 26: So cute heheheeh
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Hi! I'm a new reader and I'm a huge er for Myunggyu.
The first chapter was really well-written. The fact that you use the indirect approach (in w/c is quite more difficult to pull off), you were able to manage. However, I just wish...that the format would be easier to read. It's like I'm reading an essay. I'm not gonna lie. Try to write a paragraph that it's at least 2-4 sentences each. And if there's a dialogue, make it really clear for the readers because it would motivate us to read more. Like:

"Can I ask you a favor?" Sunggyu said in a cautious tone.
"What?" Myungsoo replied back, still staring at his phone.

hehehhe something like that, you can hardly see the dialogues since it's overwhelmed by your descriptions. I have no problem with your writing style, it's just the format or layout. It's like my eyes get tired easily. This is my honest opinion. Please don't feel attacked, and i'm not forcing you to do anything since this is your story after all. Just sharing my thoughts as a fellow writer and of course you're reader as well :)
Chapter 26: Read this in one go wahahahaha

Ok myung being all bratty was rather nice and how he hid his emotions for the hamster.

It was rather nice and adorable, myung being so lovesick with gyu.. but if i were him i'd probably be the same

Nice job authornim
krodri08 #4
Chapter 26: amazing story <3 ~
Chapter 26: Love it!!! I love then ending!!!!!
Chapter 26: wah.. it ended so fast... it was a great storyline and i loved the characters...

good job authornim i read it in one go...
I read it in one go and I have no regrets.

I'm in awe. I feel like I just got off of emotional roller-coaster, which I never wanted to end.

Your story falls under 'absolutely-must-read' for anyone who likes Myunggyu.

Hats off to you for your skills and the storyline. Hopefully, you'll never stop writing about this pairing. <3
ritsuke05 #8
Chapter 26: that namgrease!~ its fluffy~ <3
Chapter 26: >< It finally ended!I can't believe it,I love this story so much~So fluffy! <3
Chapter 26: Ah ah it is so like Woohyun to make this kind of bet! He won't waste a chance to tease Myungsoo.
I'll miss them, they are so lovely together!
Thanks for this great story!^^