The Guardians

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From the forces of EXO, the group separates into two, EXO-K & EXO-M, for a journey to find Jongin, but may end up finding someone else.


Two moons after Jongin's birthday, he was attacked and captured by EXO's North Queen's accomplices. Jongin learns the struggles of the others held hostage there. Not only that, but he meets a girl; a human girl. Together, they form a plan to escape. But little does Jongin know, the girl has something to do with EXO.


— characters } twenty «



Wu Fan. 901106. Chinese. The power of flight. Wu Fan, or Kris, is the captain of  EXO-M. The other members may address him as duizhang. Wu Fan has the ability to shape-shift into his real form, a dragon. The only problem with his real form is that he cannot control what he does. Wu Fan needs to find a master to train him.

Zhang Yixing. 911007. Chinese. The power of healing. Yixing, or Lay, is the peace maker in EXO. When Wu Fan gets out of control, Yixing is the one that needs to step up and take charge. Yixing had the ability to shape-shift into a unicorn, but it was taken from him without a reason. 

Lu Han. 900420. Chinese. The power of telekinesis. Lu Han is the second big brother of EXO. Whenever the other boys are in trouble, Lu Han believes that it is his responsibility as one of the oldest to protect them from any danger. Remember, looks can be deceiving.

Kim Minseok. 900326. Korean. The power of frost. Minseok, or Xiumin, is the big brother of EXO. Being the oldest, Minseok needs to be aware of EXO's surroundings. With the power of frost, Minseok is able to change the coldness in temperature. He and Jongdae together are great danger to their enemies. The only question is why is Minseok in EXO-M?

Kim Jongdae. 920921. Korean. The power of lightning. Jongdae, or Chen, is the most caring EXOtic in EXO. Because he and Minseok are both Korean, together, they can create a deadly combination of frost and lightning. Also, the mystery of why Jongdae is in EXO-M remains unknown.

Huang Zitao. 930502. Chinese. The power of time. Zitao, or Tao, is the youngest in EXO-M. With one of the most rarest powers in the the history of EXO, Zitao is forbidden to go anywhere without his EXO brothers. Not many people know about the existence of Zitao, therefore, he is EXO's secret weapon.



Byun Baekhyun. 920506. Korean. The power of light. Baekhyun is the source of energy in EXO. Baekhyun can be easily manipulated and often gets distracted so someone always needs to keep an eye on him. Baekhyun can shape-shift into a firefly to easily move around small places.

Kim Joonmyun. 910522. Korean. The power of water. Joonmyun, or Suho, is the leader of EXO-K and the guardian of EXO altogether. Joonmyun may look gentle on the outside, but on the inside, he's the most terrifying. If any of EXO boys get hurt, Joonmyun will never forgive himself for putting them in danger.

Park Chanyeol. 921127. Korean. The power of fire. Chanyeol keeps everyone alive and happy in EXO. He is able to summon the phoenix in fire form when he senses danger. Because Kris also has a small control over fire, both him and Chanyeol can create more than usual sparks which can blow up.

Kim Jongin. 940114. Korean. The power of teleportation. Jongin, or Kai, is the only EXOtic who has the power of teleportation. When Monggu, his dog, escaped from home, Jongin had no other choice but to go after him, getting captured by the Queen in the process.

Do Kyungsoo. 930112. Korean. No power. Kyungsoo, or D.O., is one of the three element siblings from the pillar. Kyungsoo has Earth, his eldest sister, Kyungmi, has fire, and his youngest sister, Kyunghee, has water. 450 moons ago, it was forbidden to have more than two children. Kyungsoo was abandoned.

Oh Sehun. 940412. Korean. The power of wind. Sehun is the youngest in EXO-K. When the EXO sub groups are separated for a journey, both he and Tao are able to communicate with each other through a messenger butterfly. Sehun has the ability to completely change character when needed.





Yan-Yan. 940224. Ethnicity is unknown. Power is unknown. Jin Ae, or Yan-Yan, is human. After being brainwashed by the Northern Queen, the only thing that Jin Ae remembers is that she used to be called Yan-Yan. It's rare to remember things after being brainwashed. Jin Ae has many secrets to be revealed.

Lee Jinki. 891214. Korean. No power. Jinki, or Onew, is actually a EXOnion. After leaving the West, Jinki was converted to an EXOtic when exploring the South. Jinki is the only original EXOnion converted to EXOtic that the Queen has captured. Jinki is a special case, and needs lots of care.



The Northern Queen. 861105. Korean. The power of brainwashing. The Northern Queen is the deadliest of them all. With her little elves running around into different territories, the Northern Queen always gets new EXOtics and EXOnions as victims. She lives for torture and pain. Her name is a mystery.

The Eastern Queen. 890530. Korean. The power of shape-shifting. Although other powers may include shape-shifting, this one is no joke. The Eastern Queen was murdered by another royal many moons ago. Whoever did it left without a trace. Not even a single finger print was left.

The Southern Queen. 930516. Korean. The power of vision. The Southern Queen is the youngest of the royals. She has the ability to see and hear everything that will happen in the future, and is able to make a change if it's not too late. The only other person who will have this ability is her spouse.

The Western King. 880818. Korean. The power of telepathy. The one and only King from the royals has telepathy. No other EXOtics or EXOnions know that the King has a special power. He is known to be blunt and will do anything to get what he wants.



Lee Hyukjae. 860404. Korean. No power. Hyukjae, or Eunhyuk, is an EXOtic. He was taken in by the Western King, but escaped and crossed into the Northern territory, thus, converting into a EXOnion. The Northern Queen saw faith in Hyukjae and recruited him to be one of her elves. Hyukjae no longer recalls any memories of his past.

Lee Donghae. 861015. Korean. No Power. Donghae is an EXOnion. He grew up the Northern Queen. Donghae was the next heir to the throne, but was forced by the now Northern Queen to give up the title. He was threatened with his life if he did not accept her orders.



EXOtics are from the Southern and Eastern parts of EXO. Many EXOtics also come from the Western. It is rare for EXOtics to come from the North, and only three in history have. EXOtics are the peacemakers and positive people who make up EXO.

All EXOtics have different powers, unless you are from the Pillars. There are three Pillars: The Elements, The Prophets, and The Myths.

The Elements are made up of the three Do siblings: Do Kyungmi, Do Kyungsoo, and Do Kyunghee. The Elements have control over fire, Earth, and water. Kyungsoo is not able to control his element due to living on EXO.

The Prophets are the the guardians of EXOtics. Only three will ever be a Prophet. Their supernatural powers are unbelievably rare. The first Prophet, male, is deceased. The other two Prophets are siblings. They will realize that they are Prophets when reunited together. All Prophets will have a cone-shaped mark on their wrist after maturing to be a true leader.

The Myths are both male. They have a strong connection with each other. The Myths are forbidden to step into the Northern palace. Doing so will result in a fatal injury.


EXOnions are from the Northern territory. They are the negative people who hunger for the pain of others. They are ruthless and will ignore your pleas. With just one mistake, they will take your life away and give your remaining flesh to the dogs.


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DroFaerie #1
Chapter 4: Wow.. *speechless*
Are u updating soon? ^^
Chapter 4: Ahh, I got recommended this fic. Why stop here? Please continue, I love the plot ^^
unnie, please update!
Chapter 4: Hello! I've only discovered your story now and I'm already I love with it!
You're so creative!!!!
Hope you can update soon!!!!!!
Kiseop #7
Chapter 4: i hope that you can update soon!
KimSeokjinwifey #8
Chapter 4: Save Yixing please~
Do something Baek!
Waaah! This story is really interesting :DD
Chapter 4: Yixing oppa! Baek, SAVE HIM! My baby! D':

Loving the fic! Thanks for answering my question last time!! <3 :3
evilminic00kies #10
Chapter 4: Yay an update!~ Hehe even tough there isn't much yet, I'm really enjoying the fic. Can't wait till everything unfolds!~ <3 ^^