From The Bottom of My HEART





I was thinking about what to give CHOI MINHO on his birthday but I'm broke. 


I'm a poor fan girl. 


But still I was so determine to at least do something for him. 


And because I really like writing poems I decided to write one for him.


I know I wasn't a good writer but when I write I gave my heart to it.


So here you go.


Here’s a poem for my dearest CHOI MINHO.


I would be a hypocrite if I say that I don't wish for him to read this.


Yeah. I hope he could read this.


But that’s way too impossible right?


So I’ll just let SHINee World and AFF readers read this instead.










For the ever dazzling CHOI MINHO,


How I wish you could read this poem and how I hope that you could understand every bit of it though it was written in English. I'm sorry I don't have anything to give you than this. It's just a simple poem for you. It's for your birthday actually.


Happy Birthday CHOI MINHO!!!


I'm so happy that you were born in this world. All of your fans were. You just don't know how much you are making your fans happy by just giving those sweet, dashing, innocent smile of yours. Those two sparkling eyes of yours, just by seeing it, you could make your fans see the world differently. By giving out your best and for always trying and not giving up, you're being an inspiration to your fans. That's why they love you.


That's why I do love you too. I don't know. People might think I'm weird and others wouldn't understand but I don't care at all. I don't care what other people say about me loving you. I don't care if they say you can't sing as good as Jonghyun and Onew. You could practice harder but I so love your husky deep voice the way it is. I don't care if they say you're not as good as Taemin. Just seeing you dance on stage is enough for me. And you're improving so much already. I don't know why those people doesn't notice it. I don't care if they say you cannot rap as good as Key. Maybe those who were saying that can't even rap. And please continue with your acting. You're doing good. Just practice some more and you'll be goin home with the best actor trophy the next time you act in a drama. And lastly, I don't care if they say you're just pretty face. I know you're more than that FLAMING CHARISMA CHOI MINHO. I know you are way better than what they think you are. I believe in you, way too much. I know you could do more. I'm so proud to say I'm you're fan and I will always be. Although you don't even know me, my heart would forever remember that there was once a CHOI MINHO who exist and I love more than anything. 


I think I've been too cheesy and creepy at the same time now.


Happy happy birthday again.


I love you. Always and Forever.


From you're fangirl Kristel Joyce Nepacena

A/N: SHINee World especially FLAMERS please don't kill me okay?


And the poem would be in the next page.


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Chapter 1: I understand that there are other fangirls that feel the same way I do, and like most plp I get upset when someone else has there eyes set on my prize. But I am glad that there are people who understand what an amazing and beautiful person Choi Minho is. And I really think I've fallen for him. Tbh, it feels better loving him, knowing that I can't have him, then loving my crush who is so close to me and that I can have, but I chose not to. I really thank God everyday for bringing all of SHINee into this world. And I thank God that I was able to know this man. Saranghae~ Choi Minho
Chapter 1: I like it so much! Because I have those exact same feelings for the dubuguy and IT'S NOT RIDICULOUS OR ME BEING FOOLISH. It's not wrong to love!!!

