

It started with the fleeting touches. Those devious fingers that worked its way around the clueless boy’s waist as he was brought closer into his predator’s side was what that emergency switch in Byunghun’s head. It rang like alarms, constantly wielding its emergence, constantly reminding him that those wandering fraudulent digits were penetrating, intruding, trespassing that very thin line which the blond had drawn for peers, family, friends, and strangers alike. Something just clicked when the wolf had cornered his innocent little lamb, who was currently bubbling in a fit of liveliness, all which was consumed by the smirking devil. Byunghun saw red. Chanhee had pulled himself away from the wolf’s arms and crouched down because he had seen something shiny. His curiosity had gotten the best of him and now he was busy peering at the foreign coin in the palm of his hand. The sienna-headed boy flipped it over with those beautiful slender fingers that had Byunghun’s eyes mimicking its every move, and observed the curious designs on the other side. A smile spread across his lips, one so breath-taking it had his heart do countless of flips and turns, and the never ceasing thumping so loud he wondered if anyone else could hear it. His heart was about to burst out of him. Chanhee had that effect on him; Byunghun knew his beautiful boy was his weakness and he hated it, to be honest.

“Hyung,” Byunghun blinked, startled, as he heard the very familiar voice chisel into his thoughts. “Chanhee-hyung…”

Something about this was just so very off, Byunghun noted as he watched Jonghyun slip down onto one knee, one arm over the ever-curious boy’s back, and closed in on his Chanhee’s flawless features. Something was brewing now in the pit of the rapper’s stomach when he saw Chanhee lift his gaze with a smile so bewitching, it had that very accustomed feeling he was frequented with by his emotions on a daily basis exploding. Byunghun was chewing his bottom lip, darkened eyes clouded with worry as he felt that murmuring voice at the back of his head.

Jonghyun leaned in as if ready to commit treachery. Chanhee tilted his head a little in wonder at what the maknae was doing. Byunghun glared, dark eyes burning into the back of the maknae’s head.

Needless to say, Jonghyun learned that day that trying to seduce their Visual while a very angry, jealous, and possessive Lee Byunghun was within distance became possibly the dumbest thing he had ever dared to challenge in his entire life.

“Byunghun…” Chanhee pouted, brows kneaded as he shot the rapper a disappointed look – who, mind you, was hardly even phased by the cutie’s glare. “Why did you have to do that?”

The blond ignored the question in tow and merely continued sipping his mango flavoured bubbletea. His eyes were back to being apathetic, so unlike how they were only a few hours ago, and focused on the random variety that was currently airing on the television.

His behaviour was rewarded with a not-so-painful slap on his arm by the cutie boy beside him. Byunghun rolled his eyes and caught Chanhee’s slap halfway by his wrist and pulled the boy onto his lap. Again, that very annoying clueless expression surfaced on the brunet’s pretty features. Byunghun scowled and scoffed. Chanhee glared in turn which Byunghun only found even more adorable.

“Stop that.” He growled.

“No.” Came the stubborn reply.

“Seriously, stop, Chanhee…” The boy was testing with his patience, Byunghun swears.

“Yeah? What are you going to do about it?” Chanhee glared harder, this time pushing himself off his friend’s lap but was easily stopped when Byunghun flipped him over onto his back against the soft plush of the sofa. Chanhee blinked, a little shocked but simply curiously stared up at the blond who was currently towering above him with an unreadable expression.

“I’ll you.”

Red burned into the vocalist’s cheeks and Byunghun thought of it as quite an interesting shade, something he thought he could easily grow accustomed to. Incoherent spills and broken sputtering of different words tumbled messily out from those plump lips Byunghun had so very loved seeing, all which was brushed off because the boy couldn’t seem to piece them into actual sentences worth acknowledging.

Byunghun smirked. Chanhee’s brows were kneaded in frustration, face still red. Silence had fallen when he realised Byunghun wasn’t even listening to him much less even acknowledging his pride.

“I don’t like you, stupid chicken…” Chanhee muttered under his breath after a long silence of staring at the amused rapper.

Byunghun’s smirk only deepened and replied in a simple mock. “I don’t like you either, pabo Chunji.”

Chanhee’s expression turned sour. Wow, he really went there. Let it be known to all that the mischievous rapper of Teen Top was a sadist and possibly the most unpleasant being on the face of the planet. Mother earth, have mercy. Chanhee associated the blond with the devil, seeing his devious side as something bordering wicked. The way he had so easily sent their tall maknae flying with just his flick of a wrist, Lee Byunghun was a force to be reckoned with. His small frame was just a distraction, a mask-up of his true colours, true intentions – Byunghun was Satan in hiding. Chanhee was sure of it. Seriously, he better stay away from the rapper if he knew what was good for him.

Chanhee’s scrawny arms shot up and pushed his fellow bandmate off of him and swung his legs over the edge of the sofa. He scratched his head and yawned. It was time for bed. Tomorrow would be another day, one which would hopefully bring better luck because who knew who the blond was after next? It could be Changhyun, Daniel, Minsoo, or worse – himself, but hopefully that wouldn’t happen and Chanhee prayed to some all powerful deity above that they’d keep Byunghun on his more… happier side because Chanhee certainly did not fancy being thrown into the freezing fountain and having to walk home in sheer misery while ignoring the looks he got from certain people out on the wintery streets. Poor maknae, he shivered and peeled off the last piece of clothing before snuggling into his covers. Chanhee made a mental note to visit the poor boy who was probably suffering from hypothermia at the local hospital the following day because for some unknown reason, he felt as if he was at fault even though Byunghun picked his victims at the spur of the moment for no apparent reason.

Chanhee sighed. He did feel slightly lucky that it wasn’t him this time – though if he had thought about it a little more, Byunghun never harmed him, not even once, only the unlucky ones around him, but Chanhee was way too exhausted to care about anything else because his thoughts were solely on the ill maknae and with worry clouding over his mind, the brunet slowly drifted off to sleep.

A dim lighting spilled through the cracks when it creaked open slowly. Byunghun stared at the sienna-haired boy with an uneasy gaze, eyes softening at the slow rhythm the boy followed as he was slowly lulled to sleep.

“I hate you, Lee Chanhee.”

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beabijou #1
Chapter 5: update please ọ_ọ
Chapter 5: oh nooo not niel... ugh... nieljoe... OTL...
daehyunies #3
Chapter 5: ooo it's getting interesting~
donquixote #4
Chapter 5: Omg another update :D I'm so happy!! Something to read for this summer. Please update more!!
avengedsevenfold #5
Chapter 5: nieljoe??? XDD thank you, manager.
Chapter 5: if there was a button to like this chapter, i would T_T
Cutekyufan1996 #7
Chapter 4: Finally chanhee is realizing that byunghun has feelings for him.
Chapter 4: !!! An update!! I'm so happy, author-nim. :D
This has me addicted! I wonder what's Chanhee thinking?? He does like him! I can't wait to read what happens next!
G_Na19 #9
Chapter 4: it's getting interesting. update sooon!!!!
Chapter 4: So chunji does love himmm!!