Night and Day - Part 1/4 - Night - Chapter 3

Night and Day - Part 1/4 - Night

In the days after he'd met Yesung, Kyuhyun felt almost as if he were sleep-walking through them, just going through the motions. It irritated his sound engineer, as well as his manager and both of them had harsh words for him until he finally put Yesung out of his mind viciously and got down to work, singing his feelings out as much as he could until they were both satisfied and happy with him again. It was hard for him and he felt the loneliness keenly as he walked aimlessly (or so he'd thought) through the streets until he came to what he recognised as one of the university campuses.

"Why am I here?" he mumbled out loud, looking around at the various students in groups or couples, but never alone. Then his eyes found Yesung, an almost painful shiver going through him as he saw the young man walking alone across the main square with sheets of paper in his hands. "Yesung?"

Almost unable (or unwilling) to stop himself, he followed Yesung to his dorms, just watching him without a word. If he noticed Kyuhyun, he hadn't said or done anything, and that thought pained him, but not enough to ensure Yesung knew he was there. If he didn't... then Kyuhyun didn't want to disturb the chance he had at just watching the young man without any barriers up between them.

Yesung managed to put Kyuhyun out of his mind during the day, too busy running between classes, his part-time job, and practice sessions to have any coherent thoughts in between. There was just too much to be done, and the life of a university student didn't stop just because they ran into a mythical creature that wasn't supposed to exist in the first place.

It was at night when his thoughts returned to the vampire, his tired gaze landing on the CD he'd been given. His room-mate had, of course, taken the second CD the instant he woke up, and gave Yesung no end of questions concerning where he'd gotten it, but the music student had managed to avoid telling the truth and the other man believed him.

Yesung would stare at the CD for the longest time and then finally push it into his old walkman, pull on his large headphones, and listen. Kyuhyun had a magnificent voice, he had to admit. Yesung had never heard one so pure as the vampire's, even though you'd assume a vampire was anything but pure.

It wasn't long before he found himself humming along, sometimes in classes, sometimes at work. So in some way, the vampire was never far from his mind, and he wondered about the phone number he'd left behind (as well as his sanity).

Walking down the gravel path towards the dorms, the music student was completely oblivious to his follower. Humming that same tune as always, that one that had been stuck in his head for days, he headed towards the main entrance.

He didn't get too far though. Just as he reached the doors, they burst open, two students pushing out past him. Caught by surprise, Yesung fell onto his rear with an indignant yelp, the music sheets in his hands (self-composed) flying all over the place.


"Sorry!" one of the young men tossed over his shoulder, continuing. Yesung blinked after them and then huffed in annoyance, his cheeks puffed out slightly as he set about gathering the papers before the light breeze could send them flying farther away.

Stifling a laugh as Yesung was nearly trampled, Kyuhyun watched as the young man scrambled to gather what he could see now were pages of music, several of them drifting in his direction. Picking them up, he waited to see how long it would take Yesung to realise he was there and holding his precious music.

As he waited, he idly glanced at the notation and began humming the melody, some of it sounding slightly off to him. He'd have to tell Yesung to change that, Kyuhyun thought absently as he glanced closely at the music he was humming. Despite that, the melody was really quite compelling, but needed actual lyrics. It didn't sound right just as an instrumental piece.

"I think these are yours?" he grinned at the hapless young man who seemed to be searching for the last few pages Kyuhyun was holding in his hands. "The melody's quite good but you might want to change this..." He gestured at a bar, and then at another. "And this."

"Then it'll be complete and you can start adding lyrics..." Kyuhyun grinned as he finished speaking, amused at the expression on Yesung's face. "You do have lyrics planned for this, don't you?"

Muttering to himself about students who don't watch where they're running, Yesung carefully put the pages back in order. It had taken him forever to compose this, scrapping and restarting several times and erasing whole sections, but he finally had something he liked. Of course, it would be just his luck to lose some pages now, when he finally had a chance to perform in front of an audience in a few weeks for the school concert.

Counting the pages he had, Yesung blinked several times. He was missing pages, right in the middle. Scanning the grass around him, the confusion turned into a worried frown. They weren't here. Had they been blown off so quickly? Or had he lost them back in the music room?

It was then Yesung heard a voice to one side, and looked up quickly... he hadn't heard anyone come up. His eyes locked onto a familiar figure, widening in shock. Kyuhyun.

What was he doing here on campus? How did he even know where Yesung went to school? He'd left his phone number, not address! Suddenly becoming aware he was staring with his mouth open, Yesung flushed and closed his mouth, tongue-tied. Some part of him hadn't expected to see Kyuhyun again and most definitely not here.

"W-what are you doing here?" he stammered, though it was rather out of surprise than the fear he'd felt the first time they'd met. "If someone recognizes you, you'll have a herd of fangirls on top of you. And fanboys."

His attention was caught by the papers in Kyuhyun's hands, noting the bars the vampire was pointing at even as his mind was trying to recollect itself enough to form a coherent sentence.

"I... I didn't really have anything planned for it," he winced. "It's a miracle I even finished it, considering I lose half the papers and get the rest tossed out by my crazy room-mate." He was still crouching on the ground, unsure what to do.

"I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing here, but it seems I came at a good time," Kyuhyun replied with a smirk, grabbing Yesung's arm and pulling him up. "We need to get this thing done..."

He regarded Yesung for a few moments. "Is there somewhere we can go where we won't be disturbed and we can work on your music?" Kyuhyun asked, not sure Yesung would even let him help. Kyuhyun wasn't even sure why he'd offered, but since he had, he couldn't go back on it without looking like an idiot.

"It really is a compelling piece and just needs a bit of fine tuning... then you'll be the one who'll have to worry about fangirls..." he added, ignoring the twinge of jealousy at the idea that people would stake a claim to Yesung, though he had to admit that he'd asked and Yesung had basically turned him down.

"Is there a deadline you have for this?"

Yesung didn't protest as he was pulled up, staggering slightly before he regained his balance. "We?" he nearly squeaked, not expecting that. Kyuhyun wanted to help him? Why? He thought the vampire would want nothing to do with him anymore.

(He also thought he would want nothing to do with the vampire, but working on his composition with him didn't seem like such a horrible idea...)

"My room-mate's out right now," Yesung offered, hesitating slightly. "So... there's always my dorm room..." The other man wouldn't be returning for a while it seemed, out 'working on homework' (aka clubbing) for a few hours.

He flushed slightly at the fangirl idea. "I doubt it," he mumbled. He was too much of a bad-luck magnet for any girl to like him. Or guy.

Though that seemed to be an exception for vampires... Kyuhyun had only known him for less than a day though; he'd figure out Yesung's curse soon enough.

"I need it done and ready in two weeks; there's a school concert in three..." he replied slowly, starting to walk towards the door again.

Kyuhyun glanced at Yesung with a frown. "Why not? Isn't that what happens when you become popular? Or well, for however long that lasts, anyway..." he amended, since he knew full well how these things went from personal experience.

"I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want you but..." Maybe that was just him. Kyuhyun flushed and looked down at his feet.

Nodding slightly at the news that Yesung's room-mate would be out, Kyuhyun remained where he was until he heard the deadline, his thoughts instantly skipping ahead to working on the music. Reaching out, he grabbed Yesung again and began to pull him along.

"Where do you live in this..?" he asked, gesturing to the maze of dormitory buildings in bemusement. "We need to get to work on this if that's all the time you have. Is it going to be you performing this at your school concert?"

Kyuhyun had more questions but they could wait until they got to the relative safety of Yesung's dorm room. He wouldn't be able to stay long, so they had to work fast. Without seeing the rest of the music, Kyuhyun didn't know how much work lay ahead of them.

Yesung wanted to say Kyuhyun didn't know him that well and not to make such assumptions, but he just bit his lower lip instead. He knew saying so would prompt a whole other conversation, one that would either reveal his curse or make him look like someone saying negative things about himself just for attention. He didn't want the vampire to think like that, for some reason.

"I live in this one," Yesung replied, pointing at the building straight ahead. He pulled the door open and led them inside. "It's a little confusing, all these rooms, but after getting lost the first few weeks, it's easy enough to figure out."

He wasn't quite sure what he was doing, leading a vampire to his room of all places, but he wasn't that... scared of Kyuhyun anymore. A little apprehensive, sure; the other man was a vampire after all. But not scared. Which could be a severe lack of judgement on his part, but he was ignoring that particular thought.

"Yeah, I will be. I asked the teacher for a solo piece," he asked, practically inflating with happiness for a moment.

It was his first solo piece. While everyone in all his classes agreed he had the perfect voice for singing (it was how he get the nickname Yesung in the first place), they also agreed out of all the potential soloists he was the one most likely to break the microphone, tangle himself in the curtains, fall off the stage, or various other unpleasantries.

Smiling at how amusing Yesung was when he was nervous, Kyuhyun followed him into the dorms and waited for Yesung to actually show him into his shared room. His heart did a strange beat in his chest at Yesung's smile; it threw him a little with just how much it made Yesung's face light up and it made him want to make Yesung smile even more.

"You're cute when you smile," Kyuhyun commented, flushing a little as he did so. Why was he putting himself through this torture? Hadn't he learned his lesson already? Still, he couldn't stop himself and wasn't going to back out of it... yet.

"Why a solo piece? They're much harder since the spotlight is on you..." He thought about it for a moment, then chuckled. "Unless that's what you want? Are you sure you don't want to be famous too?"

Fame wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but as Kyuhyun had said before, singing was all he knew how to do, so he pretty much defaulted to being a singer whenever he got bored and enough time passed for everyone to forget who he'd been before.

Blinking, Yesung took in the vampire's words and flushed deep red. Cute? He was not cute!

"T-thanks?" he stammered, resisting the temptation to bury himself in the ground. Not many people called him cute, or much of anything for that matter, unless it was something related to his clumsy nature. "Um. You're. Kinda cute yourself?" Okay mouth, feel free to shut up any time now.

Thankfully they reached his room a moment later, giving Yesung something else to do other than just babble nervously and probably get himself into some sort of trouble. Finding his key, he unlocked and opened the door, walking in and stepping aside to let Kyuhyun in. The desk lamp was still on; his room-mate had probably forgotten to turn it off upon leaving.

It was a standard room for two university students, his roomate's side of the room littered with posters and clothes. Yesung's half of the room was cleaner, only a few posters up on the walls and textbooks dropped on the bed. The CD Kyuhyun had given him was still on the nightstand beside the bed, a small portable CD player beside it saying that the human hadn't been ignoring the gift.

Yesung winced at the idea of being famous. Sure, he wanted to be... he wanted to be acknowledged like everyone else. But his curse made it so that fame would be a very, very bad thing. He didn't even want to think about what could go wrong for a simple recording.

"I guess I just wanted to try something on my own for once," he said quietly. He knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't help but want to try... just once. Then he'd go back to being the klutz in the background.

Caught off guard by Yesung's comment about his own looks though he was well aware he was more than handsome enough, Kyuhyun flushed even more, though he didn't reply. Instead, he looked around at Yesung's room, not failing to notice that he'd been listening to the CD Kyuhyun had given him. The idea of that made his heart do funny things again and he wondered if vampires could develop heart troubles.

Understanding a little bit of what Yesung meant, Kyuhyun could tell there was something he was missing, some... undercurrent to his words that Kyuhyun didn't understand. It puzzled him.

"Why wouldn't you be able to do things on your own?" he asked, confusion plain in his expression as he stood awkwardly between the two beds. "You're a university student, presumably old enough to do things and do them well." He waved the sheets he still held. "If this is anything to go by..."

Speaking of which, they had a lot of work to do. "Can I see the others? Do you have them numbered so I can tell what order they belong in? Then I can help you work it out, and your performance will hopefully be better for it..." he continued, trying to sound a lot more confident than he felt. Why would Yesung even want his help, since he only barely knew him to start with as a creepy vampire pop star with stalkerish tendencies.

Closing the door behind him, Yesung once again wondered at his level of sanity for letting the vampire into his room. Ah, right, the music. Music had always been a lure for him, impossible to resist. He'd probably walk right into a wolf's den if there was a piano recording playing inside.

At the question, the student panicked a little. Sure, a vampire had probably seen a lot worse than a bad luck curse, but he still wanted to keep that information to himself. Especially since he didn't even really know Kyuhyun.

"I just meant that I never got the chance to do anything solo before," he laughed, masking the nervous tone. "There're students here far more talented and better-equipped for solos than me."

Yesung looked down at the music sheets in his hands, reminded. "Sure?" He walked over to Kyuhyun, holding out the sheets. "Yeah, they're numbered. Um... thank you for offering to help me out," he said, biting his lower lip slightly. "I really do appreciate it."

He wanted to apologize for acting so panicky the other night, except he was still kinda panicky, so there wasn't much point in apologizing until he could at least get that out of his system. He walked over to the two desks, pushing his room-mate's chair over to his own.

"We can sit over here?"

Nodding, Kyuhyun sat down, still convinced there was something Yesung wasn't telling him, but letting him keep his secrets... for now. He sorted through the music and shuffled the papers around until they were in some semblance of order, then began to point out where the melody could use some help, completely losing himself in the music until his watch beeped at him and he paled, noticing the time.

They had been working that long? "I... have to go, Yesung," Kyuhyun said quietly, pushing the sheet music together and offering it to the other singer. "It's not long until dawn..."

And he had to feed yet. Kyuhyun had been so out of sorts he'd ignored his rising hunger until it nagged at him impatiently.

"I really have to go," he added, nearly tumbling out of the chair in his haste to stand up. "Will you be ok until your performance or do you need me to help you still?" And then realised he didn't actually know the date. "And when is it? Do you mind if I come watch?"

Now he was getting all fumbly and klutzy himself, trying to get away so he wouldn't attack Yesung. "I'll see you soon..." Kyuhyun said over his shoulder as he bolted from the room and down the stairs, not trusting himself in the elevator. He had to feed and soon, but not here. Not from the students at Yesung's university; if any of them went missing, he knew Yesung wouldn't hesitate to turn him in, and rightfully so.

Yesung had been completely absorbed in the composition, not even minding how close he was sitting to the vampire as they worked. Kyuhyun really was talented - everything he fixed making the melody sound that much better. Humming along and tapping his pencil lightly to the rhythm, the student nearly fell out of his chair when Kyuhyun's watch beeped.

"Huh?" he said intelligently, blinking at the other man as he was handed the papers. Oh, dawn. Right. Vampire. Would it make him look like even more of an idiot if he were to say he forgot all about that?

Yesung scrambled to his feet as well, slightly alarmed by the sudden clumsiness of the other man. "Um, I think I'll be alright? I-I'll get my room-mate's help with lyrics or something." He glanced to the calendar in the corner of the room. "It's on the 25th, 7pm, so it should be alright for you to see? I don't mind," he said, his eyes wide in surprise that the vampire would even want to attend.

Watching Kyuhyun dart out of the room, Yesung thought of something and peeked out into the hallway. "Kyu-" he started, then stopped when he saw the singer was already gone. He moved fast.

Biting his lower lip again, Yesung closed his door. He'd completely forgotten to tell Kyuhyun he wasn't listed in the concert program under Yesung, but his real name. While he was widely called Yesung by his parents, peers and even teachers, it was nothing more than a nickname.

The student looked down at the papers in his hand, finger tracing over the notes Kyuhyun had changed. He didn't know why, but he really did hope Kyuhyun was able to make it to the concert.

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Ok so, due to problems with LJ not letting ppl read it, I'm going to re-start editing and posting the story here again. (yay?)


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Chapter 12: The story is really good... people hardly writes about vampires anymore... hoping to read the full story
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 12: Absolutely love my Kyusung!!! What an awesome story far!!! If possible please come back and finish it .... it deserves an ending...and a happy one at that. <3<3<3
vpurple #3
Chapter 12: ahh this story was so phenomenal!!! i’m so sad you guys never updated, and it’s all friend-locked on yeonah’s lj too ;; :( hope you choose to come back to this some day, thank you so much for writing <3 <3
missbb247 #4
Chapter 9: I was just wondering if you plan to update the story in the future, i'm sure your busy with life i just thought i'd ask as i can't read it on lj.
Chapter 12: Is this the last part,,,please update asap
jhecka #6
Chapter 12: is this the last chapter??
Chapter 12: Is this The end???? I saw LJ has more chapertes but I couldn't read :(((
fatimakys #8
i am willing to read this but after you finish day part -crying-
fighting !!
Chapter 5: Wow. Kyu has such amazing self control. 4 hours?? That is really something
Chapter 1: Not like most people indeed... This all seems super fast! But yes thankfully it is fast, I loved that even at chapter 1 it is all ripe with KyuSung/YeKyu goodness! Yayyyy