that black tank top


this story was inspired by Tao's picture in the airport where he's wearing a black tank top.


After having a long walk on the side of hte beach with a bottle on soju on their hands(which is their 4 th bottle already), they were already groggy and tipsy. Shoulders were brushing while walking side by side and laughing on there silly lame jokes.

"Yah!" Chen called out. he took a few steps backwards and scanned Tao from head to toe. Tao got conscious  and at the same time confused by how Chen stared at him.

"have I told you that you look hot on that black tank top?" Chen grimaced.

"You are so~ funny ge~. Ha.ha."

"I'm not joking! maybe, you even hotter without those on." He blurted. He can't help it. He's drunk.

Tao stepped closer and gave him a playful glare. " You think so?" he smirked.

Chen grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

Tao stepped even closer. Now they're standing almost chest to chest. He leanened in closer and whispered to Chen.

" You want me to take it off?"

"Gosh Tao! if your trying to you at it,...but sure yeah , take it off."






A/N: hey guys thanks for reading and sorry for the ending if its a bit off...I'll leave everything on your imagination.:))


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eudaimonia #1
that's it? xD
oh I'm sure they had hot night
B-locket #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
orange panda feeeeels <3