Opposite Attract


Nicole Jung

Used to be a "Street Fighter"

Loves physical fighting, very outgoing, and isn't afraid to hide her true feelings

Known as the "Tough Girl" on campus because she doesn't take any crap from anyone

Has many secrets


Bang Yongguk

Known as a "Badass Thug" on campus due to his "Bad Boy" looks

A hardcore "Street Fighter" who everyone on campus fears

Ahn Jaehyo

Known as the "Handsome Jock" on campus

Will do anything to win (even if it means cheating)

Captain of the boys basketball team


Goo Hara

Nicole's best friend

The most popular girl on campus

Dating Junhyung


Yong Junhyung

Known as the "Cool Jock"

Best friends with Jaehyo

Is also on the boys basketball team

Dating Hara


Song Ji Eun

Good friends with Yongguk, Himchan, and Daehyun

Very popular among all the males at school, but she is interested in only one guy

Secretly hates and is jealous of Nicole

Kim Himchan

Best friends with Yongguk and Daehyun

Known as the "Cunning Thug" due to his high IQ brain

Loves to "Street Fight"


Jung Daehyun

Best friends with Yongguk and Himchan

Known as the "Handsome Thug" on campus

Hates fighting, but will fight if he has to

Secretly admires Nicole for her "fighting skills"


"Why can't you act like a normal girl?!  What's wrong with you?!  Why do you always cause trouble for me?" Her mom angirly shouted as she slaps her across the face. 

Nicole smirks, "Is it wrong for me to fight back when I'm being bullied?"

"Fighting never solves anything!  You should know better than that!" Her mom cried as she slaps her across the face again.

Most girls would have cried or begged their mom to stop hitting them, but in Nicole's case, a slap in the face was nothing.  

"From now on...NO MORE FIGHTING!" 

No more fighting?!  Yeah right....


Hello!  I would like to take this time to thank Alicevalliere for making me this beautiful poster!  I love you to death!  I couldn't have asked for a better poster!  If anyone needs a poster for their story, I strongly recommend her work!  Thank you once again Alicevalliere!


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Chapter 15: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is my present for you even it's a bit late
I will give this fanfic 10/10 stars
Love it so much because of the sad ending
I think it's better if Yongguk also find someone like Daehyun do
Hope you will make more great fanfics later
I will subscribe and upvote this fanfic and have a nice Xmas
Chapter 15: I was a bit taken a back that you used my 2PM as the antagonists. But I know that's only a role and I still loved the story. I cried. Why did you let Nicole die. Omg sequel please. Like a oneshot sequel or somethiiing pleeeasssse
Miss1Yamapi #3
Chapter 15: Why did Nicole have to die :( !!!!! Anyway great story
Yema_kim #4
Chapter 15: I love the story soOoOoo damn much but why nicole had 2 die huh??? Just knowing that she'd leave both make my heart ache , Nd after she died i felt like the world stop spinning i know this is over reacting from me but i really get affected bout what i read, i love it so much band loyalty
ImYourLilSecret #5
Chapter 15: aw what a sad ending, I thought it was gonna be a happy ending. Good Story!! =D
Chapter 15: this is so sad.... :'(
please continue to write more story about BangCole....
Chapter 15: Omg!!! The ending! Omg *fangirl* scream!!! Omg it's was cute sad & sweet!!! Why!!! Stupid 2pm!! Though I love them!! Why!!??? Gooooossshhhh! It's okay. Cole & Yongguk are dating. It's so sad how he won't date anyone else. Ahh, & he visits her tombstone. Ughh, so cute! Thank you for this awesome story! I loved it from beginning to end. Gosh! I'm really sad that is came to an end : ( bit eventually every story has an ending. Thank you again! : )
Chapter 15: Heartbreaking.....
Chapter 15: I feel like it ended too abruptly! But it was probably for the best. What happened to Jaehyo though? :( It's sweet how Yongguk is still dedicated to her and how Daehyun has tried his hardest, because I'm sure Nicole would want them to move on. Thank you for the amazing story! Can't wait for the next one. :D
Chapter 15: Wahh so fast!?! Too bad it finished so quickly and that Nicole died T ^ T why must you do this to us?! But it was sweet how Yongguk will always love Nicole. I'm glad that Daehyun gets a some what happy ending too.
Once again, your stories are very well written and fun to read. I look forward into reading more of your awesome stories ^^