A Note to Other Admins

thecity: redlight district AFF Inclusive Party Place *working title*

Trust us we know what it's like to run an active rp.

We understand the stress in dealing with members who constantly do not pay attention and who do not follow the rules.

The last thing we want to do is cause more stress for you, our fellow admins or for ourselves.

As uch as we would like to have the AFF RP communitee united, we understand that there some of you would like to avoid any possiblity

of added stress or confusion.

If you DO NOT WANT members from your RP to attend our celebrations please PM a city admin.

We will add your rp to the list of rp's not willing to participate. we will not allow your players to join us.

However, if you are an admin who likes this idea,

we are asking for your help in making sure things stay in order.

We ask that you notify a city admin if one of our players is not following the rules and has added your players as friends, commented on walls

or caused any other general issues.

In turn we will do the same for you. We at the city are only looking to have a good time and celebrate with old friends and meet new ones.

thank you for your time.


thecity:redlight district

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Oppa's when is it?