
Reaching For You


Sunggyu didn’t waste a second but to take the bus to the hospital. His appa’s words shocked the hell out of him. He couldn’t believe it. It was a dream comes true. There was still hope.


The moment he arrived there, he went to Woohyun’s ward and saw he was being examined by some doctors. His appa, who noticed Sunggyu’s presence outside the room, walked out to talk with him.


‘What happen? How is he?’ Worried was written all over his face.


‘He made some progress but it was too little.’ His appa’s explanation made him asked,


‘Meaning please?’


‘The possibility of him waking up is still not enough.’


Sunggyu understood what his appa trying to say. They will get on with their decision of taking away the entire support machine off Woohyun in just a week. Sunggyu shut his mouth. A word didn’t come out from Sunggyu’s mouth. Why was God testing him so much? What did he do until God was punishing him this hard?


‘Sunggie, I know you want to help him but-‘ His appa’s words trailed off when suddenly Sunggyu felt on his kneels.


‘Please, give me more time…please appa. I’ll do anything you want me to do, I’ll marry someone if you want to, just please give me time. I’m sure…he’ll wake up. Please…’ Sunggyu begged his appa, crying.


He believed that Woohyun will wake up no matter what. His appa knew about Sunggyu’s feeling towards Woohyun. Although he never show it before or talk about it, his eyes speak everything to him. Knowing how stubborn his son was, he said,


‘Two weeks.’


Sunggyu raised his head just to gaze at his appa.


‘I’ll give you two weeks. If you fail this time, there will be no second chance.’


Sunggyu could only smile, relieved.



The next morning, Sunggyu decided to tell the others about Woohyun. So he gave them a call and told everything about Woohyun (except the part where he kissed him and he fell in love with him). An hour after he called them, the others came running to the hospital wanting to meet this Woohyun guy.


‘Whoah! He’s so good looking. No wonder you’re crazy about him.’ Sungyeol was the first one to say that.


‘I’m not crazy about him!’ Sunggyu said firmly, covering his blushing face.


‘You have a high taste, hyung. He’s cute.’ Sungyeol said, not realizing someone was glaring at him.


It was Myungsoo of course. The guy pulled Sungyeol away from being close to Woohyun and didn’t let go of him. He just snickered to see how jealous his boyfriend was.


‘So this is why you asked us about that question?’ Hoya couldn’t help himself from asking.


‘Yup.’ Sunggyu nodded.


‘All of them didn’t work??’ Dongwoo was pretty sure pulling the blanket was the most effective way but for waking people who was sleeping.


Sunggyu sighed, shook his head and said,


‘I did it all, but they didn’t work.’


Sungjong caught on something so he asked,


‘Hyung, you really did it all?!’ He couldn’t believe his eyes when his hyung said that. ‘Even-‘


Sunggyu remembered something and quickly interposed,


‘Except yours.’


‘But you said you did all of them.’ Sungjong pouted.


‘I didn’t finish my words yet.’ Sunggyu didn’t want to admit that he listened to Sungjong’s suggestion of kissing Woohyun.


‘You sounded like finish already just now.’ Sungjong pouted as his suggestion was being ignored.


The others was pity to see Sungjong being bullied again and they really wanted to know what Sungjong told Sunggyu to do.


‘Come on hyung. Who knows Sungjong’s idea might work?’ Sungyeol coaxed him


‘Yeah, hyung give it a try.’ Dongwoo begged Sunggyu.


‘It won’t work.’ Sunggyu was protesting it.


‘So you tried it before?’ Myungsoo was trying to trick him.


‘Of course no!’ Sunggyu kept on avoiding himself, suppressing himself from blurting out the answer.


‘Then give it a try.’ Hoya also joined in persuading him.


‘It must taste bad then?’ Sungjong’s question was only him and Sunggyu knew.


‘No, it was sweet.’ Sunggyu didn’t notice he blurt that out until Sungjong shouted,


‘See! You kissed him!’


‘What?!’ The others shouted.



Since that day, the others couldn’t stop teasing Sunggyu being in love with Woohyun. They didn’t let Sunggyu down. Everyday, the others came to liven up the atmosphere so Woohyun will wake up. But sometimes Sunggyu could feel his friends were beyond his stupidity when they sang and danced childish songs in the ward. Some of the nurses will chase them out every time they did that.


Sunggyu stayed beside Woohyun, holding his hands close. He only prayed to God to wake Woohyun up. As he was sitting on the chair beside Woohyun’s bed, eyes on Woohyun. He thought of something.


‘He made progress when I sang right? I wondered if I sing again, it will work.’ He mumbled and then he made a choice to give it a try.


Thinking about a song that he should sing, he got an idea. He was going to sing a song and dance to it too. He inhaled a deep breath as he stood just the perfect distance from Woohyun’s bed. He started to sing and dance.


Gom semari ka

Han jibe itso

Appa gom, umma gom, aegi gom.

Appa gom eun tuntun ae

Umma gom eun nalshin ae

Aegi gom eun nalmugiyowuh

U suk, u suk, jal handa.


As he was singing, someone opened the door of the ward. Sunggyu stopped singing and dancing to see the nurse, who mistook him for trying to Woohyun, was standing at the door. She could only blink his eyes. 


‘I’m sorry for disturbing.’ The nurse bowed before running away again.


Sunggyu hit his forehead before shouting,


‘It’s not like you think.’


The nurse heard it and shouted back,


‘I’m sorry. Please continue.’


Sunggyu sighed as he was very embarrassed. He couldn’t believe his eyes on what he just did. Sunggyu’s eyes were on Woohyun as he said,


‘See, you made me in trouble again.’


Sunggyu walked to sit on the chair again but his eyes caught on something beside Woohyun on the other side of the bed. It was a small bottle of pills. With the thought that the nurse maybe dropped it, he reached his hand to pick it. But it was too far until Sunggyu had no choice but to lean on Woohyun a bit.


His heart beat so fast when he was so close to Woohyun. Pondering how could his heart beat so fast until he lost the counts; he tried his hard to take the bottle. But then someone suddenly said,


‘Hyung, are you trying to kiss him again?’ 


Sunggyu flinched and shifted his eyes towards the owner’s voice. It was Myungsoo.


‘Don’t show up like that. I’ll die due to heart attack someday for sure.’ Sunggyu complained as he managed to take the bottle.


Myungsoo just snickered. As he said he wanted to talk to Sunggyu for a moment, they went to the hospital café for some drinks.


‘Are you sure about this?’ Myungsoo asked Sunggyu as he was sitting in front of him.


‘About what?’ Sunggyu asked him back as he sipped his juice.


‘Woohyun.’ Sunggyu kept quiet, listening as Myungsoo continued, ‘Looking at his state, he doesn’t even have a slightest chance to wake up.’


Sunggyu didn’t know what to answer. More like he couldn’t answer because L was telling the truth. He just let his eyes fixed on his juice. Not wanting to meet Myungsoo’s eyes.


‘I know I told you not to give up in love, but not in this state. He has no chance of living anymore.’ Myungsoo’s advice was the right thing to hear but Sunggyu pretended to be deaf.


‘Enough.’ Sunggyu didn’t want to hear it anymore. ‘Please…stop saying that.’ He got his feet away from the place.


Myungsoo sighed. He phone vibrated then. He picked it up just to hear Hoya’s voice.


‘Did it work?’


‘He’s stubborn as always.’


‘I guess he’s really in love with him.’





Sunggyu was busy checking on Woohyun’s blood pressure again. A nurse stopped by the ward just to give him a bag. She said that was the only thing Woohyun had when he was sent here. The moment the nurse went out, Sunggyu rummaged the bag for some clue on who was Woohyun really was. He pondered for a while thinking why hadn’t his appa find Woohyun’s family.


His hands picked on something in his bag. It was a phone! Sunggyu turned it on, just to search for some clue. Who knows that if someone close to him could wake him up. But almost all the numbers in the contact were unreachable. He looked at one contact that had address on it.


He called Hoya, asking him if he could accompany him there. And both of them went to a house. According to the contact, a girl was living there, named Lee Younha. Sunggyu pushed the bell, and soon a girl with a blond hair opened the door.


‘Are you Lee Younha?’ Sunggyu quickly questioned.


‘Yes…’ The girl was dumbfounded a bit seeing two strangers in front of his house.


‘Do you know Nam Woohyun?’


‘Yes, he’s my ex-boyfriend.’




Sunggyu’s heart ache the moment the girl said that. He never knew Woohyun had a girlfriend before. He should have guessed it in the first place looking at Woohyun’s face.


‘I need your help.’ Sunggyu pushed the thing aside and get to the main point.


Sunggyu told Younha all about what happen to Woohyun. And he needed her help to wake him up. After Sunggyu finished explaining, the girl suddenly laughed, making Sunggyu and Hoya looked at each other, frowning.


‘So you’re saying he’s in coma now?’ The girl asked, snickering.


‘Yes..’ Hoya only answered that before the girl kept on laughing.


‘That jerk Woohyun deserves it.’


‘What?’ Sunggyu couldn’t understand what the girl was trying to say.


She stopped laughing, before glaring at both of them.


‘Did you two know what he did to me?!’ She abruptly expressed his anger. ‘He dumped me in public for a guy he hasn’t known yet! He told me he loves that guy although they never talk to each other, does he think I’m stupid?’


Sunggyu didn’t know anger was engulfing him. Hearing the girl saying bad things to his Woohyun, was a mistake he couldn’t forgive.


‘Just let that ing Woohyun died.’ The girl laughed.


And Sunggyu did something that he knew shouldn’t do.



Hoya sighed as he waited for someone. A few minutes later, Sunggyu’s appa came, panting as a sign he came there as fast as he could after he received Hoya’s call.


‘What happen?’ His appa asked. ‘I thought you guys were meeting one of Woohyun’s friends.’

‘We did…’ Hoya scratched his head not knowing how to explain to him. ‘ Sunggyu…he kinda punched the girl.’


‘Aigoo…what was the boy thinking.’ His appa didn’t get mad at Sunggyu because he knew Sunggyu won’t use force unless it was the right thing.


He went into the police station and got Sunggyu out from the bind.


‘Mianhe appa.’ Sunggyu only could apologize as he tailed his appa.


‘It’s okay.’ His appa said, walking with his hands in his pockets. ‘Tomorrow…’ His appa’s words caught Sunggyu’s attention. ‘Will be the last day for your chance.’


Sunggyu’s pace halted the moment his appa said that. He bit his lips, with the fact he only have one more day with Woohyun. It was his last chance. He didn’t know what to do anymore. Giving up…was it the best way for him now?



The next day Sunggyu stayed beside Woohyun, intertwining their fingers, calling for his names. He begged Woohyun to wake up. Tears were dripping no stop. He didn’t want to leave Woohyun even just a second. He didn’t even eat or went out the ward.


He was talking to Woohyun like always. He wiped his body, and even sang a song for him. But there was no respond. Not even the slightest. It was already night. Time was running out. Tomorrow was going to be the day Woohyun will die. It hurt Sunggyu so much.


His eyes caught sight on Woohyun’s bag and he didn’t think the second time to take it. He explored on Woohyun’s bag and found a diary. Sunggyu chuckled as he said,


‘Never though a tough guy like you have a diary.’


He opened the diary, reading some recent entries he written.


1 January 2012


                The first time I met him. He was wearing a white shirt with  a pair of blue jeans. His hair colour went perfectly with his milky colour skin. If I had to choose between Baek Ji Young and him, I’m surely will pick him.


Sunggyu laughed reading that. Woohyun was a funny guy indeed, He flipped the next page.


3 January 2012


                I met him again. This time at the subway station. I took same train as him although I know the train wasn’t heading to my part time job. I didn’t mind not going to work because I couldn’t get my eyes on him. Sometimes, I wonder if he was really a human because he looks like an angel. Or maybe he’s an angel disguises as a human. Today was heaven, (except for the fact I got fired T.T)


Sunggyu never thought that Woohyun had a serious crush before. He kept on skimming it.


6 January 2012


                My angel, I saw him again. He was walking into a cake store with earphones plugged on his ears, listening to his white i-pod. He was wearing his causal clothes, a shirt and black jean this time. Being in the store for about 5 minutes, he bought a piece of cheese blueberry cake. I wonder if he loves chocolate. Should I give to him on Valentine day? Or should I give him a bear? A real live one ~ Hahaha But…then the bear will make him for dinner. Ahh! Plan cancel, chocolate is the best! ^^


Reading Woohyun’s diary, something wasn’t right. Something was wrong. Sunggyu kept on reading it, wanting to know the truth.


8 January 2012


                It was raining so hard that I need to stop outside a music store as shelter. There, someone came running from the rain, taking shelter too. That guy again. He was soaked wet. Looking he was hugging himself due to the coldness; I wanted to offer him my jacket. But the words were stuck in my throat. With some courage, I put the jacket on his shoulder and went away. He did turn his sight towards me, but I pretty sure he didn’t see my good looking face.


Sunggyu smiled as tears rolled down his cheeks, as he mumbled,


‘Flaunting so much.’


He knew it. He really knew it.


15 January 2012


                Today felt like paradise. Finally I found out his name. I overheard his friend calling him with his name. He was eating at the coffee house. He ordered a cup of cappuchino and I knew it. He was crazy for sweet things. I looked at him from a far distance. I wondered how long will it takes for me to confess to him. I like him…no I already fall in love with a guy, named Kim Sunggyu.


Sunggyu couldn’t hold back his tears as he read that. If he knew Woohyun had a crush on him, if only he met Woohyun earlier, this won’t happen. If he could only see the face of the guy that put the jacket on him that day, Woohyun won’t be in this condition. He blamed himself.


‘Mianhe, Woohyun…’


He blamed himself for letting Woohyun be like this. But there was nothing left he could do. Nothing.



The next day, the nurses were getting ready to switch off the entire support machine. But Sunggyu suddenly stopped them. His appa knew it was hard for Sunggyu. He wanted to console him but then he said,


‘Let me do it.’


His appa was perplexed to hear his son’s words.


‘I’ll be the one who will take his life.’ Sunggyu was devastated.


Tears were b in the edge of his eyes, but he held back, not letting a tear escaped his eyes. His appa ordered the nurses to leave the two alone. He wanted to give some spaces to Sunggyu. And now Sunggyu was all alone with Woohyun.


Slowly, his hand reached for the oxygen mask. He didn’t take it off yet. Instead, he bit his lips, allowing tears to stain on his cheeks.


‘I really love you, Woohyun…’ He closed his eyes before continuing ‘Mianhe for my late confession.’


With those words, he pulled the oxygen mask. But something shocked him when someone grabbed his hand, preventing him to take it off. Sunggyu’s eyes widened to see the one who stopped him, was Woohyun.


‘Do…you think killing me…will be easy?’ Those were the words Woohyun uttered as his weak eyes gazed at Sunggyu.


Sunggyu was shocked but in the same time relieved. He cried. He cried so loud like a 5 years old kid.


‘You…you scare me to death, jerk!’ Sunggyu hit Woohyun’s arm slightly.


Woohyun chuckled to see Sunggyu was crying so hard. He took off the oxygen mask, knowing he could breathe on his own now, and pulled himself into a sitting position.


‘Aww don’t cry. At least I woke up right?’ Woohyun gave Sunggyu a smile.


Sunggyu wiped the tears off his face before glaring at Woohyun. He was mad at Woohyun for waking up so late.


‘Mianhe for making you wait for so long.’ Woohyun apologized with his eyes avoiding Sunggyu’s. Woohyun heard all Sunggyu’s words when he was unconscious. He knew everything Sunggyu did to him. He could feel it.


‘You have to pay for it.’ Sunggyu’s words were loud and clear.


‘Huh?’ Woohyun could only blink his eyes.


‘From now on, don’t leave me…I can’t…I really can’t live without you now.’


Woohyun smiled hearing the elder said that.


It had been a week since Woohyun woke up. And every one was really shocked to see miracle happened to Woohyun. Everyone was losing hope, even Sunggyu but in the end miracle helped them to be together. Still Woohyun had to stay in the hospital for a few days for check up.


Sunggyu visited him every single day at the hospital. He didn’t stop bugging Woohyun, asking him about his family. But Woohyun didn’t want to talk about it. In the end, it was still a mystery to Sunggyu. But he found out someday for sure.


Myungsoo and Sungyeol, well yesterday they fought over an ice-cream, but make up really fast when Myungsoo offered Sungyeol a cup of coffee. As for the Yadong couple, Dongwoo already confessed to Hoya. But Hoya hadn’t given him an answer for about two weeks now. Dongwoo will surely die waiting for an answer. Sungjong…well he was doing good, alone that is.


As for Sunggyu and Woohyun,


‘Looking at the look in your face, you might have already read my diary, huh?’ Woohyun raised a brow at sunggyu as his hands were holding a magazine.


Sunggyu’s eyes roamed the ward, didn’t want to answer and of course didn’t want to meet eyes with Woohyun. He knew it was a bad idea reading someone’s diary. Receiving no respond from Sunggyu, Woohyun took it as a ‘yes’.


‘Then I don’t have to waste my breath confessing to you.’ He as he went back reading the magazine.


‘Waeyo? I want to hear it from your mouth. Please~ ‘


Sunggyu’s pleads were totally being ignored by Woohyun.




But not wanting to make his boyfriend sulked again like the last time; he turned his face towards Sunggyu and said,


‘I like you.’


Sunggyu blushed but then he answered,


‘Aish, so you just like me? Don’t you know I’m in love with you?’


‘Like and love are just the same.’


‘It’s not!’ Sunggyu whined.


Woohyun sighed and corrected his statement,


‘I love you. I really really really love the guy, named Kim Sunggyu, so stop making me suffer so much.’


Sunggyu just laughed and blushed in the same time. He loved the way Woohyun .


‘Woohyun ah…’ Sunggyu said.


‘Em?’ Woohyun only replied that.


‘Nothing.’ Sunggyu smiled, relieved finally getting an answer after calling Woohyun’s name.


Woohyun, who was skimming through the magazine, stopped reading after he remembered something.


‘Oh, next time don’t try to kiss me.’ Woohyun knew Sunggyu kissed him when he was in coma.


‘Why not?’ Sunggyu pouted.


Woohyun smirked before grabbing Sunggyu’s hand and pulled him towards him just to capture his lips. It was soft just like the last time. But this time it was different because Woohyun was kissing him, dominating it. Sunggyu gladly gave permission when Woohyun nibbled on his lower lips, asking for entrance. Sunggyu placed his hands on Woohyun’s chest to support himself as Woohyun ravished his sweet cavern.


Woohyun broke the kiss when they were lack of oxygen. Sunggyu was blushing so hard and both of them were panting. Woohyun just smirked and whispered into Sunggyu’s ears,


‘Because I’m a better kisser than you, baby.’


Sunggyu didn’t say a word but only blush. It was the truth. Sunggyu couldn’t deny it anymore. Woohyun is a better kisser and he was glad that he will be the one who will taste those sweet kisses from Woohyun, only him.



A/N : Hope you guys enjoy this~ (\^o^/)

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694 streak #1
Chapter 3: i love how sunggyu didn’t give up 🥹
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaaaah cried cried... Glad that wh is awake right now.. Still the mystery of why gyu's dad asked him to woke wh up is not solve yet...
Need a bonus ch to know wh's family...

Thank you so much for this story....
Chapter 2: I am crying too
Chapter 1: The start of this story kinda... Eem something is missing. Right? Like there is a hole in the first story.. The reason his dad gave it to him, the job to wake wh up, is kinda fishy.. Need the reason..
But the story after is... Nice... Because you are often with him, you can be attach to that person. Eventhou you never speak nor meet him..
Chapter 3: This is my nth time reading this story and still love it ^^
wagyu357 #6
Chapter 3: I need a sequel T^T
Chapter 3: yeiii woohyun wake up finally. I'm happy for them
PJyKM27 #8
Chapter 3: I'm still kinda curious why he's is a coma and his family...(indirectly hinting for a sequel shamelessly)