Pure ♔ Sincere Love


He want that sincere love but he did not show it


Woot, woot, my 10th ubomb fics ♥(>┌┐<)•° I was contemplating whether I post ubomb one shot like usual or The sequel of  “My Endless Love” à Zikyung.


At the end I decided to put Ubomb on rest -or maybe not since they got too many scene here- and decided on Zikyung (*¯︶¯*)


@Kodiak I made it upon your request.. I hope you enjoy it.. or.. maybe not.. hehe


P/s this world need more ubomb.. 


Rated M for language


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Chapter 1: Match Up Ep 2? Cuodl you please give me the link? I've never seen any UBomb in Match Up ep 2.
Chapter 2: I LOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE YOOOOOOOUUUUUU <3 Zikyung is so adorably awkward and they were so EXTREMELY dense.....teehee love you author-sshi! Cucumber mascot chasing Jiho and Kyung? I think yes! I was inside the costume ^_^