

Seungho is exhausted from work and comes home to his reason for living. 


He makes his way to the concrete path, a sudden realization coming over him when he does so. His movements quicken, his gloomy expression turns to a full smile. When he reaches the door he pauses, quickly lifting his hand still holding his keys and picking out the correct one, shoving it into the keyhole above the knob. He grabs the cold metal of the knob and stands there, his heart racing. His hand is slightly quivering from his excitement, all of his effort going into keeping his breathing steady. He finally twists his hand, pushing the door open eagerly and stepping through briskly, closing it behind himself again.

This is probably my best fic yet. Please leave feedback ; n ; Any and all is welcome.


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Chapter 2: omfg mirrrr
leichanla #2
Love it! Thank you!
Chapter 2: OHMAIGAWD!
Yes yes yes and more yes!!!!!!!! This was all kinds of perfect and ekjfnklernf I love you for writing this. All my GyuHo (?) or is it SeungRi? lol... Well anyway, all da feels!!
I loved it, I loved the writing style, and just loved the story!
Muneodari #4
The description, the humor, just everything! Loved it!
Muneodari #5
Chapter 2: Where have you been all my life!? One of my OTPS together in a well written story!

Thank You so so much! I really enjoyed it a lot!