When your gone

When your gone
With tears in his eyes walking out into the road to retrieve the bear me-just ing leave it! I looked over at him he had gentle tears rolling dowm his cheeks i felt like he does love me i herd a noise like a truck or sumthing i look up and there speeding down the road was a truck headed stright for yuchun me-yuchun look out theres a truck baby! I screamed (BOOM CRASH SCREAMING BLOOD) i screamed running towords yuchun holding him in my lap chun: all i wanted to do was love you jae i know ive been cold to u im just shy l love you my beautiful jeajoong and that was the last words he ever spoke to me. After the funeral i went home a big teddybear stained with his blood craddled gently in my arms i felt so guilty i counted ever teddybear he had ever given me it came out to be the exact number of days we had been together.... I squeezed the big teddybear in my arms a bloodied note card fell from it reaching down i picked it up the note read jeajoong today is our two year aniversary even though im forgetfull
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*wipes eyes* That was beautiful at least Jaejoong got to be buried with his lover :)
Awwwww~ *sniffles*