Behind The Scenes - Series 1



TV Show / Movie

KBS New show causes a stirr online

by DreamerXx   - Dec 06, 2012 at 8:09 pm                                                                                                            89488 Views  575 Comments

KBS has caused a stir due to their new reality show 'Behind The Scenes', that's set to be released later this month. As you all know Wonder Girls leader Sunye is getting married and U-Kwon from Block B has revealed to be in a relationship, what do they have to do with the show? Well KBS has reported that they were inspired by them to start the show. A representative said "We were shocked at how straight forward they were with their relationships. We then began thinking about all the idols that are dating, some with secret families and we wondered...maybe we can somehow make it easier for them to be open about their relationships. That's how the idea of 'Behind The Scenes' started". The show will revolve around different idols and their love ones. During each episode we will witness their hardships and love for each other. More information will be out soon. 

Source: Newsen via Nate


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Hithere - 22 hours ago

OMFG NO EFFING WAY!!! I'm sad but at the same time I'll try to get over my jealousy and support them :(

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Luhanlover - 21 hours ago

Lol seriously I sense that we won't die because of the world ending on the 21st but because our bias are in a relationship! xD

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                     fantasticbaby - 1 minute ago

                     Haha I was thinking the exact same thing but I'll support the couples!

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                                       Luhanlover - 3 minutes ago

                                       Me too even though it'll take me some time to get used to it ;)

                                       1^ | v  -Reply - Share>


marshmallow - 19 hours ago


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                       Kikilarose - 19 hours ago

                       Calm yo ! -_- Firstly he isn't your oppa and as a fan you should be supporting him!

                       20^ | v  -Reply - Share>


Blackjack123 - 19 hours ago

Can't wait to see who the couples are and who has a secret family *gasp* :D

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Show Name: Behind The Scenes

Members: G-Dragon, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,

Management: KBS

Airing Date: N/A



KBS' new show 'Behind The Scenes' will revolve around 6 idols and their different relationships. Some are just boyfriend and girlfriend, whilst others are married and some even have kids. The show does not discriminate and will also show the relationships between same ed couples. Switch your T.V on everyday at 7pm to see a new episode of 'Behind The Scenes'.

Application for BTS is still open just go here.


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Chapter 1: Oh my god, I'm so excited! Hwaiting author-nim!!
Chapter 1: I'm so anticipating this!
I like taking exams but the only part I like is passing and not having to learn during the paper.
Chapter 1: Yayyyyy!! You are hereeee~ :D Don't worry, take your time~
exams... I hate exams orz *flips the exams* lolol we understand~ Don't rush ne? I'll be right here, sitting here and anticipate for it kekeke hwaitinggg!! (^_____^)
yay you are back! =)
Take your time~ c:
Can't wait c:
lydiaju #6
Chapter 1: I'm sure it was worth waiting for your story ^^ Good luck! :D
Chapter 1: It's alright! Well good luck and try your best to make the teasers. You have a life outside of AFF and keeping up with an apply fic isnt east XD
Woah!!!! It's starting~starting~ haha
Chapter 1: yay! you're back! You made video teasers? that sounds like a lot of work.
My computer crashed on me too, twice!
I cried, lol, i was writing my 200 point essay for history. -_-
Chapter 1: At least you didn't decide to abandon the story!!!! ^^
Ughhhh!! I hate it when computers crash out of the blue! That happened to me after I finished writing an essay for my Literature class >3<
Well, I'll wait patiently because I'm super excited to see who the first couples are :3