Please Don't!

My Abducted Human Maid


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as a man appeared in front of me within a flash.

I ran or at least i tried but I coundn't something wouldn't let me. 

I cried and scream fighting with every ounce of energy in me but i just couldn't. 

The crowd didn't hear me didn't me or perhaps they did but didn't care. 

"Good evening my Juliette" the man said a man that was behind and ended his greeting with a laugh that was to evil for it was inhuman. 

Death! The first thought came to my mind as the turned me around.

The man dressed complete darkness even like that i saw his side profile it was beautiful. 

Who would thought death would look like this? 

Now that i think, about it at lest my first kiss would be beauiful death like him. 

"Number 1... I am not death Number 2..

Thank you but i prefer to be called handsome Number 3 May I?" 

Confused I wanted to ask him but before I got the chance to my lips i felt something soft and wet his face so close i saw nothing. 

As soon as I realized what was happening i pulled back well not like I wanted to but it was a natural reflex. 

"Why did you do that, who/what are you and what do you want from me,' I said frustrated. 

"Well you could have been more polite you know and if you insist on knowing i will tell you since we will be spending much time together Juliette" he said calmly.

"My name is not Juliette it's Su-yung! And what do you mean we will be spending much time togetherI do not want to go to pass on yet! " i said frightened and fierious. 

"Like I said Juliette not death I am a Vampire" he said.  I immediately tensed up and tried to back away but it was no use.

"You do know cant get away." He whispered in my ear.

"W-W-What are you going to do with me?" I asked with my voice trembling.


She sounded so hurt.

I never felt this way before for a human being..maybe it was guilt im not sure so sorry.. I'll protect you I promise. 

And one day i will find the answers to why my dad made medo this but for all i can promise you is you will be safe with me and i make sure you are happy. 


Angel-oooooo So Jonhyun wasn't the one who planned this and why would his dad want him to abduct a human and what does he plan to do with her find out in the next chappie.KEKEke

My favorite (Cliffhangers)



Bunny here!! :D Hey guys! Well i made some changed to the story just so you know if you didnt read this story like before it was edited X'DD Well basicly Su-Yung was being weak. I dont want her to be weak..No offence Angel ewe

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angela98411 #1
Chapter 1: update soon plz