
The Dreamer of San Francisco


“Does Jessica know that your work is based internationally?” Kevin asked as he zipped up his suitcase. For some reason, his heart felt lighter after letting everything out to Eli. Even the crying had helped, even if it was slightly embarrassing to admit.

“Yeah. She used to work in the Asian division of her company. She says she gets sent back now and then to keep an eye from things.” Eli glanced at his friend as he gathered his clothes from the closet. “You know, she told me something the other day. She said that she and her family are still trying to get Krystal back and to defy the prophecy. Apparently she’s been trying things when she sees Krystal in her dreams.”

Kevin sighed and sat on his heels. “I know.” He looked at his friend. “You probably think I despise her.”

“I never-“

“I can see it in your eyes. I’m not a perfect human being, Eli.” He sighed. “I won’t deny that I have resentment against her. But it’s not because I feel like she hasn’t done enough or that she deserves her sister’s place instead. I am convinced that’s not the case.”

“Then why can you not look at her? You have never acted this way with any other girl I’ve been with.” Eli started folding his shirts as he waited for a response.

“How could I?” Kevin rummaged through his pockets and took out his wallet. He took out a photo and offered it with a shaking hand.

Eli took it, scrutinizing it. Two girls in winter clothing stood next to each other. He immediately recognized Jessica with her round doe eyes and coy smile. The other girl next to him beamed, with a similar radiance that Jessica evoked when she laughed. It was clear that beauty had been one of the traits they had shared.

“Jessica may seem like daylight to the girl of darkness I court with, but there are many similarities you’ll never know. They have the same smile, the same confidence.” He shook his head. “I still remember the last time I saw her. Her family came to say goodbye to me and wish me luck when I got the job. For a split second, I thought she was Krystal. All the “what-ifs” and dreams started piling up, and then crashed down on me once I recognized it was Jessica. The same feeling came to me when you said you liked her. All these what-ifs… What if that was me, being happy? What if it was Jessica instead of Krystal?”

“Why don’t you talk to Jessica about that then? Didn’t you say before that things become less painful over time?”

“Did I say that?” Kevin chuckled. “I do seem hypocritical, don’t I? But I try. I have talked to Jessica over phone. She understands why I can’t bear to see her face to face yet. And Krystal…” his voice trailed away.

“Do you see her often?”

“I saw her last night.” He grinned. “I can’t tell if she approves your relationship with her sister yet.”

“What?” Eli stood up straight. “You told her?”

“No. Jessica did.” Kevin resumed packing.

“Does she discuss everything with her sister?”

“They are tight, man. Look, I can only tell you so much. You have to figure the rest out, it’s your life, not mine.” Kevin looked at his watch. “I have to go talk to the hotel manager. Be right back.”

Eli let everything sink in. So much history and past had been revealed to him these last few days, yet he had a feeling he didn’t know everything. It was that same feeling of peering down a canyon. The facts were laid out, yet there was still something lurking that made everything uncertain.

“How do you even go on with life?” He asked Kevin once the man returned.

“I just hope for the best.” Kevin shrugged. “This world is mostly unknown to us anyway. I admit I’m afraid of getting hurt, but you never know until you try, right?”

“I…I don’t know anymore.”

“None of us know. Come on. Our flight is in two hours.”

Eli got his luggage out, dazed. It was amazing how Kevin could stand so strong even with this shadow lurking over him. He even gave permission for Eli to hope for a rising sun.

How could humans be so fragile and strong at the same time? They were living contradictions.

For the first time since Kevin gave him the truth, he laughed.

Two sisters, unable to guide their destiny…

A Fallen angel, an unbroken curse…

An Ice Princess, an unguided reach for a lost cause…

Two lovers…

An innocent flower, wary of blooming…

A cracked mirror, reflecting the dying rays of a sunset…

And such is the tale of the Dreamer of San Francisco. 

[A/N] So this is it! 

The full circle... I hope the ending wasn't too vague. Just think about it.

Thank you all for reading and taking this whole journey with me. Perhaps we'll see each other in the future. I'd like that ^_^

Thanks again!

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Chapter 4: Very well written. I liked it. :)
Chocolatemushrooms #2
Chapter 4: Aww, I love this story! Kevin is so cool here :))
Chapter 3: wasn't expecting that at all! i really WAS thinking 'evil little sister' lol....this is actually kinda original - that premise of being comatose by choice to free your sibling.
Chapter 2: ooo XD lol i wonder how it would be if kevin and the jung sisters got together anf omfg wongfu as in wongfuproductions? :D
Chapter 1: what did krystal do......jerk lol.
Chapter 1: Krystal! O-O whoaaa hehehe...
Ohmygod I'm so excited for this one :D