Lost and Alone Chp 2

Lost and Alone

When Hyomin woke up she was not where she expected to be. She found herself in someone else's bed, with someone else's alarm clock blaring. She made a few annoyed grunts as she edged herself out of bed, her head pounding, and the taste of alchohol still in . Suddenly the alarm shut off. 

"YAAH HYOMIN, DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I'VE BEEN? I'VE BEEN TRYING TO WAKE YOU UP FOR THREE HOURS NOW" a little voice screamed much too loudly from next to her.

"Hey, keep it down will you? I've got a hea-" 

Hyomin was cut off by a slap on the face. 

"I thought you were in a coma or something! You wouldn't wake up, I was so scared, how could you do this? Coming home this drunk, telling me not to say anyth-" Jiyeon continued rambling while Hyomin was lost in thought. 

What happened last night? Why would I come here, this is the last place I should've come. Of all people, I've upset the youngest. What kind of person am I, worrying this girl. 

Hyomin forced a smile to in hopes of easing the girl's worries. "Relax Jiyeon, I'm fine. And sorry I can be a really heavy sleeper. Don't worry about me, I'm really sorry."

Jiyeon sat down beside Hyomin and burried her face in her shoulder. They sat there like that for a few minutes, when finally Jiyeon looked up, their eyes met.

"Why did you do it? What's wrong?" Jiyeon said. 

Hyomin turned away, her head tiled towards the floor as to hide her face in shame. She was filled with guilt, and couldn't bare look into her worried eyes. Though she laughed at the thought of Jiyeon thinking she was in a coma. That, seemed a little far fetched, but it was sweet of her to worry. It was completely silent except for Jiyeon's breathing. It was irregular, it sounded as though she had been crying, or at the very least, been angry. Having come to this conclusion, her smile instantly vanished.

"I should go get washed up. I'm really sorry" 

She got up and made her way towards the door.


She stopped.

"Don't forget about my sheets, they still smell of last night." 

She smiled, and left. 


Jiyeon was sitting in the living room when Soyeon approached her. 

"Hey Jiyeon, are you alright?"

Jiyeon looked up startled, why would she ask such a thing? But Jiyeon realized that tears had been trickling down her face.

"Huh, oh it's nothing. Just, allergies, I-I-"  Quickly, she ran back to her room. She could feel her words choking up, and so she rushed out as to not worry her further. Jiyeon couldn't tell her what was wrong. Doing so would mean breaking her promise to Hyomin. 

Why am I over reacting like this? She wondered to herself. Hyomin just went for one night out. Surely people have nights out sometimes, to take a rest? Why does she care so much to the point of being on tears. It's probably nothing, don't worry Jiyeon. Don't worry.


Don't tell anyone


 The words played over and over again in her mind. Surely then, it could not just be nothing. 

They had been friends from the start. Ever since the debut, Jiyeon could tell Hyomin anything. Everyone could tell Hyomin anything, she was just that kind of person. Every time Jiyeon laughed, or cried, or smiled, or frowned, Hyomin was right beside her. Along with a few other members of the family. 

But then, what made Hyomin so different?

Jiyeon remembered the night after one of their very first concerts. Everyone had done so well, the crowd loved them, and everyone was just elated. As soon as they all went back stage, Hyomin ran up to Jiyeon and hugged her. Jiyeon cried tears of joy in her arms. Warm, loving arms wrapped around her. She had never felt so safe, and so happy. Her arms were her comfort. From that moment on, she realized, they were became her vice.

"We were great" Hyomin had said, smiling down at the little maknae, her eyes filling with tears. Jiyeon nodded in agreement and smiled. After a few seconds, they parted and embraced the other members.

Jiyeon shook her head and woke herself up from the sweet memory. Then, made her way down to Hyomin's room. 

Just like Hyomin had done, Jiyeon wanted her to feel safe in her own embrace.

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Chapter 7: U said that u will update its already 2015 author nimm
iamaqueen09 #2
Chapter 7: OMMO!!~ it's 2015 and I'm dying to know the rest of the story !!!

Yah~ whoever on earth the author of this fanfic story... goodness gracious!
You're JJANG!!! (*raises both hands then slow claps*)

Like, of all the fanfics I've read about "MinYeon".. this--- moved me!!
It feels like it's kinda' realistic and I like how the story went so spontaneously.
So please!! For your readers' sake, finish this one.. jebbal~~ T^T
tjandra_jesslyn #3
Where are you author-nim??? Update your story please ;_;
tasya92 #4
Chapter 7: update your story please authorrr......
Chapter 7: Wahhhhhh where are youuuu?!
DojCute #6
can't wait for the next update!!! really like your stories!! :D
TwerkingGogumas #7
Chapter 7: ;n; I just realized my love for MinYeon..god dammit...they need more love. And fanfics..
Hi :) I'm a new reader and I have to say, I really like your story! It's so hard to find JiyeonXHyomin fanfics. You write really well and I love reading the stuff Hyomin writes in her notebook(although they make me feel sad). Good work! Can't wait for the next update!

please update soon!