Blood Bond

My Vampire Angel

It was a late Friday night. Everyone had gone home from school and work to just kick back and relax, relieved for the upcoming weekends. Karam however decided to stay back in school a bit while longer to practice his dance for the upcoming show and had already informed his parents he was gonna be home a bit late. One thing you should be aware of the boy was that he wasn't normal. Karam was an angel disguised as a human who lived life like any ordinary human being except for having magical powers. Other than having really pale eyes, which he made up an excuse it being his contacts, and pale skin, his overall appearance seemed very normal, therefore making him being able to blend in with his surroundings.

Karam was alone in the dance room going through his dance steps. With the music blaring from the stereo, feeling lonely wasn't a problem. Plenty of security guards were on their night shifts so safety shouldn't be any trouble. Karam danced his heart out wanting to do well in his performance. Little did he know, he was being watched for quite some time now by a mysterious shadowy figure from outside the window. As he adjusted a move here and there, he heard the door creak open. Startled, Karam switched off the song with the remote and stared at the door. "Hello?" He asked shifting his position to see if anyone was there. Just then the cleaning lady popped in. Relieved, Karam let out a sigh and relaxed himself.

"Oh hi there Karam. Sorry if I scared you. You're still here?"

"It's ok Mrs. Yoon. And yes I'm still here for a while. I'm practicing for the upcoming show. You're not going home yet?"

"Ahh yes! It's in a few weeks I see. I'm looking forward to it." Mrs. Yoon smiled as she emptied the trashcan. "This is my last room before heading home. It's been a long day and I can't wait to get back." She placed the bin down and browsed the room. "Well this room looks pretty spotless. It doesn't seem like anyone's been in here today."

"Yeah, Mr. Park was absent and he's the only one who knows the dance routine so they decided to cancel his classes for today." Karam explained as Mrs. Yoon nodded.

"I see. Well I'm heading off now. Would you mind locking up when you're done dear?"

"Sure thing Mrs. Yoon." Karam nodded.

"Thank you Karam. See you later." Mrs. Yoon left the room as Karam waved. The boy then turned the music back on and got back to practicing. The shadow by the window quietly kept his eye on Karam closely, watching his every move. At that point, Karam felt chills go down his spine had a strange feeling like he was being watched. He abruptly switched off the music again as he whirled around to face the window but no one was there. It was quiet now. Karam could hear his own heart beat as well as his breathing as he suspiciously scanned the surroundings near the window. He could have sworn he felt someone's presence lurking nearby. Karam glanced left and right and bit his lip. He was probably just hearing things. As he turned to face the mirrors he gasped loudly to find a pale skinned boy with red and silver eyes in the reflection. "What?! Who are you!?" Karam spun around to face him.

"Hello Karam. It's nice to finally meet you." The boy said calmly, his voice making Karam shiver. Being an angel, he knew the boy wasn't human. He could sense an angel aura surrounding the boy but he didn't seem like a pure breed.

"You…you know who I am?" Karam gasped as the boy smirked lightly.

"Of course. I've been watching you for some time now. Waiting for you to be alone." Karam's eyes widened.

"What…are you talking about?"

"You see dear boy, you can tell by my appearance I am not human and I know you aren't too…you're a pure breed angel." Karam's mouth became slightly agape but he didn't say anything. The boy chuckled and took a step closer. Karam saw this and slowly took a step back, not wanting to make any sudden moves. "I've been waiting for this moment to come for a long time." The boy continued, "I was on my regular hunt when I picked up traces of angel blood and knowing there aren't many demons in the human world, I was curious and decided to check it out. That's when I came across you in the park. Don't be startled but, Karam…you're my destined angel partner." Karam felt his heart stop for a second. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What?! But I'm a guy! How can you be so sure?! There are other angels out there!"

"On the contrary, you're the last pure breed. And even if there were other angels out there, I know it's you." The boy said confidently as Karam blinked. This couldn't be happening. A random nonhuman boy appeared in the room and just told him, he was destined to be his partner. He thought his loved one was supposed to be a girl and yet this boy was telling him they were meant to be together. How was he to suddenly just say yes and trust him? "It's in your blood." The boy suddenly spoke up making Karam look up.

"My blood?" He asked as the boy nodded.

"Although we've never met I feel a strong, special connection between us." The boy inched closer as Karam backed up against the mirrors. He was trapped. The boy could sense his blood. He had to be a hybrid but Karam's brain was so jumbled up he couldn't even think straight. Karam was still flustered about the situation. It was all so sudden! He looked at the floor as he thought to himself, 'Could he really be the one?  Or is this all just a trick? He could be here and pretend to say all those things then kidnap me later but then again if he was gonna hurt me; he would have done that a long time ago. Hence he had been stalking me for who knows how long.' Karam glanced up at the pale boy, who was waiting patiently, 'Bu he IS good looking though and he seems so gentle. Maybe it won't be so bad having him as a lover…wait arghh!!'The angel was so confused and finally came to a decision. He was about to expand his wings and escape but the boy saw this and quickly cornered him. Karam felt himself being pinned underneath the stronger boy. He was too scared and bewildered to do anything.

"Look Karam, I know it's a still a shock for you but please you have to believe me." The boy gently caressed his cheek. Karam flinched slightly at his touch. It was cold but somehow warm and comforting at the same time. Oddly he felt himself leaning into his touch. The boy smiled slightly when he noticed this. "I know I'm a guy and you are too but watching you from afar all these years and seeing your true self has made me fallen in love with you. You're kind, caring, always helping others in need, silly at times but you know when to get serious." Karam's eyes were half opened, amazed as he listened. It felt as if they'd been going out for a while already; he knew so much about him. "If you weren't my destined loved one, I wouldn't go to such lengths to try and convince you.  Please trust me."

Karam who was really nervous at the moment was debating whether he should trust this strange boy or not. He looked up into his eyes and suddenly felt a strange bond with him. They were so mesmerizing and his voice; was so soft and soothing. His words made him feel so safe even though the word 'safe' was never mentioned in his speech. There was something different about this boy that made him trust him even if they've never crossed paths before. Karam sighed. "Alright. You may do what you have to do." The boy smiled upon hearing Karam's approval.

"Thank you." The boy moved his hand down to Karam's waist and pulled him closer. Karam felt himself heat up.

"What..are you doing?"

"I'm sorry. This won't take long." Karam could suddenly feel the boy breathing down his neck and gasped when he felt something sharp pierce through his skin. Karam eventually found himself going limp. Everything was getting fuzzy. He was going to pass out when he realized he didn't have the boy's name. "What's…your, name…?" Karam asked weakly through his blurry vision.

The strange boy smiled gently, "Mika."

"Mi…ka." Karam softly mumbled to himself and the last thing he saw was Mika's rare double colored eyes before he out.  

Mika flew through the dark sky carrying Karam in his arms. He looked down and smiled at the boy who was sleeping so peacefully. Such a cute one he was. Mika safely brought Karam back to his house and flew into the open window on the 2nd floor. He gently set the angel down on his bed and tucked him in. Mika took a long look at his new lover studying his features; from his soft golden hair, his smooth white complexion and finally his lush slightly parted lips. He found himself staring at Karam's pink lips for a while and bent down to kiss him softly. Mika pulled back, his gaze never leaving Karam's face. "I love you." He whispered tucking in a strand of hair behind Karam's ear. And with that he made his departure out the window. A few minutes after Mika left, Karam woke up with a somewhat sore neck.

"Ugh what..." He adjusted his vision as he glanced at his surroundings. "I'm in my room. What just happened…" Karam gasped alarmed, recalling the incident. He immediately expanded his huge feathery wings, stared at them and sighed in relief. He was still an angel. However, he felt sharp fangs hanging out of his mouth and started to have strange new blood cravings. Karam was aware he was now a hybrid. He rubbed at his aching neck and slightly creased his eyebrows still confused to how to he was made this way. Karam then glanced to the side of his bed to find a single feather with dabs of red stuff on it. He picked it up to have a closer look at it. 'Blood.' Karam thought and finally realized, Mika was a vampire, a vampire half angel. He sat there in silence, parts of the feather that were unstained. It was the softest thing he'd ever felt. Just then a familiar voice appeared in his head, 'I'll come back for you.' Karam smiled to himself. He knew it was Mika. Two words crossed his mind at that point. Karam looked out the window to find a full moon in the night sky. He could trust Mika to keep his promise for he was his companion, his lover, his Vampire Angel.  
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so this was originally supposed to be a oneshot but members on Cosmorion were curious to find out what happened next so i decided to write a sequel! (which was i had in mind after i wrote the oneshot XD ahaha)
so yes, i hope you enjoy the sequel as well! ^^

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Chapter 2: Wow~!! My vampire-Mika feels T.T the ending was SO ROMANTIC ㅠㅠ great job
Chapter 2: This was really interesting and enjoyeble to read : ))